searching...please wait nothing found editorial September, 1996 hy riff-raff !! it's time for some first words. so here they are: i'm sitting here typing this and hopeing that my 1200er will hold the power, cause my power-supply is damaged and i'm waiting for my new one. it's very boring to type the news again and again, cause it's to complicated to save after every word i typed... and so if the 1200er loses it's power.... =( but as you can see i was able to finish this version. and for the next issue there will be no more damages... =) ok, now for the real x-files-stuff. one month is gone and the reaction for the message-base here in the x-files was low as ever so we decided to close it in the next issue. this is the last issue with messages in it. if you ever want to have this part be reincluded in the x-files mail me, and if there are enough guys who want the message-base, it will be back. but till this time, you should use the other mags for your messages.. =) my idea with the new group (read last issue's editorial) got not big response (as i thought). it seems that there are only some groups in the scene now, which are able to produce any new releases. and the rest of the independent amigians are talking big things about themselves but are doing nothing else then talking... ok, it's my idea and wish to create a new group and i'm very pigheaded... =) so possibly you will discover a new group in the near future or some time later. ;) as you possibly have heard, the sih'96 will be eventually held in december. i hope it's just a joke or a false information. cause if it's true, who will drive to the sih'96 when the party 6 is some weeks or days later... so, if there are some of the organizers out there, please rethink the whole thing and please inform me if i got wrong information on #amigascne (irc). ok, thanx for now and see ya soon... read, spread and support the x-files !!!! :-) big-rat x-files - contact-addresses if you want to reach me, send a letter to: big-rat / eTHIc Kai Hoepner Niedstr. 16 12159 Berlin Germany or send me an e-mail to (or try the irc): Internet : or reach me on some boards in germany, especially on: Teutonic Place Uphold the Law subscription: if you want to obtain the latest issue of x-files, you can send me an e-mail via internet and i will mail you the latest issue uuencoded to you email-address. if you want, i can put your email-address on the subscription-list. so you will recieve the latest issue automatically every time it is released. for this, you must be able to recieve large uuencodet mails. if this is no problem for your server, give me your email-address and you will be on the subscription-list. you can also call the x-files news station Uphold the Law to get the latest issue ( login with name: x-files / pw: x-files ): Uphold the Law - the ultimate demo bbs for all systems !! !! legal only !! sysops : Ramses & Paso !! legal only !! node 1 : USR v.34+ - +49-(0)30-47411057 node 2/3 : Euro ISDN - +49-(0)30-47411058 x-files news station remedy whq (amiga) - contra ghq (ascii) superior art creations distribution site (pc) u.d.o. whq (amiga) - anaconda whq (pc) credits we are proud to present the x-files staff for this issue: the x-files are an eTHIc production main editor : big-rat code : Madstop design : Nero / Artwork, Madstop, big-rat support : Chaos! / Desire (mainmenufont) Kernal / Desire (fixed player 6.1) module : Estrayk / Capsule titlepicture : Odin / Illusion thanx and greets are going to: Abyss / Interactive Ant / 3LittleElks Antibrain / Bizarre Arts Argon / Prodigy Beatnik / TRSI Bloodrock / TRSI Chaos! / Desire Cooper Cyclone / Illusion Damion / Artwork Dire / Eremation DCSL / Tarkus Team Dr. Dre / TRSI Estrayk / Capsule Fox / Remedy, Sceptic-/X-Design, Alien Design g.d.m. / Looker House Ganic / Matrix Grace / Illusion Grond / Matrix