***** Area: UTILTEXT ***** Text, ASCII, HTML, DBF editors and viewers, print utils, font managers 16ivw230.exe I-View v2.30 - Off-Line HTML Browser for Win16 16pstx10.zip PrimaSoft Text v1.00 (16-bit) - Text writing util 2col95.zip 2COL v95 - A 2 column compressed print utility for matrix printers 2paste10.zip 2Paste v1.01 - Shows text or a file list that is ready to be pasted from the clipboard to an application 30lines.zip Selector of various VGA text modes 32ivw230.exe I-View v2.30 - Off-Line HTML Browser for Win32 32pstx10.zip PrimaSoft Text v1.00 (32-bit) - Text writing util 4fs1111.zip 4FS (Four Frame System) v1.1111 - General HTML pages for e-book publishing 4html.zip 4HTML Assistant v1.0 - HTML editing tools for Win32 4lctrl.zip 4L - Control program for the HPLJ 4L Printer 4pr415.zip 4Print/4Book v4.15 - Utility for condensed printing a2pr.zip Accent Access Password Recovery v1.03 for Win95/98/NT a97pwd.zip Access97 Password Recovery Utility for Win32 abbrev24.zip ABBREVV v2.4 - Abbreviation list maintenance util for DOS abbrew24.zip ABBREVW v2.4 - Abbreviation list maintenance util for Windows abcode99.zip ABarCode v99 - Bar code add-in for MS Access'97 abg.zip A Binary God - Util to convert ASCII text to binary form ac98.zip Ascii-chart - Resident util that helps to paste ASCII chars into edited text accesspw.zip AccessPassword v1.10E - Access 95/97 Password Recovery Tool accver.zip ACCVER v1.01 - Allow to work with multiple versions of MS Access databases acehtml6.exe AceHTML PRO v6.03 - HTML Editor for Win32 acomp107.zip Accent Composer v1.07 - Accented chars entering helper for Win95/NT acplus16.zip Auto Correct Plus v1.6 - Keyboard util for Win95/98/NT that helps correct typographical errors acpr.zip Advanced Access Password Recovery v2.5 for MS Access95/97 acrodos.zip The Acrobat Reader for DOS actualsr.zip Actual Search & Replace v2.6.2 - Text string searching util for Win9x/NT aditor.zip ADITOR PRO v3.02 - Advanced text editor for Win9x/NT adobcln1.zip Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool v1.0 (for v9) adobcln2.zip Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool v2.0 (for v10/11) adobcln4.zip Adobe Reader DC and Acrobat DC Cleaner Tool v4.0 adraw125.zip AcidDraw v1.25r - ANSI/ASCII Screen Editor adscan32.zip AdScan32 - Text searching tool for Win32 advtext.zip Advanced Text Storage v1.0 - Windows application to store, edit and reuse frequently used texts ae170.zip AE - Another Editor v1.7 ae2000pr.zip Advanced Excel 2000 Password Recovery v1.11 ae95pr.zip Advanced Excel95 Password Recovery v1.20 ae97pr.zip Advanced Excel97 Password Recovery v1.23 aebex.zip Advanced eBook Explorer v1.1 - eBooks collection manager aed20.exe ANSIED v2.0 - ANSI Editor afc.zip Advanced Font Catalog v1.20 - Util to catalog all kind of font media afcomp.zip Active File Compare v1.4 for Win9x/NT/2000 - ASCII text files comparator afiutil.zip Wimpy Automated Font Installer - TTF Font Installer afr.zip Advanced Find and Replace v7.7 - Tool for Win9x-7 to search and replace text strings in TXT, DOC, XLS, HTML and PDF documents afv.exe Advanced Font Viewer v2.4 for Win32 ahc113.zip Absolute HTML Compressor v1.13 for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000 ahp.zip AlgART HTML Packer for Win32 aht10.zip Advanced HTML Toolkit v1.0 - Offline browser and text editor with HTML syntax highlighting ahtmlc30.zip Advanced HTML Coder v3.0 for Win32 - Tool to compress, optimize and encrypt HTML files akey41.zip AutoTyper v4.01 - Automatic document typer akfv31.zip akFontViewer v3.1 - Windows Font Viewer album20.zip Web Album Creator v2.0 - Photo albums for web creator align11.zip Align v1.1 - Aligns data in columns in an ASCII text files alite.zip ALITE v2.1r - Lite version of spreadsheet program AS-EASY-AS allch35.zip Allchars for Windows v3.5 - Makes the chars not found on your keyboard accessible withing Windows alpr.zip Advanced Lotus Password Recovery v2.10 altpdf.zip AlterPDF v5.1 - Free software for converting, modifying, and manipulating PDF files alwrt1.zip Anet AllWrite v1.11 - WYWISIG editor for creating HTML pages ami2wd.zip AmiPro v3.0 Conversion Utility to MS Word 7.0 File Format ampr.zip Advanced Money Password Recovery v1.0 ampr100.zip Accent Money Password Recovery v1.00 - MS Money files password recovering utility an2as03.zip ANS2ASC v0.3 - ANSI 2 ASCII Converter an3dvr12.zip Anfy 3D v1.2 for Win9x/NT - 3D effects for use in web pages anfy210e.exe Anfy v2.1 for Win9x/NT - Special Java applets based effects for web pages anote123.exe Another Notepad v1.23 - Windows Text Editor anote95.exe Another Notepad v1.23.32 - Win32 Text Editor ansi2asc.zip ANSI 2 ASCII Text Converter v1.20 ansiv110.zip ANSI Graphics Visualiser v1.1 antiword.zip Antiword v0.33 - DOS application to display and/or convert MS Word document to ASCII text file anvi10.rar Anvi v1.0 - ANSI Viewer for DOS/OS2/Win32 ao20pr_p.zip Advanced Office 2000 Password Recovery v1.20 Pro ao20pr_s.zip Advanced Office 2000 Password Recovery v1.20 ao95pr.zip Advanced Office 95 Password Recovery v1.11 ao97pr.zip Advanced Office 97 Password Recovery v1.33 aopb.zip Advanced Office Password Breaker v3.0 aopr.zip Advanced Office Password Recovery v4.12 aoxpp20.zip Advanced Office XP Password Recovery v2.40 Pro aoxps20.zip Advanced Office XP Password Recovery v2.40 apdfpr.zip Advanced PDF Password Recovery v1.60 apdfprp.zip Advanced PDF Password Recovery Pro v5.03 aplus404.zip ANSI PLUS v4.04 - Console driver for MSDOS/Win3/Win'95 apo.zip Abacre Paperless Office v1.0 - Paperless office file database apsw.zip ASCII Paint v1.4 - Win32 util for drawing ASCII pictures apxpr.zip Advanced Paradox Password Recovery v1.0 ar813en.exe Acrobat Reader v8.13 for WinXP/Vista ar950en.exe Acrobat Reader v9.5.0 for Windows XP-7 ar1014en.exe Acrobat Reader v10.1.4 for Windows XP-7 ar11010e.exe Acrobat Reader v11.0.10 for Windows XP-7 acrodc17.exe Acrobat Reader DC 17.009.20044 for Windows 7-10 acrodc18.exe Acrobat Reader DC 18.011.20055 for Windows 7-10 acrodc19.exe Acrobat Reader DC 19.021.20058 for Windows 7-10 acrodc20.exe Acrobat Reader DC 20.013.20064 for Windows 7-10 acrodc21.exe Acrobat Reader DC 21.001.20140 for Windows 7-10 arach_32.exe Arachnophilia v5.5 - HTML editor with internal browser arch3000.exe Archivarius 3000 v4.79 - Full-text searching tool arspedup.zip Acrobat Reader Speedup v1.34 arv111.zip A Real Validator - HTML/XHTML Syntax Checker for Win9x/NT/2000 asa57.zip AS-EASY-AS v5.7 - Spreadsheet program for DOS asahlp.zip AS-EASY-AS Help file asawin95.exe AS-EASY-AS v1.60ac for Win95-XP - Spreadsheet program asc10.zip ASC v1.0 - ASCII Code Finder aschtm50.zip ASC TO HTM v5.0 - Text files to HTML converter for Win9x/NT/2K ascii350.zip ASCII Table Resident Viewer v3.50 asciia11.zip ASCII Art v1.1 - Creates ASCII Screens asciic18.zip ASCII Convert v1.8 - ASCII files processor asciid31.zip ASCII DRAW v3.1 ascrtf20.zip AscToRTF Conversion Tool v2.0 asctab40.zip AscToTab v4.0 - Text files to HTML/RTF format conversion tool askey121.zip Resident ASCII table askw.zip AS Keywords Generator v1.07 - Create search keywords for given HTML page astro.zip AstroHelp v1.11 for WinWord v.6,7 - Add-on for developing Windows Help files asutype.zip AS-U-TYPE v1.2 - Tool for Win32 to increase typing productivity aswit.zip ACESOFT SUBLIMATE WRITING INTO TEXT for DOS/Win - ASC2 normaliser/HTML address extractor atcomp18.zip Compare v1.8 - ASCII files comparator ath_hwr1.zip HaCKeR style text reader/maker atps200.zip AT Paster v2.00 - Typing Support & Clipboard Management Util for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 ats102.zip Advanced Text Storage - Windows application to store, edit and restore frequently used texts via clipboard auhtml72.zip AUTOHTML v7.2 - Text 2 HTML Convertor aur8630c.zip Aurora v3.0c - 286 executable auror30c.zip Aurora v3.0c - Powerful Text Editor for DOS autogrep.zip Autogrep - Menu driven grep-like utility autins34.zip AutoInsult v3.4 - Insult generator for Win9x/NT autotxt3.zip AutoText v1.3 - TXT 2 EXE Converter avd-436.zip ACID View v4.36 - ANSI, RIP & GIF Viewer aview20.zip ANSI View v2.0 - 32-bit ANSI Viewer aw065b.zip Art Worx v0.65 (Beta) - ANSI Editor aw2000pr.zip Advanced Word 2000 Password Recovery v1.11 aw95pr.zip Advanced Word95 Password Recovery v1.20 aw97pr.zip Advanced Word97 Password Recovery v1.23 awopr.zip Advanced WP Office Password Recovery v1.33 awppr10.zip Advanced WordPerfect Password Recovery v1.0 awrdpr.zip Accent Word Password Recovery v1.0 - Util for recovering password to MS Word 6-9 documents aws35.zip AWS v3.5 - ASCII drawing tool axgdc.zip AXGDC v1.0 - NG compatible compiler/linker aypad12.zip AYPad v1.2 - Notepad replacement ayps11.zip AYPaste v1.1 - Util for pasting text into application incl. WWW browsers barcode.zip Barcode generator for PCL*-based printers batchcnv.zip BATCHCNV - Utility to VIEW program batchprn.zip Batch & Print Pro v1.36 - Tool for batch printing of defined documents batcon10.zip BATCON v1.0 - A collection of batch files for text format conversions (ASCII,HTML,NG,HLP,RTF,DOC...) bav121.zip Binary ANSI Viewer v1.21 bbgrep12.zip Blackboard Grep 32 for Win95/NT - Text string search utility bdbfs127.zip BDBFS v1.27 - DBF Editor for xBase Professionals bdbfs127.rar BDBFS v1.27 - DBF Editor for xBase Professionals (in Russian) bccdiz13.zip BCC-DIZ v1.3 DIZ Files Displayer for Win32 bcmag200.zip Barcode Magic v2.0 - Util for the creation of barcodes bes200.zip BES v2.00 - Binary External Sort for DOS/OS2 by SEN bfg-cans.zip CANsi Tools v0.01 alfa - Crunched ANSI Tools bgasci13.zip bg_ascii v1.32 - Interactive ASCII Graphic Tool bhm119.zip Bhaum v1.19 - TXT/HTML editor and RTF Viewer for Win32 biblio1.zip Philip Stone's Bibliography Pro 2000 for Win95 - Biblio writer big500.zip BIGECHO v5.00 - Displays large chars on screen big5view.zip Big5View v1.5 - BIG5 Chinese text reader for Windows bigtxt33.zip BigText v3.3 - Electronic Books Creator bintext.zip BinText v2.04 - A file text scanner bkmrk11a.zip BookMark Keeper v1.1 - Documents bookmarks creator blf10.zip Blank Line Fix v1.0 - Blank lines from text files remover for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 bmstr25.zip Browser Master v2.5 - Win32 tool for Web page developers bnr500.zip Banner 5.00 - Create large banner using ASCII printer boxer75a.zip BOXER/DOS v7.5a - Text Editor for DOS boxer130.exe BOXER fow Windows v13.0 - Text Editor for Win95-Vista boxer140.exe BOXER for Windows v14.0 - - Text Editor for Win9x-7 bszr15.zip Browser Sizer v1.5 - Web developers helper bx60.zip Brief Extension Macro Package (BX) v6.0 bxos275c.zip BOXER/OS2 v7.5c - Text Editor for OS/2 breeze56.zip Breeze v5.6 - Word processor and text editor brght092.zip Screen Bright v0.91beta - B&W Monitor brightness control brkwin10.exe Brick for Windows v1.0 - Request/response program that displays all possible permutations from vocabulary of a given ARRAY OF CHARS brzwin15.zip Breeze for Windows v1.5 - Complete Text System for Windows bss150.zip Bunch's String Search Utility v1.50 btype20.zip Banana Type v2.0 - ANSI Viewer bukvice.zip Russian Font Driver burti600.zip BURTI - Latvian keyboard and EGA/VGA screen driver for DOS byteb122.zip ByteBoy'99 - Source File to