================================================================ Title : Delusions Filename : Del2 Author : Dolomite (Conceptual integrity), Gary Figg (Build and VIS...email: gfigg@gte.net) Email Address : ramses@icity.intcity.com Description : Just as life cringed your already doomed cranium... Just as you felt safe again, You get Delusions. Here's another CTF ADVANCED level. Designed to enhance grapple play, TEAM ETHICS, killer strategy required... Unlike ctf8, there's no straight path between bases; this is a grapple play map. Tips of Play: There are four points of entry to each base (outer walled areas): Lower entrance Upper entrance Teleport x2 There are many points of entry into each flag room, as there is only a partial ceiling, that's designed to enhance grapple play. The front door is an obsticle, that if mastered, is of serious advantage. Look down, roll slowly forward and jump at the last second to go through each flag room door! It's tricky, but do-able. I call this the Duck-in-cover move... ;-) "If you see a flash, duck-in-comfort?" Over each flag and around are monkey bars to impede both captures and proliferations of each flag... SHOUTS TA' ID SOFTWARE, QuArK (Armin Rigo), Derrick McKay of QuArK homepage, all da CTFers, Threewave and La Killah. Thanks to Gary Figg for the VIS job... ~~~~~~~~ DOLOMITE ~~~~~~~~ ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes CTF Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Monsters : No New Demos : No New Models : No QuakeC Patches : No * Construction * Base : None that I know of... Editor(s) used : Quake Army Knife 3.3, Graffixer 1.01, CTFBOT Known Bugs : You might think that not being able to walk straight through a door was a mistake, but I planned it like that, so TOUGH. ;-) Like I said, it's a tough level, so be a team... Build Time : 4.9 minutes (without build) Comments : Thanks to anyone I snatched textures from. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The artwork contained in gyrotex.wad is Copyright 1997 by Aaron Logue. Commercial distribution of this material or derivative works without authorization is prohibited. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Please include the above little notice with text files accompanying bsps. If you use these textures and discover that your bsp has been commercially distributed without your permission, please email me. Gyro Gearloose gyro@blarg.net http://www.blarg.net/~gyro ANY UNLAWFUL DISTROBUTION OF THIS MAP IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, AND ALL PERSONS INVOLVED WITH SUCH DAMNABLE ACTS MIGHT FIND THEMSELVES DAMNED TO DWELL IN DELUSIONS FOR ALL ETERNITY, GETTING GIBBED OVER AND OVER AND OVER, UNTIL THEY SCREAM FOR FORGIVENESS; NONE SHALL COME. The term UNLAWFUL DISTROBUTION means: this software may not be distributed for profit, by anyone without written permission from the designer, and that means NOONE will put this on any CD ROMs, without my permission. SO MAKE YOUR OWN MAPS, or ask me nicely. ;-) About the gibbing, we might not be able to do that, since it would be as illegal. We might just sue, depending on the state and federal laws where the infraction occured. (c) 1997 R. Scott Leonard. (some textures owned by Id software inc., others Gyro Gearloose, and some are my own. Email me at ramses@icity.intcity.com if you want a break down, for legal reasons.