Hammer Hunter Ice Kernal / Desire Lord / Absolute, Impulse, CJ Magix / Tarkus Team Marc / Syndrome, Sector 7 Mr.Pet / Sanity Odin / Illusion Pirat / Phase Distortion Ramses / Remedy Raven / Nuance Raw Style / Lego Sharon / Artwork Siegel / TRSI Skyphos / Artwork Smirnoff SMT / Artwork Spin / Abyss Strider / TRSI Tyshdomos / Abyss Yolk / Parallax and all members of : Abyss - Artwork - Bizarre Arts - Capsule - eTHIc Desire - Lego - Looker House - Three Little Elks for the next issues of the x-files we are searching for: up-to-date news like: - memberlists (with username and function (and country if possible)) - newcommers (with old group if possible) - "go-away'ers" (with reason like new group, kicked, left scene)) - general news about groups (like next releases, planed projects, planned parties, and so on...) - information about parties (like invitations, results, reports, visitor-lists) - news about everything that's worth interesting i can not check every news i get. so it is possible, that an error appears in the x-files. don't blame me for this, but please mail me the error with the correction and i will fix it immediately. we are also searching for titlepictures and modules. titlepictures - about 250 kb soundmodules - about 200 kb !!! choose your own style !!! if you want to advertise in one of the next issue or want to send some messages to other guys, then send them to us and we will include them in the following issue. due to the fact that the x-files textscreen is oblique, the normal adverts with ansis and asciis are looking very strange. so if you want to advertise, make an advert with no asciis in it or design them escpecially for the qblique screen !! maximum text width : 60 characters maximum text height : 28 lines there are 125 groups in this issue !!! Absolute Abyss Accession Alien Designs Ambrosia Anadune Apathy Appendix Artwork Asphyx Astra Syntex Astroidea Avocado Axis Bad Karma Balance Beton Design Bizarre Arts Bucket Capsule Cavaleers Clique Complex Contra Convex Crazy Crux Cydonia Damage Darkness Decision Delirium Depth Desire Drifters Dusk Dylem Eltech Ephidrena Epsilon Design Eremation Erotic Design Ethic Flying Cows Inc. Freezers Fresh Fucking United Network Giants Global Gods Grasshoppers Developments Haujobb Head! Honey Humbugs Illusion Impulse Infect Intoxicate Iris Jewels Ladybird Design Lego Lemon. Les Shadock Lightforce Lightstorm INC. Limited Edition Looker House Magic Masque Massive Matrix Mirage Morbid Mystic Nerve Axis New Age Nine Design Nuance Old Bulls Parallax Passion Phantasm Phase Distortion Phuture 303 Pointless Prodigy Progress Puzzle R.N.O. Rage Ram Jam Rektum Riot Royal Saints Sardonyx Savage Scalaris Scum Secretly! Sector 7 Session Shelter Skulls Slope Soldiers and Flowers Spaceballs Steps of Change Strange Sunshine productions Suspect Syndrome Tarkus Team Technology The Black Lotus TRSI-Innovations Twilight Ultima Vacuum Venture Vision Labs Void X-Tension Absolute 243 - trader, sysop Adt - trader, sysop, coder Crm - coder, graphician Edge - coder Ern0 - musician Fester - editor, leader Lord - trader, sysop, swapper, organizer Musashi - coder Petroff - musician Rack - graphician Scorpik - musician Abyss Bartman - coder Chris Meland - musician Dexter - coder dRm - musician, sysop JCS - musician Jumping Pixel - graphician Luka - musician, graphician Moon - coder Newt - musician, coder, sysop Pink - musician Poet - coder SMC - coder, sysop Spin - coder Toxic - graphician Tyshdomos - graphician Accession Accident Brainiac D-Ream DDT Diablo Illuminator Iron Code Longplay MadBoy MATH MrT Obitus Palex PowerSlave Raiden Shocker Silva Target The Kid TVR WyreHead X-Ray ZeR0 Alien Designs (ALS) AceMan - organizer, sysop Bigfoot - trader Chillout - musician Exodite - trader FaKED IQ - ??? RayBan - sysop Ambrosia Access - code, raytracer Anfobia - swapper, ascii-artist Cain - graphician, raytracer Cyboman - musician, graphician Drac - swapper, packmaker Draw - swapper Karina - mascot Lucifer - coder Powdihacker - coder, organizer Raivo - coder, sysop Raze - musician Shadow Walker - graphician Syntax - coder Trayzor - musician Zeek - coder Anadune Action - swapper Andy - trader BlackWine - coder, musician Dr.Greg - coder Green. - raytracer Kazik - graphician Lazur - graphician Losiu - sysop Mr.Acryl - coder Norman - swapper, packmaker Qba - swapper Revisq - musician Robson - coder Sharp - graphician, swapper, ascii-artist Spoonman - sysop Zeebi - musician Apathy Chriz - swapper, trader Cope - musician Dweeb - graphician, ascii-artist, swapper Growl - swapper Mr.X - coder Psycho - graphician Rolex - musician Strife - leader, coder, swapper Sunscream - graphician, ascii-artist Tracky - musician, ascii-artist Wise - internet Wiseguy - sysop Appendix COOLIO - swapper - holland ESC - coder, swapper - poland HANSA - swapper - germany JUDAS - editor - poland KLAF - swapper, packmaker - poland LYNX - coder - poland MADBART - raytracer, sysop - poland MAF - raytracer - poland NEUROMANCER - graphician - poland PIKE - graphician - poland TIMER - musician - poland VIP - graphician - poland VOICE - musician - poland WALEC - swapper - poland - boards : THE SECT BBS - whq Artwork Axis - coder - germany Azure - coder - germany Cougar - graphician - germany Damion - organizer, founder, swapper - germany Detector - coder - germany Fiver - graphician - germany Graham - coder - germany jMS - graphician - germany Nero - graphician - germany Noogman - graphician - germany RokDaZone - editor, organizer - germany Sharon - coder - germany Skyphos - coder, musician - germany SMT - musician - germany The Loop - musician - germany The Ripper - editor - italy Trasher - swapper - germany Tron - coder - germany Virgill - musician - germany Voyage - founder, sysop, spreader - germany - Axis (coder) joined them from Oxyron. - Graham (coder) joined them from Oxyron. Astra Syntex Accede - leader, coder disk-Man - musician dOOkie - coder Dr.Death - musician Esekiel - coder Findus - coder Large - sysop Loaderror - coder, graaphician Okeanos - musician Romeo - leader Spin-dizzy - musician Tracky - musician Whiskas - musician Wiseguy - sysop Astroidea IONIC - coder, ascii-artist KAL - graphician, raytracer MELAN - organizer, designer, sysop NORBY - sysop O-MAN - raytracer PERIWINKLE - coder RENDALL - graphician RENÉ - hardware REPTILE - musician, coder SNOWMAN - coder Asphyx aREs - raytracer iNVERt - musician lASh - swapper mISHa - trader sEB mCKEIn - trader Avocado Addict - coder - finland Apache - sysop - finland Base - swaper - germany Buttercup - musician, swapper - belgium Cro - coder - australia Cybernaut - coder - belgium Devistator - graphician, swapper, ascii-artist - england Enzyme - organizer, musician, swapper - finland Fate - trader, ascii-artist, swapper - netherlands Felix - swaper - norway Grand - graphician - finland John Harder - graphician, swapper, ascii-artist - finland KML - swapper - finland Madman - musician - finland Miro - graphician, swapper - finland Moon - coder - austria Pozz - graphician, swapper - sweden Realitor - coder, swapper - england Rockeronic - musician - germany Sixpack - swapper, packmaker - norway Stevie - swapper, ascii-artist - sweden Substance - organizer, musician, swapper - finland Zandax - musician, swapper - finland Axis Anthony - coder - netherlands Celtic - coder - netherlands Hollywood - musician - england Iso - musician - netherlands LoWLiFe - graphician - netherlands Nik - coder - england Rodney - graphician - sweden Stelios - coder - greece Steroid - swapper - netherlands Subi - musician - england Bad Karma BIGOPHONE - belgium BOONE - sweden CANDYMAN - scotland CRISP - belgium ENZO - denmark ERIC THE RED - canada FRANKY - belgium MADBOY - greece MALC0MN - belgium MARWIC - sweden MOSEZ - belgium NINO - germany PHANTOM - belgium RETI - belgium TCB - belgium TRESPASS - australia ZYNIX - belgium - boards: CYBER GARDEN - bhq - +32-11-333703 DOXOLOGY - lhq - +32-16-235962 METAL IMPACT - hq - +32-15-212992 NUCLEAR WASTE - shq - +46-510-27173 SKY TOWER - ehq - +45-748-33886 WHO CARES - whq - +416-696-6497 Balance Atheist - musician - sweden Confidence - coder - sweden Deelite - musician - sweden Excel - editor, swapper, whq - sweden Geist - graphician - ??? Grid - graphician - sweden Hedgehog - coder - ??? Mad Smiley - coder - denmark Magic - editor - ??? Pantera - swapper - sweden Rack - graphician - ??? Radix - musician - sweden Shorty - music - ??? Wolfman - editor - denmark Xerxes - sysop - sweden Beton Design Human - musician Kain - graphician Muad'dib - raytracer Norweg - musician Yoe - musician Bizarre Arts Antibrain - musician, organizer Azure - coder, organizer Coming Art - coder, musician cr8y - graphician Daim - trader, ascii-artist Deetz - coder Eagle - raytracer Halfbyte - musician Krusty - trader, raytracer Oson - musician Rave - swapper, ascii-artist Tracer - coder - Rave (swapper, ascii-artist) joined as a doublemember from LSD. - Doomsday (swapper) was kicked because of lameness and lazyness. - Due some personal reasons the 'Paradise City'-BBS is offline now. The new BZR-WHQ-BBS is the "Fiction Factory" (sysop: Dave). Look out for the numbers! - They are still searching for some talented members. Contact Antibrain !! Bucket Digger - swapper Judas - coder Kordi - coder Necroscope - graphician NoName - musician PinPong - raytracer The Soul - coder Zaba - swapper Capsule ESTRAYK - musician, organizer KUSTOM - coder DIOR - coder EVELRED - musician MAGNUM - graphician VADER - coder KEVED - coder BARMAN - swapper SATIVA - raytracer DARKLORD - coder GOREBOY - musician DR.SLUMP - coder OPSS! - coder FLYNN - coder Cavaleers Hardy - coder, musician Risk - swapper, musician Toaster - graphician, raytracer Clique Coolshot - sysop Master - coder Mit - coder Kris - graphician Bloody - trader Detail - coder, trader Remix - trader Melih - coder Smile - trader Ravel - graphician Cooper - musician Complex Artifex - graphician Cockatrice - graphician Delorean - musician dHM - ??? Dweezil - coder Hotshot - graphician JHL - coder Jmagic - coder Jugi - musician, graphician Mic Dair - leader Mr. Spiv - coder Olwi - coder Phantom - coder Reward - graphician Saviour - coder Tai-Pan - coder TNM - trader Zeque - coder Zodiak - musician Contra H2o! - ascii-artist Mess - ascii-artist Rapid - ascii-artist Stratos - ascii-artist Stylez - ascii-artist Treach - ascii-artist 2Fast - ascii-artist - boards : Deep Space Nine - ehq Homeless - ghw Punishment Inc. - dist. site Raveland - whq The Pub - dist. site Uphold the Law - ghq Convex BART - graphician BETONIARA - coder, raytracer, swapper, editor BIONIC - musician COMANCHE - graphician DOMEL - coder, graphician HEVA - text writer, co-editor Crazy Midnight - coder THCM - coder Cyborg - musician Doc Holiday - graphician Nefaria - graphician Phase - swapper Technoking - trader Crux aCID-JESUS - musician aMUSIC - musician cHROMAG! - musician cLARY & TOF - graphicians cOCKROACH - coder cRISP - coder dEXTER - musician mANIAC - musician mUSE - musician nEWT - graphician oDIN -  graphician pSYCHOTRON - coder sHANE & SID - organizers THE FROG BUDS - coders, graphicians, musicians vAN hELSING - coder zULU & gREY - coders - upcoming releases: FAITHLESS, their mag for the modem scene! DREAMSCOPE, the musicdisk! WASTED TIME, a chiptune pack! ...and some intros by the frog buds! - Chromagic 2 will probably released under the crux dezign label. Cydonia Accolyte - coder Bonza - sysop Coolcat - graphician Cro - coder, swapper Eminence - musician Gusto - musician Infinity - graphician, musician Krion - coder, sysop Muse - musician, sysop Prowler - sysop, swapper Serkul - musician Snykers - graphician Souri - graphician Storm - coder Tachyon - coder Damage Bednar - raytracer Dragon - raytracer Fenix - sysop Glue - musician Mephi - trader Piter - trader - boards : Nemezis BBS - phq Darkness Darken - coder - france Dolby - musician - spain Flint - coder - france Papagayo - coder - france Rafale - graphician, leader - france Sph - graphician - france Troglobyte - coder, organizer - spain Decision aCID-jESUS - supplier, trader, sysop - germany AlBundy - trader - germany Coatl - trader, sysop - germany Cyberwar - trader - germany ENZO - sysop, trader - denmark fAMOUS o' hACK - friendship cracker - germany Homeboy - trader - germany Hysteria - trader - germany I.Wahn - public relations - germany iNDeX - trader, ascii-artist - germany lEMMON - sysop - germany mICK - trading div. leader - germany Mosh - trader, sysop - germany Orfeus - trader - germany Picard - trader, sysop - germany Picasso - graphician - germany RTM - cracking div. leader - germany sCANDiC - founder, leader - germany The Skeleton - sysop - usa TranceTip - coder - germany Turbo - trader - switzerland Unikum - trader - germany Virus - trader, sysop - italy Zaphodd - graphics div. leader - germany [cR!Sp] - sysop, trader - belgium (.nINO) - trader - germany (-rEBEL!-) - trader - germany - boards : Cybergarden - bhq Dawn of Eternity - ushq FastFileSystem - whq Made in Germany - ehq ParadiseLost - ghq Route 69 - dist. site Sky Tower - dkhq The Danzig - ghq Delirium Afterlife Bathory Cheech Deltaforce Mad Gunman Mad Turnip Maz New Sensation Phil Douglas Ramses Shadower Toxic Wildcard Depth Allanon - ascii-artist, swapper, graphician - norway Bakerman - sysop - denmark Bugge - sysop - norway Cerber - coder - poland Chelsea - graphician, swapper - denmark Chewie - swapper, trader, ascii-artist, organizer - sweden Conan - graphician, raytracer - norway Curt Cool - musician, swapper, trader, organizer, ascii-artist - denmark Cytron - musician - denmark DeeJay Jones - musician - sweden Dizy - musician, sysop - denmark Fly - graphician - finland Folcka - graphician - denmark Galiano - sysop - sweden Gizmoduck - graphician, swapper, coder, raytracer - denmark Hangman - coder - poland Hund - graphician - denmark Icebreaker - swapper, organizer - finland Insert - swapper, graphician - poland IRO - swapper, organizer - germany LPN - graphician, raytracer - denmark Nazgul - coder - poland Nightsight - graphician - denmark Nike - sysop - sweden Opal - music, graphician - poland Paithan - coder - norway Pennywise - coder, raytracer - denmark Pumper - trader - sweden Quedax - coder - denmark Rappid - graphician - poland Receiver - swapper - denmark Ren - sysop - norway Sanctum - graphician - denmark Schindler - trader, swapper - sweden SiDo - trader - norway Slurry - sysop - sweden Snowman - raytracer - denmark Solo - musician, organizer, swapper - norway Sprocket - graphician - norway The Coolest - coder, musician - norway The Glow - musician, swapper - finland The Paranoid - musician, sysop - norway Timer - musician, swapper, organizer - poland Trip - musician - denmark Voidmaster - raytracer, sysop - norway Desire Bip - graphician Chaos! - ascii-artist, design, layout Dave - coder Kernal - coder, soon sysop Noodle - swapper Ratbone - musician Riox - coder THD - graphician Drifters Clary Euric Golden Hell Io Mr Bluesky R242 Seb Sh0cker Stf Tof Dusk Crisis - coder Harlequin - sysop Kimba - graphician Maximum - coder Rad fx - sysop Reload - graphician, organizer Scavy - musician Scorpion - musician Sven unkept - sysop Terminator - graphician Ultra-X - graphician - boards : Masters of Insanity Planet-X Wayfarers-in Dylem Bacalao - musician Blind Man - sysop Dexter - musician, trader Iceman - musician