MS-Excel Sheet Converter calib148.msi Calibre v1.48.0 for Win32 - E-book manager calbx148.msi Calibre v1.48.0 for Win64 - E-book manager calib285.msi Calibre v2.85.1 for Win32 - E-book manager calbx285.msi Calibre v2.85.1 for Win64 - E-book manager calib348.msi Calibre v3.48.0 for Win32 - E-book manager calbx348.msi Calibre v3.48.0 for Win64 - E-book manager calib423.msi Calibre v4.23.0 for Win32 - E-book manager calbx423.msi Calibre v4.23.0 for Win64 - E-book manager calib512.msi Calibre v5.12.0 for Win32 - E-book manager calbx512.msi Calibre v5.12.0 for Win64 - E-book manager calvin23.zip CALVIN v2.3 - Clone of UNIX vi screen editor castog60.zip Case Toggler v6.0 - Command line text converter ccc.rar CCC v1.00 - Czech special codes convertor for DOS ccdf.zip Convert comma-delimited data to columnar data ccgrep.zip CCGrep for Windows 95/NT cclr311.zip ClipClear v3.1.1 - Windows clipboard clear utility ccmdr_i.zip Color Commander v1.1A plus - VGA color palette utils ccp-23.zip Change Code Page - Win9x/NT util for Croatian char conversion cdbf223e.zip CDBF v2.23 - DBF Viewer & Editor (the last 16-bit version) cdbf_dos.zip CDBF v2.99.02 for DOS/32 - DBF Viewer & Editor cdbf_win.zip CDBF v2.99.02 for Win32 - DBF Viewer & Editor cdbf_lnx.tgz CDBF v2.99.02 for Linux - DBF Viewer & Editor cdbfapi.zip CDBFAPI.DLL v1.15 - Set of functions for work with the files of DBF format cdbfinfo.zip CDBFinfo v1.00 - Add-on to Windows Explorer cdbflbsd.zip CDBF Lite v1.03 for FreeBSD - DBF Viewer cdbflcgi.zip CDBF Lite v1.14 for Linux (shared) - DBF Viewer cdbflcgs.zip CDBF Lite v1.14 for Linux (static) - DBF Viewer cdbfldos.zip CDBF Lite v1.15 for DOS/32 - DBF Viewer cdbflos2.zip CDBF Lite v1.14 for OS/2 - DBF Viewer cdbflrex.zip CDBF Lite v1.14 for OS/2 (DLL for REXX) - DBF Viewer cdbflw32.zip CDBF Lite v1.15 for Win32 - DBF Viewer cdbfshel.zip CDBFShell v1.01 - Add-on to Windows Explorer cdbfw.zip CDBF for Windows v2.40 (without installator) - DBF Viewer & Editor cdbfwgui.zip CDBF for Windows v2.40 (with installator) - DBF Viewer & Editor cdbook.zip Cd-Book - CD-ROM booklet creator cdboxp13.zip CD Box Labeler Pro for Win95/98/NT - Laberer program for CD Jewel Case & CD, Floppy & ZIP Labels ce363.zip CMEditor v3.63 - Text Editor cekit20.zip Central European Starter Kit v2.0 - Everything you need to use CE langs in Office, Web browsers and E-mail progs under Windows cfind22.zip CFIND v2.2 - Text Search Util charw110.zip CharWatch v1.10 - Printer & Screen Character Manipulator chenhu20.zip Shareware Windows programs for Chinese language support chkdbf.rar DBF-file checker v1.4 for DOS chkweb11.zip CheckWeb v1.1 - HTML links analyser chm2wb91.zip chm2web v9.1 - HTML Help Conversion Utility chm30.zip Charmaper v3.0 - Utility for font character map viewing chmdecmp.exe CHM Decompiler v1.50 - CHM files decompilation tool chmpdf.zip CHM2PDF Pilot v2.00 - CHM to PDF conversion tool chmppro.zip Character Map Pro v1.81 for Win32 chrfrq23.zip CHRFRQ v2.3 - Count Character Frequencies in Text File chrwks22.zip Character Workshop v2.2 for Windows chyfo171.zip Chyfo v1.7.1 - ODBC-accessible database to text file converter for Win9x/NT/2000 cin-ct13.zip Cinogen's Cool Text Convertor v1.13 ckd!106.zip Cyrillic Keyboard Driver v1.06 clean102.zip Cleaner v1.02 - Unwanted chars cleaner in a text pasted to clipboard clip11.zip 101 Clippings - Allows to save text clippings for future use clip240.zip ClipWatcher v2.40 - Clip trapper clip2txt.zip CLIP2TXT v1.0a - Copy the Windows Clipboard to a File clipcase.zip ClipCase - Text formatter in the system clipboard clipedit.zip ClipEditor v2.5 - Windows clipboard manager cliptxt.zip ClipTxt - Win95/98 program that stores texts and call them back via clipboard clipvu13.zip Blackboard Clipvu for Win95/NT - View/print/save the text in your clipboard cliptx20.zip Cliptext v2.0 - Access commonly used texts fast! clrizer.zip HTML Colorizer v1.0 cm32.zip CM32 v2.6.0.9 - Resident Foreign Characters Map for Win9x/NT cnt500.zip Count v5.00 - Char, word and line counter in txt file cntchrs.zip Count Characters - Character Counter by Funduc cnvrt11.zip Convert It v1.1 - Croatian national char set converter cnvtxtwp.zip CNVTXTWP v1.1 - ASCII text file into a WP 5.1 converter cod1_4.zip Codepage Translator v1.5 - Russian chars converter code39.zip Code39 TrueType Barcode Font v1.00 codedig2.zip Code Digger v2.0 - Text searcher for Win95/NT coder2.zip Cyrillic Recoder for Win95 codeview.zip Mihov Code Viewer - Text files / source code browser col.zip COL v1.2 - A command to set colour and text screen size col_prt9.zip Print a text file in 2, 3 or 4 columns using compressed mode color.zip The Color Machine - HTML Color Picker v1.1 colpick.zip Utility to select HTML color codes in Hex coltyp11.zip COLTYP v1.1 - Hi-Color Text Typer column.zip Column-Row Guides v1.2 - Tool to adjustment of column or row data column23.zip COLUMNS v2.3 - Text Column Layout And Page/Line Number Filter combine.zip COMBINE - Add on batchjob utility for Ralf Brown's Interrupt List compv12.zip CompView - Text files viewer using compressed characters conv11.zip Converter v1.1 - Text file conversion program for Windows convert.zip Convert - Russian codepage converter for Windows NT convert2.zip Convert - Tool for converting UNIX text files (TXT,HTML) to Windows format converte.zip HTML Converter Macro v1.1 - HTML 2 Winword doc macro conv. convr911.zip CONVERT v9.11 - Converts between data formats (DBF,ASCII...) convtx23.zip Convert v2.3 - Convert text formats (HTML,RTF,TXT) for Win coolhtml.zip CoolHTML v1.5.1 - Web pages generator for Win95/98/Me copytext.zip CopyText v2.0 - Text copy to clipboard and Windows manipulator copywrit.exe CopyWriter v3.01 for Win9x-XP - General purpose text editor country.zip COUNTRY - Util to get/set DOS country settings countryx.zip David Aylott's Country Database for MS Access courea13.zip Couch Reader v1.3 - Big Letter Displaying ASCII Texts cp500.zip Cut and paste v5.00 - capture part of screen to file cpast221.zip Cut and Paste in text mode cpc202.zip CodePrint for C/C++ v2.02 - Source code reformatter/printer cpcheck.zip Code Page Identifier v0.5 cpg27.exe Cool Page v2.7 - HTML Editor for Win32 cpi303.zip CPI v3.03 - Analyzer and extractor for DOS codepage files cpl20.zip ConvPL v2.00 - Convertor of Polish national characters crdtot10.zip CRD format to text converter v1.0 (in German) cread217.zip Read v2.17 - A Text Browser crmpvw10.zip CharMap Viewer v1.0 for Win32 csfnt710.zip CrossFont v7.10 - Windows tool to convert MAC/PC fonts codrip10.zip CodeRip v1.0 - HTML source code ripper cp15en.zip Cyberprinter v1.5 - Printing processes logging tool crunchie.zip Crunchie v1.4.2 - HTML Compressor crvrt25.zip CRovert v2.5 - Croatian national char set converter csdiff50.zip CSDiff v5.0 - Text file difference analyser for Win95/NT cse6.exe CSE HTML Validator Professional v6.00 - Tool to check validity of HTML syntax csrepl40.zip Criline Search and Replace - Text/binary files string replacer csrom.zip CSROM v1.21 - Shadow RAM Latin II / Kamenicky driver csvcnv.zip Advanced CSV Converter v5.15 for Windows csved256.exe CSVed v2.5.6 - Tool to view and manipulate CSV files csvpad12.zip CSVPad v1.2 - A portable CSV editor for Windows ct_4.zip CT rel.4 - Character Toggler for Text Files ctc.zip Connective Text Clipboard v1.1 - Util to store and reuse frequently used snippets of text cut500.zip CUT v5.00 - Cut extracts sections of text by columns from file cutwidth.zip CutWidth - Trims the width of text cview300.zip CVIEW v3.00 - Fast file viewer for DOS cyrkb30.zip Cyrillic Keyboard v3.0 - Cyrillic Keyboard Layouts for Windows cyrkit40.zip Cyrillic Starter Kit v4.0 - Cyrillic Fonts/Keyboard for Win95/NT/3.1 d2h101.zip DBF2HTML v1.01 - DBF to HTML Converter daedit21.zip Daily Edit v2.1 - Text editor for Windows dataview.zip DATAVIEW v0.42 - ODBC Explorer, Commander and dBase III View/Edit for Win98-Vista davince.zip DaVince Tools v2.0 - Group of applications for Win9x/NT/2000 to create PDF files db2htm16.zip DBF2HTML Pro v1.0 - DBF 2 HTML Converter db2html.zip Db2Html v4.1b for Win32 - DBF to HTML Converter db3scn14.zip DB3SCN v1.4 - dBase III Screen Program or Format Generator dbed1934.zip dBed Pro v1.93 beta4 - Russian DBF Viewer/Editor (NC-like) dbed20.zip TSE macro to edit dBase databases dbf_conv.arj DBF File Converter from Kamenicky to Windows character set dbf_view.zip DBVIEW v0.22 - DBASE III files viewer/editor for Win9x/NT dbf2dat.zip DBF2DAT v1.1 - DBASE files to TXT converter dbf2dat2.zip DBF2DAT - DBF to text files convertor dbf2txt.zip DBF2TXT Converter v6.1 dbfcnv.exe DBF Converter v1.10 - DBF to XML/CSV/HTML... format converter dbfcnv.zip DBF Converter v5.71 for Windows dbfix315.zip DBF Structure Fixer v3.15 dbfpck11.exe DBF View and DBF Creator for Win95 (in Croatian) dbfrec.zip DBF Recovery v2.47.2 for Windows dbfv2_33.zip DBFVIEW v2.33 - Database viewer and editor for DOS dbfview.exe DBFViewer 2000 v7.47 for Windows dbfview1.zip DbfView v1.04 for Win95/98 dbfview5.zip Multi DBF Viewer for Windows v5.0 dbldbl12.zip DOUBLE v1.2 - Text File Comparator dbm113c.zip DBM v1.13c - Database Manager for DOS dbt111.zip dTAB v1.11 - Makes ASCII report from DBF file dbview.zip DBVIEW v1.21 - DBF viewer for Total Commander file manager dbviewer.zip DBViewer - Database Viewer / Editor for Windows dbviewsm.zip DBView SM v1.5 - Russian DBF Viewer dc054dos.zip Universal Russian Codepage DeCoder v0.54c for DOS dc054win.zip Universal Russian Codepage DeCoder v0.54c for Win9x/NT dconvert.zip DataFile Converter v2.0 - DBF/Access/Datafile format converter dcrit95.zip Diacrit v2.0 - Win95 util for access to accented characters de-html.zip D-HTML - HTML 2 Text Converter for DOS decode.zip Cyrilics char-set converter dedup11.zip DEDUP v1.1 - Duplicate lines remover dedupe13.zip Removes Duplicate Lines Anywhere dejava.zip DeJAVA - Byte code files disassembler desknote.zip CS Desktop Notes for Win95/98/NT detagger.zip De-tagger v1.0 - HTML to text convertor dfc.zip DOS Fine Colors - Palette Editor dfprn.exe DefPrin v1.71 - Tool for checking the default printer dg52.zip Data-Grep rel.52 - UNIX-like extended GREP utility dheedt18.zip DHE v1.8 - The Web Code Editor for Win32 dida172.zip DiDa v1.72 - HTML Editor didapro.zip DiDaPro v2.50 - HTML Editor for Win32 dipro32.zip DiDaPro v2.50a - HTML Editor for Win16 dirdb14i.zip Displays info about DBF files dirhtml.zip Dirhtml v4.57 - Crates index.html file from a directory list diz10.zip DIZ v1.0 - File_id.diz Viewer diz100.zip DizMaker v1.00 - FILE_ID.DIZ Editor diz2exe.zip DIZ2EXE for Win95/98/NT v1.0 - Screen page text file to EXE converter dizdir30.zip DIZDIR v3.0b - Creates file listings from DIZ in archives dized50c.zip DIZEDIT v5.0c - DIZ file editor dizrvd15.zip DizRevue for DOS v1.50 - Vendinfo.Diz file viewer djvuvwer.exe DjVu Viewer - Small .djvu file reader for Windows dl103.zip Double Lister v1.03 - File Viewer for DOS dls017.zip Duplicate (tag)line stripper v0.17 dn11301.zip Dana Text Editor v1.13 for Win32 dnot19.zip NotGNU v1.9 - Text editor doc2html.zip DOC 2 HTML Converter (VB macro written) doc2txt.zip Slice MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint documents docc210.zip Doc Compiler v2.1 - Gathers picture