Title: CTF MAP Author: Ahmad Rizal b. Zulkifli NickName: Mech Fragger E-Mail: mechfragger@hotmail.com/zttz@pc.jaring.my Map Name: Revenge: Assault The Fort. File Name: ratfort.bsp Thanks to: Men of id Software, the person who made QuArK, Ryan Headly, my dad for the internet, whoever made me this Compaq (Compaq may be not so good but without it I would have no computer at all). Description: This is a sequel to 'Revenge: Assault The Fortress' which is also a sequel to 'CTF Construction'... The NatureLovers are weakened, destruction is near, they had to flee, RETREAT! The only way of escape is to get on board a ship and sail away to a secret base buried under an island. But before they could recharge their ship's battery to sail away, the developers mount an ambush from a small camp built not far away on the beach. The objective for NatureLovers: Retreat and don't get killed. And the Developers: Kill all NatureLovers. Flags from the NatureLovers must be caught as much as the developers can to weaken the ship's battery and the flags from the Developers must be caught as well to weaken their ammo supply.. Let the fight begin! 1 player: No. Deathmacth: Yep. 8 starts. Co-op: No. CTF: Yes!! Level editor used: QuArK (Quake Army Knife) Quake version: 1.06 QBSP time: 31 sec. VIS time: 175 sec. Light time: 60 sec. Build time: 6 hours. Bugs: Report it to me if found.. Other Maps done: a)ZigZag zigzag=.zip b)CTF Valley= ctfvall.zip c)CTF Feud= ctffeud.zip d)CTF Construction= ctfconst.zip e)Battle Field= bfield.zip All of this maps can be found at cdrom.com, find the address yourself. Afterall you should find THIS map at cdrom.com Copyright and all that silly stuff: You may, I repeat, may not modify this level as long as I say until I let you. Or else you better buy me WarCraft II cuz I don't have any money to buy it so you better buy it. Just kidding, Just make sure you don't modify and if I let you, I'm the original recipy chicken, I mean original author... To mail comments send it to mechfragger@hotmail.com and to send junks and critics 'bout my level send it to zttz@pc.jaring.my, DO NOT send junks or critics to mechfragger@hotmail.com or you'll get twice the junk you sent! Even if you managed to cover it, I'll find you no matter what, sucker! Resistence is futile! Die! Die! Frag! Hahaha! I am Superman Shin Chan, the World's naughtiest brat! Hahaha! Mech Fragger