files into a html document docempty.zip DocEmpty - Clears documents folder in Win95 start menu docmech.zip DocMechanic v2.0 - Tool to recover damaged Word documents docpdf.zip Document 2 PDF Pilot v1.2 - TXT/RTF/HTML/DOC/... to PDF format converter docretrv.zip Document Retrieval for Win9x/NT - Text in indexed files finder docvu31.zip DocView v3.1 - Document Viewer for Windows docv52.zip DocView v5.2 - Document Viewer for Win95 dos_font.zip DosFont v2.0 - Custom Font Driver dosappfn.zip Enhanced DOS application fonts for Windows doscli30.zip DOS Clip - Clipboard for DOS exp/imp to Win dosclr15.zip DOS prompt color changer doscvt27.zip DOS Converter v2.7 - DOS/UNIX text file converter dosfon.zip DOSFON - New DOS Fonts for Windows dosft220.zip DOSFONT v2.20 - DOS font changer dospdf.zip DOSPDF v0.11 - Set of utilities to read PDF files under DOS dosprint.zip DOSPrint v3.3 - Epson matrix printer emulator under Windows dosprn.exe DOSPRN v1.85 - Program enabling to print from DOS apps under Windows dosrus.zip Russian Font Driver / Recoder for DOS double17.zip Double v1.7 - Text File Comparing Utility dox200d.zip DOX v2.00 - RTF/TXT/HTML Converter for DOS dragvu13.zip Drag And View Gold v1.00 for Windows 3.1 drform33.zip Dr.Form v3.21 - Form Creator/Editor/Printer drgtxt20.zip DragText v2.0 - Drag and drop text utility drops.zip DROPS - Int1c Resident for Character Falling Effect with src drume21.zip DRUME v2.1 - Data recovery util for MS Excel files dsfonts.zip Collection of DOS fonts dskjet10.zip Deskjet v1.0 - Lets you find which ink nozzles are congested dsr10.zip Duplicate String Remover v1.0 - UTil that removes duplicate strings (lines) in a long list of strings dtamas33.zip Data Master v3.3 - dBase files Editor dtfl202.zip Data File v2.02 - Software to create form & database apps dtb500.zip DETAB v5.00 - Converts tabs to spaces dtnotes.zip dtNotes v3.0 - Virtual post-it notes dublk10.zip DupBlock v1.0 - Text duplication tool for Win32 dupli.zip Dupli Find v1.1 - Duplicate lines in text files searching util dv95.exe Drag And View v4.x for Win'95/NT dw1212.exe Demo Workshop v1.2b12 - Demo/Tutorial Maker dwhtml20.zip DarekWare HTML Author v2.0 - HTML Editor dxl31.zip DesignExpress for Labels v1.14 - 16bit version dxl95111.zip DesignExpress for Labels v1.14 - 32bit version dz2csv15.zip DIZ2CSV v1.50 - VENDINFO-to-database Converter dzperl58.exe DzSoft Perl Editor v5.8 - Perl CGI scripts editor for Win32 dzphp42.exe DzSoft PHP Editor v4.2 - PHP language editor for Win32 e_fonts.zip EuroFonts 2001 - Collection of Multilingual Unicode True Type fonts for Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP e_fonty.exe EuroFonty 2000 for Win95/98/NT - Collection of Multilingual Unicode TrueType fonts easybk26.zip EasyBook v2.6 - The Electronic Book Creator easycsss.zip Easy CSS Scroller for Win32 easyh130.zip Easy Home Page v1.3 - HTML editor for Windows easyhtml.zip Easy As HTML for Win95 - HTML editor easypdf.exe Easy PDF - WYSIWYG PDF editor for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 easytype.zip EasyType v1.3 - Windows util that automatically complete words when writing texts in any text editor easywr30.zip EasyWrite v3.0 - Simple freeware word processor for Win32 ebookmrk.zip Electronic Bookmark - Tool to trace the page number of an electronic book ep34.exe EasyPad v3.4 - Czech shareware HTML Editor for Win95/NT ecm.zip Extended Character Map v1.41 - Char map software for Win9x/NT ecopad26.zip Ecopad Text Editor v2.60 - Windows editor enabling condensed text printing - 16bit version ecpd324a.zip Ecopad Text Editor v4.11 - 32bit version ed2516.zip Editeur v2.5 - Text editor for Windows 3.1 edit12.zip Edit! v1.2 - Text editor for DOS editeu53.zip Editeur v5.3.4 - Text editor for Windows 9x-XP eda351ed.zip EDA v3.51 - Large ASCII Files Editor edit44.zip Swift Programmers Editor v4.4 for NC/VC editd25.zip EDITD v2.5 - Text file editor for Windows editor.zip Fancy Editor v1.0 - Fast text editor for Win95 editp157.zip EditPro v1.57 - Win9x/Me/NT/2000 Text Editor for Professionals editpad.zip EditPad v3.x - Windows NotePad Replacement editv41u.zip EDITV v4.1 - Text file editor with Borland Turbo Vision edp401.zip DOS Text Editor v4.01 from Croatia edthtm12.zip Edithtml.inf for Win95 v1.2 - Adds Edit function to the right click menu of an HTML file edtlw320.zip EDTECH Editor for Technical Graphics v3.2 for Win95/98/NT efontd20.zip Easy Fonts v2.0 for DOS - Any to CHR font format converter efontw30.zip Easy Fonts v3.0 for Win - TrueType Fonts to CHR font converter ehtml.exe Enhanced HTML v4.4.70 - Full featured WYSIWYG web pages editor with built-in FTP client for Win98-XP eject13.zip EJECT v1.3 - Sends Form Feed Char to LPT1 Printer elp_100.zip Easy Label Printer v1.0 - Envelope labels printing tool em4w121.zip E-Mage for Web v1.2 - Image galleries generator emp079c.zip Empathy ANSI Editor v0.79 pre enh_5_7.zip Enhanced Font Driver v5.7- Russian, Ukr. etc. font drivers enhnp11.zip Enhanced Notepad v1.1 env416.zip Envelopes Plus v4.16 - Envelopes and labels printing program envelp60.zip Envelope Printer v6.0 for Win9x/NT/2000 envelwiz.zip Envelope Wizard - Util for envelopes printing envpnt.zip Envelope Printer for Win eoedit.zip EoEdit v0.98 - Windows Text Editor eol.zip Change End-Of-Line marks (DOS/UNIX text converter) epp212.exe EditPlus Text Editor v2.12 for HTML, ASP, Perl, C/C++ and Java epp500.exe EditPlus Text Editor v5.00 for HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, Perl, C/C++, Java, JavaScript and VBScript (32-bit) eppx500.exe EditPlus Text Editor v5.00 for HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, Perl, C/C++, Java, JavaScript and VBScript (64-bit) epson10.zip EPSON printer codes from an input file to PS converter epstl308.zip EPSTOOL v3.08 - Create or extract preview bitmaps in EPS files ept3.zip Edwin's Power Tools for Excel 2002/2000/97 v3.5 - MS Excel Enhancements Package eqprv10.zip EqnPreview v1.0 - TeX Equation Previewer erudite.zip Erudite v1.5 - Spellchecker wordlist ripper espan22.zip ESPAN v2.2 - Spanish keyboard driver etext302.zip EasyText v3.0.2 - Plain and Rich Text Editor for W9x/NT etext410.zip The Electronic Text Publishing System v4.10 etvwr200.zip ETextViewer v2.00 - Freeware electronic text viewer for Win9x euro.zip Euro-Symbol for MS Word (TTF) eurochck.zip EuroChecker - Tool for checking Windows for Euro symbol support evafont.zip EVAfont v3.05 - Font keeper eve.zip Extreme Viewer and Editor - Color text file editor/viewer evpfont.zip 8x19 fonts for FAR file manager ew104.zip Easy Word v10.4 - Word Processor ewriter.zip eWriter - Duplex E-mail typing machine examin32.exe Examine32 v4.60 - Text search utility for Win98-Vista examn200.zip Examine v2.00 - Text search utility for Win3.1 excldiff.zip ExcelDiff v2.1 - Tool for comparison of Excel files excrak3.exe Excrak3 Password Recovery for Excel exted15.zip EXTEDIT v1.5 - Vernon Buerg's List related utility exthtm10.zip Ext-HTML v1.0 - HTML Code Generator for Win9x/NT exzip200.zip ExamineZip v2.00 - Text within ZIP's search util for Win ezedit20.zip EZEDIT v2.0 - 4K line-oriented full-screen text editor for DOS ezhtml20.zip EZ-HTML Edit v2.0 - HTML editor ezlabel.zip Easy Personal Labels v2.5 - Label print utility for Win95/98 ezy300.zip Easy Help/Web v3.0c - Hypertext Authoring System for Word 6/7/97 f2h100.zip f2h v1.00 - FILES.BBS to HTML Converter faqge130.zip FAQ Genie v1.30 - Website FAQ manager faqwrite.zip FAQ Writer v1.0 - FAQ documents creation utility farhh32.zip FAR HTML Help v3.2 - HTML Help creation util for Win9x/NT/2K fastedit.zip FastEdit v2.0 - Simple text editor for Win95/98/NT fasttext.zip FastText v1.3.1 - Texts strings pasting utility fbw.zip HTML Font and Body Tag Wizard v1.0 fc10e.zip File Convert v1.0 - ASCII/ANSI,EBCDIC Converter fcoder54.zip FCODER v5.04 - Russian text file recoder fcp50.exe Font Creator v5.0 for Win32 fdc-105.zip F-DCRYPT v1.05 - Word 6.0-7.0a Document Password Recovery Util fdg111.zip FigDOS-GUI - Interface for FIGlet program fdump11.zip FDUMP v1.1 - Hex/ASCII dump file to standard output fduplins.zip FDUPLINS v1.00 - Text File Duplicate Line Deleter fe.zip Font Editor v1.00 from Russia fed117.zip Forms Editor and Printer v1.17 by MicroFox fed223.zip FED v2.23 - Folding Text Editor - Windows executable & src fed224b.zip FED v2.24 - Folding Text Editor - DOS Executable fed224s.zip FED v2.24 - Folding Text Editor - Source code fedit12.zip The Font Editor v1.2 ffs100.zip Fast Font Set v1.0 - Font Selector for Win32 fgrep184.zip Fast Grep v1.84 figdos22.zip FIGlet v2.2 - Large characters creator fileid21.zip Fileid v2.1 - File description lister fileid4i.zip Fileid v4.0 - Freeware FILEID util fileview.zip Text File Viewer v1.0 - Freeware filter10.zip Filter for text files v1.0 (DOS) filter40.zip FILTER v4.0 - Multi-purpose text filter filterer.zip Text Filterer v1.6 - Full text search utility for Windows fin-calc.zip FIN-CALC - MS Excel Financial Calculator finder37.zip FINDER v3.7 - Text string searching utility findinco.zip Find in Context v1.0 - TXT/HTML Smart Text Finder findpsw.zip Find Password Protected Documents v4.0 findx.zip Search any type of files for text patterns fixtx911.zip FIXTEXT v9.11 - Text Converter fixtxt.zip Util to filter text documents and provide an ASCII compliant output fkdos11.zip FONTKAT v1.1 - Builds font catalogs for WP 6.1 & 6.0/DOS fkwin21.zip FONTKAT/WIN v2.1 - Builds font catalogs in WP/WIN 8,7 32-bit fl2csv02.zip Filelist.txt to CSV file converter flt10w95.zip Filter for text files v1.0 (Win95) fltrpack.zip Pack of Text Filters for TextPipe Utility flxtnt11.zip FlexText v1.1 - Print Utility for Windows'95 flxtw11.zip FlexText v1.1 - Print Utility for Windows 3.1 fm136.zip ADing Font Manager v1.36 fmang230.zip Font Man v2.30 - Font manager for Windows fmore13.zip FMORE v1.3 - Fast MORE.COM replacement fn23.zip TrueType Font Namer v2.3 for Windows fntedit3.zip Font Editor III for DOS fntfnd32.zip Font Finder 32 v5.95 - Font browser for Win9x/NT/2000 fntlst12.exe FontList v1.2 for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 fntprt32.zip Font Printer v2.4 - Windows Font Previewer fntshw95.zip FontShow95 - Font Preview for Win95 font.zip Font Collection by Stefan Peichl font10.zip FontPro v1.0a - Font Lister fontbrow.zip Font-browser v1.1 for Win32 fontc.zip FontC v1.2 - Util that displays screen fonts fontch21.zip FontChart v2.1 - Symbol-fonts browser for Win95/NT fonte101.zip FontEzy v1.01 - Nifty font special effect generator for W95/NT fonted15.zip FontEdit v1.5 - Text Graphic Font Editor fonter70.zip OSOSOFT's Fonter v7.0 - Font viewing/management for Win fontexpr.zip FontExpert v5.0 for Win95-XP - TrueType, OpenType, Adobe Type 1 and raster fonts manager fontf595.zip Font Finder v5.95 for Win95/98/NT - Font manager fontfile.zip FONT FILE v1.1b - View and print a sorted list of fonts fontliss.zip FONTLIST v4.0 - Win95/NT lister of fonts used in document fontlk37.zip FontLook v3.7 - Win95/98/NT font manager fontmg10.zip FontMagic v1.0 - Font Manager for Win95/98/NT fontoman.zip Collection of free fonts by Fontomania fontpage.zip FontPage v2.0.3 - Font examining and comparing util fontrama.zip Font-o-Rama v2.0 - Word97 template to generate a sample of all the fonts on your computer fonts104.zip Font Sorter v1.04 fontshow.zip FontShow 2000 v3.6 - TrueType font viewer fonttab.zip FONTTAB - Windows font viewer and installer from Poland fontv10.zip Alpha SF Software Font Viewer v1.0 for Win32 fontv381.zip AMP Font Viewer v3.81 for Win32 fontvie2.zip FontViewer for Win32 - Freeware fontview.rar FontView v1.00 - .SFT & .BFT file viewer fontview.zip Watson's Font Viewer for Win32 font_sel.zip Font Builder Program forchr50.exe Foreign Characters v5.0 - Util for writing various non-English characters to edited documents formik.exe Formik v2.13 - Intl. version of Slovak form filler for Win32 formpilt.zip Form Filler Pilot v1.94 for Win9x-XP - Form filler fnprhelp.zip FinePrint Help file in PDF format fnprnt95.exe FinePrint 2000 for Win9x/Me Build 83 - Enhanced Printing Utility fnprnten.exe FinePrint 2000 for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 Build 83 Enterprise Version for Network users - Enhanced Printing Utility fnprntnt.exe FinePrint 2000 for WinNT/2000 Build 83 - Enhanced Printing Utility fnpr95sk.zip FinePrint 2000 for Win9x/Me Build 83 Slovak Edition - Enhanced Printing Utility fnprensk.zip FinePrint 2000 for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 Build 83 Enterprise Version Slovak Edition - Enhanced Printing Utility fnprntsk.zip FinePrint 2000 for WinNT/2000 Build 83 Slovak Edition - Enhanced Printing Utility foxitrdr.exe Foxit Reader v10.1.1 Clean - PDF documents reader for Win fp585.exe FinePrint v5.85 for Win95-Vista fp585x64.exe FinePrint v5.85 for WinXP/Vista 64-bit fpe585.exe FinePrint v5.85 for WinNT/2000/XP/2003 (Server edition) fp585sk.exe FinePrint v5.85 for Win95-Vista (Slovak) fpe585sk.exe FinePrint v5.85 Server edition (Slovak) fp625.exe FinePrint v6.25 for Win2000-7 fp625se.exe FinePrint v6.25 Server Edition for Win2003/2008 Server fp625sk.exe FinePrint v6.25 for Win2000-7 (Slovak) fpe625sk.exe FinePrint v6.25 Server Edition for Win2003/2008 Server (Slovak) fp720se.exe FinePrint v7.20 Server edition for Win2003/2008 Server fp721.exe FinePrint v7.21 for Win2000-7 (multilingual) fp838.exe FinePrint v8.38 for WinXP-10 (multilingual) fp937.exe FinePrint v9.37 for WinXP-10 fp1044.exe FinePrint v10.44 for WinXP-10 fpesguid.zip FinePrint/pdfFactory Server Edition Admin's Guide fpp255.exe pdf Factory v2.55 for Win95-XP fppe255.exe pdf Factory v2.55 for WinNT/2000/XP/2003 (Server edition) fppp255.exe pdf Factory Pro v2.55 for Win95-XP fpppe255.exe pdf Factory Pro v2.55 for WinNT/2000/XP/2003 (Server edition) fpdk400.exe FinePrint Developer's Kit fplot210.zip FPLOT v2.10 - Plot ASCII on PostScript printers (for DOS) fpo.zip Form Pilot Office v1.98 - Electronic forms filling out utility fprev11.zip ALEX's Font Previewer v1.1 - TT fonts previewer for Windows fprint25.zip Fontprint v2.00 - VGA fonts printer fprintv1.zip Fontprint - prints VGA fonts fppv30.zip Find++ v3.0 for Win9x/NT/2000 - Search, replace and edit util framex22.zip FrameTool v2.2 - HTML Frame Maker fran10sg.zip Fran v1.0 - Number of entry of all words in a text file counter frhtml.exe Fresh HTML v3.70 - HTML WYSIWYG Editor for Windows frmpst16.zip Form Post Edit v1.6 - Web Form Text Editor fs-v100.zip Font Star v1.00 - Text Font Editor for DOS fs13.zip Font Selector v1.3 - Simple Font Viewer for Win95/98/NT fsp72.zip Font Spec Pro v7.2 - Font mgr for Win3.1/Win95 ftprn345.zip FT Print v3.45 - Text mode printer for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 ft32v2.zip Fontex v2.0 - File viewer capable of reading and printing large files in any font type fte0501.zip Folding Text Editor (FTE) v0.50.1 for DOS ften46b5.zip FTE Kit v0.46 beta 5 - Text Mode Editor for Win95/NT with several programming languages color syntax highlighting ftpedit.zip FTPEdit v1.7 - Windows Editor with FTP Send/Receive Function ftprnt.zip FTPrint v2.12 - Win95/98 util for printing in text mode ftw13e.exe Font Twister v1.3 for Win95/98/NT - Text effects creator futuread.zip FutuRead v0.1 - Futuristic computers like text reader fv05.zip The BBS File Viewer v5.0 - Database system for BBS file lists fview100.zip Font Manager for Windows v1.00 fxread15.zip Smile FX Reader v1.5 - Text file viewer g2a141.zip GFX2ASCI v1.41 - Ascii-art images editor gcnv20.zip GCNV v2.0 - Converter of greek texts to greekish and vice versa gdsp300b.zip GDSpell - English spelling checker for ASCII files gedhtml1.zip Gedcom to HTML v1.0 Translator getdiz43.exe GetDiz v4.3 - DIZ and NFO text viewer for Windows getex050.zip Getex v0.50 - Textfile searching util for DOS/OS2 gbhzcvpi.zip GBHZ Converter Plugin v1.01 for Wudora 3.0/4.0 ghe483.zip Golden HTML Editor 4.83 for Win32 from Czech Republic gn12.zip Good Numbers! v1.2 - Program for numbers drawing gpak100.zip Graph Pack 1 by TWT gpm10.zip Text mode mouse cut and paste driver v1.00 by V.Volkov grafula3.zip Grafula3 v1.13 - Digitazing (numbering) of any plot in BMP format as an data input into Excel grepsb80.zip Grep v8.0 - Find regular expressions in files grepw42.zip GREP for Windows v4.2 grkda20.zip GRSoftware Keyword Density Analyzer for Win95/98/NT v2.0 for WEB pages developers gs510dos.zip Aladdin Ghostscript v5.10 - MS-DOS 32-bit EXE gs860os2.zip Aladdin Ghostscript v8.60 - OS/2 version gs871w32.exe Aladdin Ghostscript v8.71 - Win32 version gs871w64.exe Aladdin Ghostscript v8.71 - Win64 version gs953w32.exe Alladin Ghostscript v9.53.3 - 32-bit Windows binary installer gs953w64.exe Alladin Ghostscript v9.53.3 - 64-bit Windows binary installer gsbase60.zip GS-Base v6.0 - Flat file database for Win95-XP gsbase15.exe GS-Base v15.8 - Flat file database for WinXP+ gsbase16.exe GS-Base v16.8 - Flat file database for Win7+ 64-bit gscalc72.exe GS-Calc v7.2 - Spreadsheet software for Win95-XP gscalc11.exe GS-Calc v11.7 - Spreadsheet software for WinXP+ gscalc16.exe GS-Calc v16.3 - Spreadsheet software for WinXP+ gscalc17.exe GS-Calc v17.3 - Spreadsheet software for Win7+ 64-bit gsml173.exe GetSmile v1.73 - Smilies manager for Win32 gsnote24.zip GridinSoft Notepad v2.4 - Text editor with syntax highlighting gsr184g.zip GSR v1.84 - Global Search Replace util for DOS gsr20.zip GSR v2.0 - Search and replace util in specified files gsv49os2.zip GSView v4.9 - OS/2 executable of GUI for Ghostscript gsv27w16.zip GSView v2.7 - Win16 executable of GUI for Ghostscript gsv49w32.exe GSView v4.9 - Win32 executable of GUI for Ghostscript gsv49w64.exe GSView v4.9 - Win64 executable of GUI for Ghostscript gsv50w32.exe GSView v5.0 - Win32 executable of GUI for Ghostscript gsv50w64.exe GSView v5.0 - Win64 executable of GUI for Ghostscript gsview60.exe GSView v6.0 - PS, XPS and other formats viewer for Windows gvim71.zip GUI version of VIM Editor for Win9x-XP h2t151b.zip HTML2TEXT v1.51 - HTML to Text Converter h2txt102.zip HTML2TXT v1.02 - Freeware HTML to TXT converter by TWT h4x0r.zip H4XOR - The Funny Text Converter handyhtm.zip HandyHTML v1.52 - HTML Editor for Win9x/NT/2000 hbe22.zip HTML Batch Editor v2.2 - Batch processor of HTML and text files hbuilder.zip HotSpot Builder v1.21 - Editor of segmented hyper graphic files hc411.zip HTML Compress v4.1.1 for Win9x/NT/2000 hc_107.zip Generate HTML out of easy to make script files hcpick.zip HTML Color Picker v1.0 - HTML Color Settings Manager hcr.zip HTML File Comment Stripper & Optimizer hcrtf.zip 32-bit Help Compiler Engine hcrypt30.zip hCrypt v3.0 - HTML code encryption tool hdp.zip Handypad v2.0 - Small text editor helllp27.zip HELLLP! v2.7 - Windows Help File Author Aid for Word 6/7 helllp31.zip HELLLP! v3.1b - Windows Help File Author Aid for Word 8 help2doc.zip Windows Help to Windows Word Doc Converter helpdc21.zip HELPDECO v2.1 - Utility to dissect Windows help files helphk31.zip Help Hikes Pro v3.1 - Windows Help files authoring tool helpme8.zip HelpMe - Tool for creating RTF files to be used with the MS Windows Help Compiler helpstd.zip Help Development Studio v1.92 - MS Win and HTML help authoring tool for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 hibaseb.zip HiBase2000 Personal Edition - Database Management Program hlpscr81.exe Help Scribble v8.1.x - Program to create Windows Help files helpy11.zip Helpy v1.1 for MS Word 97 - Windows Help Designer hexplore.zip Homepage Explorer v1.0 - Homepage Designer for Win95 hglyph26.zip Hieroglyph v2.6 - Intelligent transliterated text converter, cyrillic encodings etc. highv126.zip High Viewer v1.2.6 - Advanced DOS-Mode Text Viewer hilitext.zip HILITEXT v1.1 - Win95/98/NT/2000 util for highlighting selected words/phrases in web pages, E-mails etc. hivew100.zip High Viewer v1.0b - Advanced DOS-mode text viewer hlist081.zip HLIST - HTML File Listing Program hlp2doc.zip Windows Help File to Winword Document File Converter hlp2rtf.zip Win3.1/Win95 Help 2 RTF Converter hlpgn131.zip HelpGen v1.31 - Windows Help File Generator hlpnow10.zip HelpNow! for Windows v1.0 - Windows Help Generator hlptxt11.zip HLP/ASCII Convertor hm33.zip Hyper Maker HTML v3.3 for Win9x/NT - HTML Compiler & Off-line Browser hmakedos.zip HyperMake v4.00 - HTML,IBM IPF and WinHelp builder for DOS/Win3 hmakeos2.zip HyperMake v4.2 - HTML,IBM IPF and WinHelp builder for OS/2 hmakewin.zip HyperMake v4.2 - HTML,IBM IPF and WinHelp builder for Win95/98/NT/2000 hmde.zip Meta-data Editor v1.0 hndnotes.zip Handy Notes v1.4 - Tiny notes for Win32 homesite.exe HomeSite v5.5 trial - HTML editor for Win32 hpg13.zip HPG v1.3 - DOS based HTML viewer hpload.zip HP-Load v1.1 - Printer loader for Win95 hprnt379.zip HandyPrint98 v3.79 - Advanced printer control for Win9x/Me hptiny20.zip HPTINY v2.0 - Prints text files with line width up to 255 chars hrcnv102.zip HrConvert v1.02 - Croatian char converter for MS Word hrg60.zip HyperRead v6.0 - Hypertext Generator htm2chm.exe HTM to CHM Format Convertor hst2txt.zip HST (historical file of Netscape) to TXT converter htm2txt1.zip HTM 2 TXT Converter htma3221.zip HTMASC v2.1 32-bit - HTML 2 TXT Converter htmasc21.zip HTMASC v2.1 - HTML 2 TXT Converter htmcrm10.zip CRAM HTML Compressor htmidx20.zip HTML-Index v2.0 for Win - HTML files in a dir index creator html_cvt.zip ALX-DHTML Converter v9.2 Beta 2 html_cod.zip HTML_Coder - Russian converter of HTML documents from Windows to MS-DOS/UNIX formats html-o-c.zip HTMLL Obfuscator/Compressor for DOS/Win htm2rtfp.zip HTMLto RTF Converter PRO v2.0 html2rtf.zip HTMLtoRTF Converter v2.0 htmla.zip HTML Analyzer Toolkit v1.0 - HTML/URL/value analyzer htmlbu11.zip HTML Buster v1.1 - HTML/ASCII Convertor htmlhelp.zip HTML Helpy v1.1 - Help authoring tool for Win32 htmlsr.zip HTML Search and Replace v1.0 - Util for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 that search and replace within multiple HTML documents htmltext.zip HTMLAsText v1.05 - HTML to TXT converter htmbuild.zip HTML Builder v1.00 - Simple program that makes HTML files htmlv10c.zip Herodes HTML View v1.0c - NC-like HTML viewer htmlc200.zip HTMLCAL v2.0 - Creates HTML Calendars htmlcadr.zip HTML Active Calendar v1.05 - Calendar creator htmlcnv2.zip HTMLCONV v2.00 - Util that creates HTML documents that containt links/images/files lists htmlco20.zip HTML 2 ASCII Convertor v2.0 htmlcol.zip HTML Color v1.2 - HTML Color Picker for Win32 htmlcolr.zip HTMLcolor v2.0.1 - HTML Color Picker htmlcomp.exe HTML (Un)Compress v6.0 - HTML Compressing Utility htmlcomp.zip HTML Compressor v2.5 htmlcons.zip Smart HTML Constructor v2.2 for Win95 htmlconv.zip HTML with links to local files creator htmldiff.zip HtmlDiff v2.0 - File-difference analysis tool for Win32 htmled16.zip HTML Editor v1.6 for Win htmlfind.zip HTML-Analyzer v2.0 - HTML database creator htmlipfd.zip HTML 2 IPF Converter htmlk103.zip HTML Killer v1.03 - HTML to plain text converter htmln231.zip HTML Notepad v2.2 - WWW Page Text Editor for Win3.1 htmln295.zip HTML Notepad v2.2 - WWW Page Text Editor for Win95 htmlo-32.zip HTMLo v3.2 - HTML Optimizer for Windows htmlopt.zip Advanced HTML Optimizer v3.0 for Win9x/NT htmlpix.zip Bill Reid's HTML Pix v1.3 for Win95 - HTML index of images generator htmlsize.zip HTML Compressor v1.1 from Russia htmltote.zip HTML to TEXT Converter v1.0 for Win9x/NT htmltxtd.zip HTML 2 TXT Converter htmlview.zip HTML-View v1.63 - Win95/NT WWW formats viewer htmlvw.zip HTML-Viewer v0.69a - Tiny Hypertext Viewer htmst911.zip HTMSTRIP v9.11 - HTML 2 TXT converter htmstrip.zip HTML Stripper 1 for Win9x-XP - Tool to strip all Javascript and HTML tags from a web page htmstrp1.zip Bill Reid's HTML Stripper v1.0 - HTML codes stripper httl35.zip Lorenz Graf's HTMLtool v3.5 - Set of Win9x/NT HTML tools htune30.zip hTune v3.0 - Web pages optimizer hward30.zip hWard v3.0 - HTML code protector icev066.zip ICEView v0.66 - ANSI Viewer icour138.zip Info Courier v1.38 - HTML Compiler idgen.zip FILE_ID.DIZ Generator v1.0 idmaker.zip File_id.diz maker v1.1 idsearch.zip Instant Document Search v1.7 idw10r1.zip iTPDraw v0.10 Beta - ANSI drawing utility idx.zip INDEX Analyzer v1.56 - Garbo, Simtel & SAC server file index processor and FTP script editor from Poland ie102.zip IE v1.02 - Extended DOS (32-bit) Text Editor ifconv19.zip Incomprehensible (text) File Converter v1.9 ihp2ng.zip IHP 2 NG File Converter v1.1 il2me.zip IL2ME v1.03 - Interrupt List to Multi-Edit Help Converter im_h.zip IM_H - HTML's out of Images for Win98 impr101d.zip imPRESSion v1.01 - DTP and drawing package for Windows imprnt20.zip Imprint v2.0 - Printing util for Win95/NT inkjet33.zip DeskJet Survival Kit v3.3 - HP Inkjet Utils insult2k.zip Insult Writer 2000 - Sentence with insults generator :-) invent10.zip The Inventor v1.0 - Words generator inxmak14.zip Mihov index.html Maker v1.41 - Program that creates HTML file containg links to all the files in a given directory isofonts.zip ISO9241-3-compliant DOS CPI isgtt24x.zip Greppe Text Tools rel.2.4 - Set of text related utils isptt24x.zip Penta Text Tools rel.2.4 - Set of text related utils isttt22x.zip Tri Text Tools rel.2.2 - Set of text related utils ixf13.zip IXF v1.3 - Index formatter javaedit.zip Java Editor v2.07b javamill.zip Java Mill v0.98 - Java Editor javas10.zip Java Station v1.0 - IDE for JAVA jed9918d.zip JED Editor v0.99.18 - DOS comilation of text editor jetcol95.zip JETCOL v95 - A 2 column compressed print utility for laser printers jethro1a.zip Jethro v1.01 - Hillbilly text filter jive1a.zip JIVE - Grammar text filter joccal20.zip JOC-CALC v2.0 - Spreadsheet program jocpc240.zip JOC-PRINT COMMANDER v2.4 for HP Lasers and Deskjets jorj97.zip Jorj - English Language Dictionary for MS-DOS jquote.zip Bill Reid's JQuote for Win95 v2.0 - Javascript based "random quotes" inserting util into your web jrindex.zip Creates HTML index of MP3s or other files jspel211.zip JSPELL v2.11 - ASCII file spelling checker justfy15.zip JUSTIFY v1.15 - A text justification program to reformat ASCII text files jview_20.zip JiVEview v2.0 - Intense ANSI viewer kamslx.zip KAMENLX v2.4 - Slovak Keyboard and Font Driver (Kamen,Latin2) + Conversion utility kbd10.zip KBD v1.0 - Croatian Keyboard Drivers for Win95 kbplus10.zip Kbplus v1.0 for Win9x - Line editor with integrated virtual keyboard kdwin.zip KDWin v2.07 - Russian Keyboard Driver for Win95/NT keyboard.zip Keyboard TrueType Font killdocs.exe KillDocs v2.0 - Documents Folder Cleaner kindex.zip Kindex v1.2 - Book indexing utility for DOS kissfp.zip KISSFP v1.1 - HTML compression tool kissapp.exe 100Bitov kiss - .NET app to catch statistical paradoxes klepto28.zip Kleptomania v2.8 - OCR util for capture and process text from other applications knots2_0.zip Knotes HTML Browser v2.0 kod.zip Alexf Recoder v1.1 - Russian chars converter kon115.zip Kon v1.15 - Powerful OS/2 text-editor konwert.zip Pol Konwert v1.1 - Polish National Char.Set Conversion Util ktext10.zip KewlText v1.00 - "Cool" Texts Creator ktxt.zip KTXT - Slovak National Character Converter by Tatrasoft kws100.zip KeyWords Seeker v1.00 for Win95/98/NT kws144.zip Keyword Search v1.44 lanexp12.zip LanExpert v1.2 - Util to support Chinese, Japanese and Korean chars under Win3.x/95 langid20.zip Lextek Language Identifier v2.0 - Tool for Win32 to identify language that a piece of text is written in lasconve.zip FNT and LJ fonts to HVF Laser fonts converter layfix.zip Layout Fix v1.3.3 - Util for fixing mistakes caused by false layout switching lc.zip LC v1.2 - ASCII file line counter lcat13x.zip LCAT v1.3 - Listing catalog for Windows lcrid144.zip READ v1.4.4 - Quick Info Files Viewer less381d.zip Less v381 - Enhanced MORE utility and/or pipe for DOS less436w.zip Less v436 - Enhanced MORE utility and/or pipe for Windows lgedit.zip LGEDIT - Tiny MS-DOS based text editor likse.zip LIKSE v3.30 for Win16 - View, print, search HTML files offline likse32.zip LIKSE v5.00 for Win32 - View, print, search HTML files offline limedt.zip LimitEdit - Editor of edit boxes parameters lines_a2.zip Lines Arranger v1.2 - Document lines rearranger linrea10.zip Line Reader v1.0 for ANSI/ASCII files list96t.zip List v9.6t/2.4t - Universal lister listclip.zip LISTCLIP v1.2 - MS Word macro to produce a list of graphics files listfo11.zip ListFont v1.1 - Fonts enumerator for Win95/NT listfont.zip LISTFONT v3.2 - MS Word macro to produce a list of fonts listhtml.zip LISTHTML v1.2 - HTML file lister litera10.zip Literal v1.0 - The simple web math editor ljconf11.exe LJConfig v1.1 - HP Laser Jet Printers fast configuration tool llab200e.zip Label Laboratory v2.0 - Windows program for creating and printing of labels for envelopes, disks etc. llconv.zip Text File Reformater llist33a.zip Little Lists v3.3a - Simple database program llstat11.zip LLSTAT v1.1 - Line Length Statistics of a Text File lm206.zip LM v2.06 - File or stream line manipulator lman711a.zip LASR_MAN v7.11 - Laser/ink jet printer utility locksmth.zip Locksmith v1.20 - Freeware Czech lock remover for Excel 5/97 log1.zip Logfile Cutting Tool + HTML Server Log Files Viewer for Win32 logmerge.exe LogMerger v1.2 for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 - Log files joiner lpd.zip LPD-Win - Line Printer Daemon Application for Win9x/Me lpr.zip LPR-Win - Line Printer Application for Win9x/Me lpt2file.zip Lpt2file - LPT1 capture utility for DOS lstctv16.zip LSTCATV v1.6 - Listing catalog for DOS lstctw16.zip LSTCATW v1.6 - Listing catalog for Windows lstfnt22.zip Listfont.dot v2.2 - MS Word Macro to List Fonts lsr500.zip Laser v5.00 - Laser Printer Setting Utility lsrcmp13.zip LaserComp v1.3 - ASCII Comparator lstpcs14.zip Listpics v1.4 - Creates HTML file showing graphics m_fonts.zip The MultiFonts v1.5 - Collection of 40 multilingual Unicode True Type fonts for Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP m9eval.zip Multi-Edit v9.10 - Professional Programmer's Text Editor for Win95-XP madura10.zip Madura Page v1.0 - Web pages creator based on applet magus10.zip MAGUS Vocabulary - Vocabulary program for Windows maketx10.zip MakeTXT v1.0 - Convert any file to plain ASCII map32dst.zip MapEdit v3.16 - Image Map Editing Software for Win9x/Me/NT mapdespr.zip Map Designer v2.1 Pro - Util for creation of images having clickable areas for HTML files mapofche.zip Map of Chars v2.9 for Win32 - Charmap replacement margar32.zip Margarine v3.2 - Text file formatting utility marvosym.zip MARVOSYM.TTF - Freeware Windows True Type Symbol Font for School and Office master2a.zip Master View v2.0a - Document linking package for MS Word maxdrp41.zip MaxDrop v4.1 - Text Editor for Win95 mbs33.zip Multi Block Storage v3.3 - Clipboard Enhancer for Win32 mc110.zip Metafile Companion v1.10 for Win95/NT - WMF, EMF and CLP Editor mcbsx.exe Multi Clipboard - Form filling tool mclip.zip Macro-Clip v2.000.2.3 - Multi-clipboard util for Win9x/NT/2000 mclip232.zip Multiple Text Clipboard v2.32 mclipb22.zip Multiple Clipboards v2.2 - Win95/98/NT util that expands clipboard up to ten mcvt-e.zip Memo Converter v1.02 - Converter of memo-fields for DBF files mdipad21.zip MDINotepad v2.1 - Text Editor for Win32 me20.zip Movie Editor Kit (ANSI) medit151.zip MEdit v1.51 - Text editor for DOS medit214.zip Mega Edit v2.14 - Text Editor for Windows medit240.zip Medit v2.40 - Multiple Document Editor for Windows memxp50.zip Memorizer eXP - Clipboard manager for Win32 merge14.zip MERGE v1.4 - Merge ordered ASCII text files ascending/descend. metapad.zip Metapad v1.3 - 32-bit Notepad Replacement metty131.exe Metty v1.31 - Tool to include META tags into HTML documents mf43.zip MyFonts v4.3 - Windows Font Manager mgchrm22.zip Characteristica v2.2 - Freeware Replacement of Charmap Util mktewn10.zip Mikesoft TeW!n v1.0 for Win3.x/95 - TXT 2 EXE converter mktxt103.zip MakeTXT v1.03 - ASCII filter mlpd.zip Mocha W32 LPD v1.61 - 32-bit Print Server for Win9x/NT mltkey32.zip MultiKey - Keyboard utility incl. Greek, Hebrew, Cyrillic... mkw32lpd.zip Mocha W32 LPD v1.3 - LPD server for Win95/98 mmaid40.zip Mermaid v4.0 - DBF viewing and manipulation utility mltcv101.zip MultiCV v1.01 - ASCII Files Amiga/MAC/PC Converter morse-tt.zip Morsecode Font v1.01 - TT font of morse code symbols mp41.zip Multi-Print v4.1 - Printing more pages on A4 format paper mprnt10.zip Mprinter v1.0 - Util to imprint text or graphic on another graphic mrsr_200.zip Multiple Recursive Search and Replace v2.00 for Win32 msof0104.zip MSOFPASS v2.0.1.4 - Lost password for MS-Office doc's recoverer msort115.zip Master Sort for DOS v1.15 msplt101.zip Message Split v1.01 - Splits concatenated ASCII text messages into separate text files mss_120.zip MSS HTML Editor v1.20 - Text based HTML editor multvu30.zip MULTIVU v3.0 - Win util for viewing files up to 2GB musiqw33.zip MUSIQWIK TrueType Fonts for writing music mview40.zip MView Pro v4.0 - Multi Lingual Viewer System for Windows mw3812.zip Mocha W32 TN3812 v1.1 - 32-bit Print Application for Win9x/NT/2000 mwtlbox.zip MyWebToolbox v2.22 - Web pages designer for Win9x/NT mynpad05.zip MyNotepad v0.5 - Simple text editor for Win32 nab21.zip NAB v2.1 - Grab text screens, sent to file or printer nansi40d.zip NANSI.SYS v4.0a - Enhanced MS-DOS Console Driver navroad.zip NavRoad Off-line HTML viewer v3.10 nbg.zip Notes by George! v2.01 - Notes organizer for Win32 nclrz16.zip NetColorz v1.0 for Win16 - Util for color chosing/testing in HTML page nclrz32.zip NetColorz v1.0 for Win32 - Util for color chosing/testing in HTML page ne300b.zip NE v3.00b - Freeware text editor net2wb21.zip Net2Web v2.1 - FIDO nodelist to HTML table convertor nextword.zip NextWord v1.0 - AI based text generator nfo110.zip NFOBUILDER v1.1 - Tool for making intros with soft text scroll nfopro10.zip NFO PRO v1.0 - .nfo and .diz file viewer for Win32 ngp320.zip Norton Guides Printer v3.20 noahtm06.zip Noah v0.065g - PostScript Type 1 (PFB) Font Editor noindt10.zip NoIndent v1.0 - Program for leading indent spaces elimination noprnt13.zip NOPRINT v1.3 - TSR to disables attempts to print notebk25.zip Notebook v2.5 - Large File Text Editor for Windows notebk52.zip Notebook v5.2 - Large File Text Editor for Win95 notem155.zip NoteMaid v1.55 - Simple Windows Text Editor notepad.zip Util for replacing Notepad with Ultraedit-32 editor notepad3.zip Notepad3 v5.20.414.1 - Scintilla-based text editor with syntax highlighting (portable version) notepad3.exe Notepad3 v5.20.414.1 - Scintilla-based text editor with syntax highlighting for Win32 notepax3.exe Notepad3 v5.20.414.1 - Scintilla-based text editor with syntax highlighting for Win64 notepro.exe NotePro v4.46 - Rich-text editor and word processor notew40a.zip Noteware v4.0a - TSR Notepad npp581b.zip Notepad++ v5.8.1 - Generic source editor npp581s.zip Notepad++ v5.8.1 - Source code nr600.zip NavRoad Offline HTML Viewer v6.00 ntedhtml.zip Ntedhtml.inf for WinNT - It adds Edit function to the right- click menu of HTML file ntfree.zip NoteTab Light v5.0 - Text and HTML editor for Win32 ntbpro.zip NoteTab Pro v5.0 - Text and HTML editor for Win9x/NT/2000 ntrdos14.zip INTRADOS v1.4 - INTRANET HTML Text Browser for DOS numberat.zip Numberator v1.0 - Tool to convert numbers and currency into words with multilingual support nv11.zip NeoSoft's Viewer v1.1 for Win3.1/Win'95 ocapt200.zip OfficeCapture v2.1.0 - Tool to convert DOC docuemtn to PDF and several graphic formats odbce.zip ODBC Viewer v2.0 - Shows the contents and the structure of databases like folders and files odbceuni.zip ODBC Viewer v2.0 - Unicode version of database viewer offsit10.exe OFFSITE EXPLORER v1.03 - HTML Viewer/Editor for Windows oprtbox.zip Office Password Recovery Toolbox v1.0 optimize.zip HTML Optimizer v1.0 for Win32 optim20a.zip Optimo v2.0.0 - HTML files compactor otto16.zip Otto v1.6 - Automates programs, tasks that use text screens p2disk21.zip Print2Disk v2.1 - Print utility pab0971.zip Pablo Draw v0.971 beta (16-bit) - Text drawing program pabp0971.zip Pablo Draw v0.971 beta (32-bit) - Text drawing program pad302.zip Pad v3.02 - TXT/RTF/HTML Editor and Image Viewer for Win32 padgen11.zip PADGen v1.01 - Portable Application Description (PAD) Generator pages.zip Pages v1.0 - Plane to multicolumnt text converter pagin911.zip PAGINATE v9.11 - Text file reformatter pakans32.zip PackANSI v0.32 - Redundant ANSI codes remover palett10.zip Palette Viewer v1.0 for Windows parkfont.zip ADing ParkFont v1.2 - Fonts manager for Win32 parse25.zip Parse v2.5 - Util that counts letters, words and sentences pb232.zip Power Browze v2.32 - DBF editor pb3232.zip Power Browze v2.32 - DBF editor (386 version) pboard.zip PasteBoard v1.6 - Auto text-pasting util for Internet surfers pc32.zip Print Censor v3.2 - Tool for management of statistics of printed jobs on the printers pcfont30.zip PCFONT v3.0 - DOS Font Editor pclview.zip PCL View and Export to WMF for Win95/NT pcmous12.zip PC Mouse v1.2 - Cut & paste in text mode pcnsw20.zip PCNotes v2.0 - Reminder for Windows pcps840.zip PCPS v8.40 - Print ASCII to PostScript 2up etc. pcsort11.zip PCSORT v1.1 - Text Sorter for DOS pd_dll.zip Print Direct DLL v1.27 - DLL enabling to bypass the printer driver pd16.exe Print Direct utility v1.6 - Tool for printing the file on the default printer pd20.exe PrintDirect Anywhere v2.0 - Tool to print a document on remote printer via internet pdf_meta.zip PDF Metamorphosis v1.1 - Tool for conversion of PDF files into RTF/TXT format pdf2txt.zip PDF 2 TXT Converter v2.6 pdfcompr.exe PDF Compressor v1.12 - Tool to reduce size of PDF documents pdfcon20.zip PDF Converter v2.0 - MS Word, Excel, Word Perfect, RTF and plain text to PDF format converter pdfconv.zip PDF Converter v3.5 - TXT to PDF conversion tool pdfcrypt.zip pdfcrypt - 40/128 bit encryption tool of pdf files for Windows pdfedit!.exe PDF Editor v3.0 for WinXP-7 by CAD-KAS pdffactr.exe FinePrint pdf Factory v1.65 for Win95-XP - PDF files creator pdffacen.exe FinePrint pdf Factory v1.65 for Win95-XP Enterprise Version for Network users - PDF files creator pdffacsk.zip FinePrint pdf Factory v1.65 for Win95-XP Slovak Edition - PDF files creator pdffensk.zip FinePrint pdf Factory v1.65 for Win95-XP Enterprise Version Slovak Edition - PDF files creator pfactrpr.exe FinePrint pdf Factory Pro v1.65 for Win95-XP - Advanced PDF files creator pfacpren.exe FinePrint pdf Factory Pro v1.65 for Win95-XP Enterprise Version for Network users - Advanced PDF files creator pdffcpsk.zip FinePrint pdf Factory Pro v1.65 for Win95-XP Slovak Edition - Advanced PDF files creator pdfpensk.zip FinePrint pdf Factory Pro v1.65 for Win95-XP Enterprise Version Slovak Edition - Advanced PDF files creator pdfmagic.zip PDF Magic - PDF to TXT/HTML convertor pdfshapr.exe PDF Shaper v10.8 - Tool to split, merge, watermark, sign, optimize, convert, encrypt and decrypt PDF documents pdfsu.exe PDF SpeedUp v1.42 - Adobe Reader Start Speeding-up Tool pdfsum.zip PDF Summary Maker v1.06 - Tool to change the summary info in PDF files pdfuas.zip PDF U Append Batch - Tool to append multiple files into one PDF document pdfuapnd.zip PDF U Append Desktop Edition v1.06 - Tool to append multiple PDF files into one PDF document pdfusplit.zip PDF U Split Desktop Edition v1.11 - Tool to split multiple PDF files into page segments pdt_32c.zip PDT v3.2c - Great file editor pe32.zip PE32 v1.4.05 - ASCII file editor for Win95/98/NT ped4ds14.zip PED4DOS v1.40 - Programmable Editor for DOS pedit_10.zip Power Editor v1.0 - Tiny HTML Editor for Win32 pedit22.zip Power Edit v2.2 - Text editor for Win95-XP pedit400.zip Program Editor v4.00 pf351.exe pdf Factory v3.51 for Win95-Vista pf352.exe pdf Factory v3.52 for Win2000-7 pf481.exe pdf Factory v4.81 for Win2000-7 (multilingual) pf538.exe pdf Factory v5.38 for WinXP-10 pf637.exe pdf Factory v6.37 for WinXP-10 pf744.exe pdf Factory v7.44 for WinXP-10 pf352se.exe pdf Factory v3.52 for Win2003/2008 (Server edition) pf480se.exe pdf Factory v4.80 for Win2003/2008 (Server edition) pfp351.exe pdf Factory Pro v3.51 for Win95-Vista pfp352.exe pdf Factory Pro v3.52 for Win2000-7 pfp352se.exe pdf Factory Pro v3.52 for Win2003/2008 (Server edition) pfp480se.exe pdf Factory Pro v4.80 for Win2003/2008 (Server edition) pfp481.exe pdf Factory Pro v4.81 for Win2000-7 (multilingual) pfp538.exe pdf Factory PRO v5.38 for WinXP-10 pfp637.exe pdf Factory PRO v6.37 for WinXP-10 pfp744.exe pdf Factory PRO v7.44 for WinXP-10 pf255sk.exe pdf Factory v2.55 for Win95-Vista (Slovak) pfe255sk.exe pdf Factory v2.55 Server edition (Slovak) pfp255sk.exe pdf Factory PRO v2.55 for Win95-Vista (Slovak) pfpe255s.exe pdf Factory PRO v2.55 Server edition (Slovak) pf352sk.exe pdf Factory v3.52 for Win2000-7 (Slovak) pfe352sk.exe pdf Factory v3.52 Server edition (Slovak) pfp352sk.exe pdf Factory PRO v3.52 for Win2000-7 (Slovak) pfpe352s.exe pdf Factory PRO v3.52 Server edition (Slovak) pfacpman.zip pdf Factory PRO Manual pdf format pdfacman.zip pdf Factory Manual in pdf format pdfvers.exe PDF Version Converter v1.0 pfe101.zip Programmer's File Editor - Text Editor for Windows (16-bit) pfe101i.zip Programmer's File Editor - Text Editor for Windows (32-bit) pfont41.zip PFONT v4.1 - View and print a sorted list of fonts pg111.zip PaGer v1.11 - A text file viewer pgn2fg21.zip PGN2FIG v2.1 - Word 6.0,95 or 97 macro for PGN file conversion ph_370.zip Pretty HTML v3.7 - Win32 HTML code styling and compression tool phonetic.zip Phonetic Keyboard v2.1 - Type Russian letters instead of English ones phz32v2.zip Phontz v2.0 - Font Viewer for Win32 pkb110.zip PKB v1.10 - Compact DataBase Application for Win32 plagfind.exe Plagiarism Finder v1.0.9 for Documents Analysis plc53.zip PLC v5.3 - Polish Chars Converter pln_conv.zip Numbers to Words Converter v1.03c (in Polish) plutl120.zip Set of Polish utils (national screen and keyboard support) plx16_21.zip PROLIX Text Editor v2.1 for Win3.x plx32_21.zip PROLIX Text Editor v2.1 for Win95/NT pnsave2k.zip Paste & Save 2000 for Win95/98/NT/2000 - Util for Web texts pasting to clipboard polskie.zip POLSKIE - Polish screen and keyboard drivers poly3000.exe Polyglot 3000 v3.79 - Automatic language identifier popfont.zip PopFont v3.00 - Win9x font selection utility populist.zip Populist - Clipboard util to provide quick access to your favourite text entries poster12.zip Poster v1.21 - ANSI Converter powerpad.zip PowerPad v1.2.0 - Notepad replacement presed.rar PresEd v3.06 - Tiny HTML Editor prf216.zip Print File v2.16 - File Printing Utility (TXT,PS,EPS...) print1.zip PRINT! v1.00 - Allows you to print text files under Win95/98 in the printer's text mode print21e.zip PRINTIL rel.2.1 - ASCII Text Files Printer for Win32 printcom.zip Print Commander v3.1 - TSR print util printff.zip Print From File v2.0 - Printing util printkey.zip PrintKey v2.0 - Print Screen Utility for Win95/NT printprn.zip .PRN files printing utility priprint.exe PriPrinter Standard Edition v6.6 - Tool for advanced printing and PDF creation for Windows priprnpr.exe PriPrinter Prof. Edition v6.6 - Tool for advanced printing and PDF creation for Windows prnapp75.zip Printer's Apprentice v7.57 - Font manager for Win95-XP prnfile.zip Printer output to file redirection utility prnpromp.zip PrnPrompter - Printer driver that prints output into a window and you can save this output into a bitmap prnwatch.zip O&K Print Watch v3.05 - Win2000/XP program for management of statistics of printed jobs on the network printer prompt.zip !PROMPT - Color prompt generator prsrat10.zip ParseRat v1.0n - Parses, converts & reorganizes text files prt2pdfr.exe Repair Tool for Microsoft Print to PDF v1.2.0.0 prtchg.zip Printer Changer v4.00 - Swap default printers from tray prtout10.zip Print Out v1.00 - Print Util for Windows prtscr95.zip Print Screen 95 v4.0 for Win'95 prtsel10.zip Printer Select v1.0 for Windows ps2txt17.zip PS2TEXT v1.7 - PostScript text extractor pscf110.zip CVTFREP v1.10 - Convert WWW form replies to readable text pscrn55.zip P-Screen v5.5 - ANSI screen-design and library system pslc120.zip LF2CRLF v1.20 - UNIX/DOS text converter psp500.zip PSPRINT v5.00 - Print raw text file on PS printer pspa397c.zip Parse-O-Matic v3.97C - File converter/modifier/fixer pspad462.exe PSPad v4.6.2 - Text editor for Windows pspad462.zip PSPad v4.6.2 - Text editor for Windows pspad505.exe PSPad v5.0.5 - Text editor for Windows pspad505.zip PSPad v5.0.5 - Text editor for Windows pszx100.zip CVT2MIXC v1.00 - Change uppercase text file to mixed case ptt10.zip Perfect Text Tools v1.0 - Text format converter publipro.zip HTML Publisher Pro v3.50 - HTML publisher for Win9x/NT q-test10.exe Q-Test v1.03 beta - Question and Answer Creation Program qtp0108.zip QuickTextPad v1.01.08 - Fast Text Viewer pvfp3210.zip FontPeeper 32 v1.0 - Freeware 32-bit PS and TT fonts previewer qiked22c.zip Quick Editor v2.2c - Win32 text editor qpaste.zip EldoS QPaste v1.0 - Text macro utility for Win32 qprint.zip QuickPrint v1.0 - Util which let you add printing capabilities to VB applications qread33a.zip QReader v3.3a - On-line text reader for publications etc. qread921.zip QREAD v2.1 - Text file viewer for Win'95 quickspo.zip QuickSpot v3.1 - Text files comparator for Windows qtview11.zip QView v1.1 - QuatroPro Files NC-like viewer (English edition) quebec15.zip QUEBEC v1.5 - French Canadian Keyboard Driver qview11.zip QView v1.1 - QuatroPro Files NC-like viewer (Czech edition) qyckvu.zip QyckVu v1.9 - 32-bit ASCII viewer r2hw95.zip RTF to HTML for Win95 - Text format converter r2hwin3.zip RTF to HTML for Win3.1 - Text format converter radpad20.zip RadPad v2.0a - Text editor for Win95 rapidpdf.zip Rapid PDF Count v1.05 - Tool to show how many pages are in many PDF files and generate reports about this raved.zip RAVITZ EDITOR v1.12 - An ASCII text editor raven158.zip Raven v1.58 - Text Management System rb4.zip Rainbow v4.00 - Util for production of transient/spectral colored text using FONT-tag for HTML-documents read39.zip Read v3.9 - Read/Edit ASCII text file read911.zip Read v9.11 - File Browsing Utils readas30.zip Read Assistant v3.0 - E-book reader for Win32 reader10.zip Text Reader v1.0 (Text to Speech) written in Java recast11.zip Recastor v1.1 - PDF to HTML Convertor reco32.zip ReCo32 v0.3b - Repair and Compact Access Databases recode.zip Recode - Russian National Chars Convertor redmon15.zip RedMon v1.5 for Win95/NT - Printer port redirection util refont14.zip REFONT v1.4 - MAC TrueType and PS Type 1 fonts to PC format converter remove30.zip REMOVE v3.0 - Text reformatter renaw200.zip HTML Rename! v2.0 for Win95/98/NT/2000 - URL links and file names correction utility rephtmed.zip Rephtmed.inf for Win95 - Adds Edit function to the right- click menu of an HTML file rh20.zip RingHTML v2.0 - Tool to create web pages richv302.zip RICHVIEW v3.02 - RTF Data Viewer for Win9x/NT riffadd.zip RIFFADD - Util for adding text info or bitmap to RIFF file ripvw10.zip RIP Files Viewer v1.0 rkm272.arj RKM v2.72 - Russian Driver for EGA/VGA rnlower.zip Lower - ASCII char converter rnpad.zip RNPAD v1.9 - Notepad for Win32 rooi.zip Rooi - Compact Database Calculator for Win32 rops1645.zip RoPS - Roger's Post Script Interpreter for Win16 rops52d.zip RoPS v5.2d - Roger's Post Script Interpreter for Win32 rpsrt102.zip RPSORT v1.02 - Fast Sort Util rpv200e.exe Rpv v2.00 - Windows based application for transformation of text based reports from DOS programs to Windows like reports rt101.zip ReadText v1.01 - Text strings in program or data files reader rtf2html.zip RTF2HTML v1.0 - RTF to HTML Converter rtool.zip Replace Tool - Util to search and batch replace of strings in text and HTML files ruslt227.zip RusLat95 v2.27 - Russian Keyboard Driver sam10.zip S&M v1.0 - Util for gathering first title line of all marked files and making HTML table sansi20.zip Sansi Converter v2.0 - Converts from ANSI to Sansi and vice-versa saver310.zip The Paper Saver v3.10 - HP LJ/DJ Print Utility sbk500.zip SCROLLBK v5.00 - Capture text screen info that has rolled off the top of the screen sbmorf01.zip Snowblind MORF - Replaces text or code across many files scafe172.zip Scan&Fill v1.72 - Typewriter replacement scanx106.zip ScanText v1.06 - String Finder scase205.zip Slick Case v2.0.5 - Lower/Uppercase Converter scor32v4.zip Scorea v4.0 - Music score sheet printing program scr500.zip ScrnAttr v5.00 - Screen attribs editor scramble.zip Scramble TrueType Font scratchy.zip Scratchy - Text file reformatter to reduce it's size scrbb193.zip Scribbler 2000 v1.9.3 - Java Script, VB Script and DHTML editor for Win9x/NT scrnsl11.zip Textmode Screen Save/Load v1.1 scroll31.zip Scroll v3.1 - DIZ Editor scrpaint.zip ScreenPaint v2.1 - ANSI Editor + ANSI 2 COM conv. from Poland scrptmak.zip ScriptMaker v1.7 for Win32 - Util for writing and formatting screenplays sda14.zip Simple Document Assembly v1.4 - Templates based document assembler for Win32 sed500.zip SuperEditor v5.00 - Text editor see11.zip SEE v1.1 - Text file displayer see322.zip SEE v3.22 - File display/print/extract utility see513.zip SEE v5.13 - File Viewer and Printer by MicroFox selida.zip Selida v2.1 - HTML editor for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 semigraf.zip SemiGraf v1.00 - Drawing in text mode sf177_2.rar Russian shadow font loader v1.77 rev.2 sh30b.zip Shorthand for Win3.11 v3.0 sh541.zip Shorthand for Windows v5.41 shm180-b.zip SHMANSI v1.80 - ANSI Editor shtml.zip SHTML - Basic HTML Editor for Win32 shtml050.zip ShrinkHTML v0.50 - HTML/ASP documents compressor sif.zip Secret in File - Hide secret in a text file sigpro2d.zip Signature Generator 2D - email signatures generator simf030a.zip SimFuz v0.30a - Fuzzy-Search engine in txt,html,... files simlis11.zip SIMLIS v1.1 - Similarity sort of text file lines for DOS simplpdf.zip Simple-PDF v2.02 - PDF Generator single1.zip Single Source - Tool for creating paper, Windows help and HTML documentation from a single source sled11.zip SLED & SLHED - Tiny text editors slick.zip SLICK - A Global text changer sm.zip Story Master v1.2 - Command line tool for specified text reformatting smalprnt.exe SmallPrint v2.53 - Tool to print whole multi-page documents onto one page smap10.zip SimpleMap v1.0 - Generator of HTML codes for image maps smashtms.zip SHASHTML v1.0 - HTML Compressor smed21.zip Smooth Editor v2.1 for DOS smedit.zip Small Text Editor v1.140 smg-anse.zip Smaug ANSI 2 EXECUTABLE Converter v1.00 smscr102.zip Smooth Scroller - TSR utility smshtm13.zip SmashHTML v1.3 - HTML Compressor smtb3212.zip Smart Board 32 v1.27 - Windows Clipboard Extender smtfon13.zip Smart Font v1.3 - Windows Font Previewer smusic21.zip Sheet Music Designer v2.1 - Prints musical staff sheets sn100.zip Scroll Navigator v1.0.0 - Tool for horizontal and vertical scrolling of the document snippr26.zip SNIPPER v2.6 - Text screen grabber snn101.zip Synnote v1.0.1.1 - Syntax-coloring text editor for Win32 snowdos.zip Snow - Program for concealing messages in text files spoolt12.zip ALEX's Spool-It! v1.2 - Raw printer data downloader sorttx03.zip SORTTX rel.03 - Text file sorting utility sortx20.zip Sortx v2.0 - Enhanced sort utility sortxl31.zip SortXL v3.1 - Large ASCII files sorting utility spad13.zip SuperPad v1.3 - Notepad replacement for large files spell216.zip Spelling Checker for Windows 3.1 spell31.zip SPELL v3.0 - Stand-alone spell checker for any size texts file spelltst.zip Spell Test v1.0 - English TXT/HTML spell checker spellx31.zip SPELLXMS v3.1 - Stand-alone spell checker spin105.zip Spinnaker Tools v1.05 - Excel add-ins for analyzing lists and databases in Excel sr45.exe Search and Replace for Windows v4.5 srcedt.zip Source Editor v2.1.3 - Win32 text editor for programmers srhstr.zip Search String Engine for DOS v1.5 ssh10.zip SSH! v1.0 - HTML to text converter ssort10.zip SSORT v1.0 - File Sort Filter stdiview.zip Standard input text viewer stf162.zip STF v1.62 - Show Two Files (ASCII files comparison util) strep11.zip String Replace v1.1 - Remove/replace strings from text files strph102.zip STRP HTML v1.02 - DOS util that strips HTML tags from a document stzpreed.zip STZPREED v3.07 - Smooth Text Reader sumtra32.exe Sumatra v3.2 - PDF, DjVu & e-book formats reader (32-bit) sumtra32.zip Sumatra v3.2 - PDF, DjVu & e-book formats reader (32-bit) sumtrx32.exe Sumatra v3.2 - PDF, DjVu & e-book formats reader (64-bit) sumtrx32.zip Sumatra v3.2 - PDF, DjVu & e-book formats reader (64-bit) supaedit.zip SupaEdit v0.9.1b - Tiny text editor for Win32 supred33.zip SuperEdit v3.30 - Multiple Document Editor for Windows suptools.zip Super Tools v1.0 - Excel related utils sv33e.zip SourceView v3.3e - Programming editor for DOS swapk.zip SwapKeys98 v1.0 - Keyboard Remapper and Hot Key utility for Win95/98/NT swftext.zip SWF Text v1.0 - Authoring Tool of Flash Text Animation switch21.zip Switch It v2.1 - Multi language keyboard layout switcher sworx41.zip ScriptWorx v4.1 - HTML editor allowing als editing of other Internet file formats ss224.zip Symbol Selector - Windows util for selecting/copying symbols from True Type Fonts syn150.zip Syn v1.50 - Win32 text editor for programmers t2htm130.zip Text2HTML v1.30 Converter for Win32 t2web200.zip Text-to-Web v2.0.0 - Win32 tool to convert text files to HTML t602-asc.zip Utils for T602 2 ASCII format conversion t602rtf.zip T602 Text Format to RTF Converter t602view.zip T602 Text Format Viewer for Norton/Volkov Commander t602v196.zip T602vw v1.9.6 - Win32 file viewer for docs created by Czech text editor T602 tabin51.zip TABIN v5.1 - Spaces to Tabs Converter tabout24.zip TABOUT v2.4 - Tabs to Spaces Converter tabspace.zip Tabs To Spaces v1.11 - Tab chars in a texts file to space conv. taggen.zip HTML Tag Generator for Win tagger40.zip Tagger v4.0 macro for MS Word 6/7 - Macro for numbering and cross-referencing tagstr10.zip TagStrip v1.0 - Program to cleanup large text files containing Taglines tail_10.zip Tail for Windows v1.0 - Last specified number of lines of a text document lister tbl2html.zip Table2HTML v1.2 - Table to HTML converter tdb.zip TDB - Small and fast database program for Win95 tde51vb.zip TDE v5.1v - Text and HEX editor - freeware (binaries) tde51vs.zip TDE v5.1v - Text and HEX editor - freeware (source code) te.zip Turbo Editor v2.0 - Editor for programmers te_v35.zip TextEdit W95 - Multi-Document Editor for Java/Perl/HTML/Text te17.zip TE v1.7 - Tiny Screen Editor for DOS te97v140.zip Turbo-Edit97 Text Editor v1.40 for Win95 ted105.zip TED v1.05 - Windows editor for programmers and web developers tedy.zip Tedy v1.0 - Simple Text Editor for DOS ted3.zip Tiny Editor for small text files tekdoc.zip TekDoc v1.0 - Util to extract text from files to generate HTML documentation teknow42.zip TEKNOW v4.2 - Word Processor tencl111.zip Ten Clipboards v1.11 for Win95/NT texrep11.zip TexRep v1.1 - Text replacing util text_m30.zip Text Files Modifier v3.0 - Automatic Text Modifying Utility text2clp.zip Text2Clp v1.0a - Copy the Windows clipboard contents to a file textally.zip TextTally v1.2 - Windows Text Counting Utility textart.zip TextArt Crater v1.0 for Win32 - ASCII art generator textc173.zip TextCon v1.73 - Reformats ASCII files for import to a WP textconn.zip Text File Converter v3.0 - Util that converts most WP or DTP files into a standard ASCII file textconv.zip DOS based WP, DTP and ASCII file reformatter textfind.zip Infothek Text Finder v2.10 - Text searching util for Win9x/NT textmagn.zip Text Magician v1.0 for Win9x-XP - Tool for manipulation with the text files textmonk.exe TextMonkey v1.0.x - Text processing tool texto.exe Textomatic v1.03 - Tool for automatic insertion of text strings textohtm.zip TXT 2 HTM ver.2 - TXT/HTML converter textrein.arj Textrein - Removes control chars and converts tabs and line breaks in texts files textview.zip Textview v6.0 - Explorer-like Text File Viewer tfd178.zip TOFRODOS v1.7.8 - DOS/Unix text reformatter tfont.zip TT Fonts to Arachne WWW Browser Fonts Converter thegun25.zip TheGun v2.5 - Drag & Drop Enabled Notepad Application thinnr30.zip Thinner v3.0 - Converts HTML & E-mails to plain text thread.zip TH Reader v1.00 - Util that displays VENDINFO.DIZ files ththes13.zip The Thinking Man's Thesaurus v1.3 - Thesaurus and Word Prompter thumbtrk.zip Thumb Track v1.1 - Scroll box holder ti12.zip Text Information v1.2 - Display info about text files tidy.zip HTML Tidy - HTML Clean Up Util for Win95/98/NT/2000 tinyed.zip Tiny Editor v2.20a for DOS/OS2 tipka134.zip TIPKA v1.34 - Croatian printer and VGA screen fonts tisp13.zip tinySpell v1.3 - English spell checker tite.exe The Infinitive Text Editor for Win95/98/NT tlf.zip TLF v1.0 - Win32 DOS/UNIX style text converter tm140.zip Text Mode v1.40 - VESA Text modes switcher tochin10.zip English text to oriental style converter v1.0 tocock10.zip English text to cockney dialect converter v1.0 toddy615.zip TODDY v6.15 - DOS command line editor tody615s.zip TODDY v6.15 - DOS command line editor - ASM source code tofix15.zip TOFIXED v1.5 - Converts variable length CrLf files to fixed length records tr-v112.zip TRep v1.12 - Text search/replace utility tran10.zip The Translator v1.0 - Text files translator trans.zip Trans-ASCII - Program for conversion of various CZ/SK character fonts trlit233.arj TrLit v2.33 - Russian keyboard driver with possibility to write Russian words by English alphabet trnt20.zip TrayNotes v2.0 - Virtual sticky notes tool for Win32 ts500.zip TXTSRCH v5.00 - Text string finder tse2jr4.zip TSE/2 JR v4 - OS/2 Text Editor tsejr4.zip TSE JR v4 (formerly QEdit) - DOS Text Editor tsepro44.zip The SemWare Editor Pro v4.4 for Win95-XP tsfltc22.zip Text file filters by Timo Salmi tsp221.zip TSP v2.21 - Text search util tsrfaces.zip Smiley (Face) TSR Database tt_r6.zip TextTools rel.6 for DOS - Collection of text processing utils ttinfo.zip TrueType Info v1.00 beta - TT Fonts Structure Checker ttls32.zip TEXTools for Win32 - Set of text filters ttms124.zip TextToMS for Win9x/NT/2000 - Tool to edit data stored in MetaStock and CompuTrack data format ttrans17.zip TTRANS v1.7 - Clipboard Utility for Win95/98/NT turbo98.zip Turbo Editor v3.0 - Multi-lingual text editor tv_2666c.zip TVIEW v2.666c - Polish Text File Viewer twofonts.zip TWOFONTS v1.0 beta - Utility to use two text mode fonts in DOS twtsl110.zip The Slang Converter v1.10 by TWT tx_colr2.zip Change fore/background color in text screen txedit.zip TxEdit 2000 v5.5 - Text Editor for Win32 txpen850.exe TextPad v8.5.0 - Text editor for Windows (32-bit) txpex850.exe TextPad v8.5.0 - Text editor for Windows (64-bit) txsrch28.zip Super Text Search v2.84 - Text string searcher txt_coll.zip TXTcollector v1.0.9 for Win9x-XP - Tool to grab all .txt files from the directory to single text file txt2com.zip Self viewing text files creator txt2comc.zip TXT file 2 self displaying COM file compiler txt2html.zip TXT2HTML v1.2 - ASCII 2 HTML Converter for OS/2 from Russia txpdf101.zip TXT2PDF v10.1 - PERL5 based text to PDF format converter txt500.zip TurboTXT Text File Compiler v5.00 (TXT2EXE conv.) txtab911.zip TXTABLE v9.11 - Text tables generator txtls1v0.zip TEXTools v1.0 - Collection of DOS text filters txtmorph.zip TextMorph v2.1 - ASCII text formatter textpipe.exe TextPipe Pro v9.9.2 - Automate search and replace & text file or clipboard processing for Win32 txtprint.zip TxtPrint v1.1 - Text files printing util for Windows txtpro.zip TxtPro v3.51- Text/code/HTML Editor for Win32 txtrz192.exe Texturizer v1.92 - Text editor for Win32 txtutl30.zip Collection of Text Utilities v3.0 txtview4.zip TextView v4.0 - Text viewer for Win95/98/NT txtv25.zip TextViewer v2.5 - Fast Text Editor for Win32 typespec.zip Type Spec v1.0 - Font catalog for Win95-XP typet201.zip Type-It - Converts printer into typewriter typo40e.zip Typograf v4.8f for Win95/98/NT - Font Manager for TT, PS Type 1 and Printer Fonts typotor.arj TYPOTOR - Typographic Editor for DOS u-abc11.zip U-ABC v1.1 - Huge Letters Sets u-font14.zip U-FONT v1.4 - Screen Font Changer by Underwear u-huge11.zip Underwear Huge Letter Generator v1.1 u-pal15.zip Underwear Palette Changer v1.5 u-smth18.zip Smooth v1.8 Underwear File Scroller u-strx12.zip String Finder by Extension v1.2 u2d-03.zip Fast Unix 2 DOS Converter v0.3 u2d11.zip UNIX2DOS v1.1 - UNIX/DOS Text Filter uc6.zip UltraCompare v6.40 - File comparison tool uc7.zip UltraCompare v7.20 - File comparison tool uc8.zip UltraCompare v8.50 - File comparison tool uc14.zip UltraCompare v14.00 - File comparison tool uc15.zip UltraCompare v15.20 - File comparison tool (32-bit) ucx15.zip UltraCompare v15.20 - File comparison tool (64-bit) uc16.zip UltraCompare v16.00 - File comparison tool (32-bit) ucx16.zip UltraCompare v16.00 - File comparison tool (64-bit) uc17.zip UltraCompare v17.00 - File comparison tool (32-bit) ucx17.zip UltraCompare v17.00 - File comparison tool (64-bit) uc18.zip UltraCompare v18.10 - File comparison tool (32-bit) ucx18.zip UltraCompare v18.10 - File comparison tool (64-bit) uc.zip UltraCompare v20.20 - File comparison tool (32-bit) ucx.zip UltraCompare v20.20 - File comparison tool (64-bit) ucai.zip UCAI - Unit Conversion Add-in for MS-Excel v1.0 uddu.zip UNIX2DOS/DOS2UNIX Text Converter for Win32 ue97pc.zip Ultra Excel 97 Password Cracker v1.00 ue3e.zip UE3 - U3 version of UltraEdit Text Editor uedit32.zip UltraEdit v13.20a - Text/Hex Editor for Windows ue1420.zip UltraEdit v14.20 - Text/Hex Editor for Windows ue1520.zip UltraEdit v15.20 - Text/Hex Editor for Windows ue1630.zip UltraEdit v16.30 - Text/Hex Editor for Windows ue1730.zip UltraEdit v17.30 - Text/Hex Editor for Windows ue1820.zip UltraEdit v18.20 - Text/Hex Editor for Windows ue1910.zip UltraEdit v19.10 - Text/Hex Editor for Windows ue2000.zip UltraEdit v20.00 - Text/Hex Editor for Windows ue2130.zip UltraEdit v21.30 - Text/Hex Editor for Windows ue2220.zip UltraEdit v22.20 - Text/Hex Editor for Win32 uex2220.zip UltraEdit v22.20 - Text/Hex Editor for Win64 ue2320.zip UltraEdit v23.20 - Text/Hex Editor for Win32 uex2320.zip UltraEdit v23.20 - Text/Hex Editor for Win64 ue2420.zip UltraEdit v24.20 - Text/Hex Editor for Win32 uex2420.zip UltraEdit v24.20 - Text/Hex Editor for Win64 ue2520.zip UltraEdit v25.20 - Text/Hex Editor for Win32 uex2520.zip UltraEdit v25.20 - Text/Hex Editor for Win64 ue2620.zip UltraEdit v26.20 - Text/Hex Editor for Win32 uex2620.zip UltraEdit v26.20 - Text/Hex Editor for Win64 ue2710.zip UltraEdit v27.10 - Text/Hex Editor for Win32 uex2710.zip UltraEdit v27.40 - Text/Hex Editor for Win64 ue.zip UltraEdit v28.0.0.98 - Text/Hex Editor for Win32 uex.zip UltraEdit v28.0.0.98 - Text/Hex Editor for Win64 uemake.zip UltraEdit add-on for programmers to creating programs and libraries uemanual.zip UltraEdit Manual in .PDF format uf.zip UltraFinder v20.00 - Tool to find text in files for Win32 ufx.zip UltraFinder v20.00 - Tool to find text in files for Win64 ufilters.zip Collection of Text Filters ugrep10.zip Ugrep v1.0 - Grep for Windows uhsds401.zip UHS (Universal Hint System) Reader for MS-DOS v4.01 ukeys14.zip UKEYS for Word v1.4 - A customizable Unicode keyboard for Win32 ultraedt.zip UltraEdit v6.0x - 16-bit Text/Hex Editor for Windows unansi10.zip UnANSI v1.0 - ANSI codes remover undupe12.zip Duplicate ticker symbols remover from text files unexpand.zip Spaces to Tabs Text Conversion Utility - C source uniced21.zip UnicEdit v2.1 - WinNT text editor (able to handle unicode) unitx100.zip Mikeys Text/RTF Editor with FTP/Client functions for Win95 unix2dos.zip UNIX 2 DOS Text Converter urlgr157.zip URL Grab v1.57 - URL from ASCII files grabber utl117.zip Utils with File Viewer and Printer Support Progs utod300.zip UNIX to DOS Converter v3.00 uw97pc.zip Ultra Word 97 Password Cracker v1.00 MMX vb2html.zip VB2HTML v1.0 - Visual Basic code to HTML converter vbaha152.zip VB AHA! - Windows Help Editing Tool vbc413.exe Visual Business Cards v4.13 - Win32 Business Cards Maker vbx307.zip VBX - Manfred's Little Box Painter v3.07 - Box drawing editor vc154.zip Visual Compare v1.54 - Excellent File Compare Utility vde195.zip VDE v1.95 - DOS text editor vdemc18.zip VMC v1.8 - The VDE Macro Compiler vfpvw32.zip VFPView v3.2 - Freeware DBF/MEM Viewer/Repairer for Visual FoxPro with support for long file names vgamik.zip Tiny TSR Cyrillic Driver vgapal40.zip VGAPAL v4.0 - VGA palette customizer vgrep.zip V-Grep v1.00 - GREP utility with GUI for Win32 vhead102.zip ViewHEAD v1.0.2 - HTTP headers viewer for Win32 vhtml12.rar VHTML v1.2 - HTML Viewer for DOS viapr300.zip VIAPRINT for Windows v3.0 - All purpose printing program video110.zip Text-mode video sequences player vie500.zip VIEW v5.00 - File viewer (also in archives) view.zip VIEW v1.0 - Viewer for text files view172.zip View v17.2 - Word,WinWord,WinWrite,AmiPro... Viewer for DOS viewfind.zip Viewfind v3.0 - Text string finder - Utility to View program viewht25.zip View HTML v2.5 - HTML Viewer/Converter views200.zip ViewS v2.00 - Smooth scrolling text file viewer viewseek.zip ViewSeek v2.1 - Text string finter - Utility to View program viewthis.zip View THIS! v1.0 - Freeware File Viewer vil98dos.zip VILE v9.8 for DOS - VI-like text editor vil98w32.zip VILE v9.8 for Win32 - VI-like text editor vim71d16.zip VI Editor for DOS (16-bit) v7.1 vim71d32.zip VI Editor for DOS (32-bit) v7.1 vim71w32.zip VI Editor for Win32 v7.1 viscmp.zip Visual Comparer v1.30 to compare 2 text files vman113.zip VIEW_MAN v1.13 - View/Edit/Print ASCII/HEX files vndext15.zip VENDINFO Extractor v1.50 vndnfo15.zip VENDINFO Toolkit v1.50 vndutl15.zip VENDINFO Utils v1.50 vndvue13.zip VENDINFO Viewer v1.30 vndvuw10.zip VENDINFO Viewer for Windows v1.00 vp10.zip VESA Player v1.0 - Movie Editor creations player vpp122.zip Virtual Print Pilot v1.22 - Virtual printer driver for exporting print outputs to BMP and other graphic formats vtext.zip Visual Text v1.0 32-bit - Windows Notepad replacement vtext101.zip Visual Text Publisher v1.01 - Online books maker w_40.zip W - The Note Writer v4.0 - Word Processor for DOS w_clean.zip Word Clean - Removes EOL hyphens and concatenates that word w2t16v12.zip Web2Text v1.2 for Win16 - HTML to ASCII Convertor w2t32v16.zip Web2Text v1.6 for Win32 - HTML to ASCII Convertor w3rite.zip WSKA HTML WWWrite v1.1c - HTML Editor wae12.zip WEB Address Extractor v1.2 - Extract HTTP addresses both from ASCII and Binary Files wanyw200.zip WanyWord Text Searcher v2.00 - Boolean, near & proximity text string searcher warp231.zip WARP v2.31 - A fast ANSI.SYS replacement for DOS woafon14.zip Larger Screen Fonts for Windows DOS boxes in SVGA modes wbit3217.zip Web-It!32 v1.7 - 32-bit HTML Editor wboost22.zip Word Booster 2000 - Collection of MS Word 97/2000/XP macros wbquiz02.exe SmartLite WebQuiz 2002 - Tool for creation HTML Web-based quizzes wbx31_20.zip WebExpress v2.03 for Windows 3.1 - HTML Design Tool wbx95_10.zip WebExpress v2.03 for Windows 95 - HTML Design Tool wc.zip Word Count - Chars, words and lines counter in text files wc_11.zip WC v1.1 - UNIX like Word Count utility wc10b.zip Word Counter v1.0 beta utility wc24.zip WC v2.4 - Word Counter wc2k.zip Web Compiler 2000 v1.32 - A 32-bit HTML Compiler wcnt120.zip Word Count v1.20 - Text statistics maker we2pro33.zip Luckman't WebEdit PRO v2.0 - HTML Editor for Win95 we31.zip WordExpress v2.02 for Windows 3.1 - Word Processor we95.zip WordExpress v2.02 for Windows 95 - Word Processor webbuild.zip WYSIWYG Web Builder v7.6.2 - HTML editor webdicti.zip HTML Dictionary for Text Based Spell Checkers webit17.zip Web-It! 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