Illusion - trader Kalikone - leader, trader, swapper Klux - swapper Pit - coder, co-leader Rash - musician Sear - graphician Style - sysop, trader X-factor - coder, trader Eltech Blind Man - sysop - england C-Rad - musician - england Cosher - coder - norway D-Code - graphician, trader - england Dr.Death - musician, swapper - norway Devistator - graphician, ascii-artist - england Dr.Octave - musician - england Hellrazor - raytracer - norway Inferno - ascii-artist, musician - england Lithium - management, swapper, packmaker - england Loopy - sysop - england Loz - coder, graphician - england Maze - musician, swapper - norway Mic Flair - organizer, trader - england Muse - musician, sysop - australia Narcosis - sysop, /X-coder - england Orion - coder - england Pink Panther - sysop - norway Preacher - coder, graphician - norway Quackers - coder, sysop - england Realitor - coder, trader - england Screech - musician - england Skinner - organizer, trader - norway Spangly - coder, musician - england Spector - trader - usa Splash - /X-coder, sysop - norway Vim! - musician - england Violator - trader - england Wade - organizer, graphician, trader - england Ephidrena Cheetah - graphician Cyberstarr - coder Frequent - musician Goahead - musician Loaderror - code, graphician Wad - graphician Epsilon Design Cenobite - ascii-artist Chrombacher - ascii-artist Cybergod - ascii-artist Fatal - sysop, ascii-artist Frame - ascii-artist Gozz - ascii-artist Grimlock - ascii-artist Harpoon - ascii-artist Java - ascii-artist Rasta - ascii-artist Stash - ascii-artist Tommy - ascii-artist - boards: another step domestic subway monastary of blur raveland zillion hours - check their homepage at: Eremation Axis - musician - france Brainwasher - organizer, coder - france Dire - editor, trader - germany Ferdinand - musician - france Fireblade - coder - france Iceman - ??? - ??? Lost - musician - france Photo$ - graphician - france Skull - trader - france Erotic Design Cadmus - graphician Elmek - musician, swapper Flapjack - musician, swapper Ike - coder, graphician Misha - coder The King - swapper, packmaker Ethic big-rat - x-files editor, internet - germany Bitbuster - coder - germany cOZMO - raytracer - germany Frantic - raytracer - germany Hawk Hunter - hardware-supplier - germany heron - graphician - germany Kit - mascot - germany LuCaS - sysop - germany Madstop - coder - germany Magic Max - sysop - germany mETA - musician, raytracer - germany Mr.U - coder - germany Nero - graphician - germany Tumor - raytracer - germany Flying Cows Inc. Aron - coder - poland Astral - coder - finland Chaser - musician - poland Danny Kane - swapper, ascii-artist - finland Devil - graphician - poland Echo - coder - poland Grand - graphician - finland Havoc - graphician - poland Lc - coder - poland Marwic - sysop - sweden Pagan - graphician - poland Plastus - graphician - poland Plexa - coder - poland Qix - swapper - poland Royal'69 - swapper - finland Seba - raytracer - poland Sibilus - musician - finland Snake - graphician - poland Stean - coder - poland Substance - musician - finland Thoron - coder - finland Zibi - swapper, editor - poland Zounds - swapper, musician, co-organiser - finland Freezers BENJAMIN - graphician - ??? BETHOVEN - musician - ??? DAVE - musician, swapper, ascii-artist - ??? DELERY - coder - ??? DSX.DESIGN - musician - usa GRID - graphician - sweden IMMORTAL - swapper, packmaker, sysop - ??? LENIN - editor - ??? MARILLION - ??? - ??? MORPH - coder - ??? PHASE - ??? - sweden REVEREND D - ??? - sweden SKOWRON - graphician - ??? SKY - swapper, sysop - ??? SPUTNIK - coder - ??? TBM - ??? - sweden Fresh Cyclone - swapper, ascii-artist Ghost - graphician Moone - musician, coder Fucking United Network! (FUN) GODFATHER - organizer, swapper - canada HELLRAISER - organizer, swapper - canada HELLRAZOR - organizer, swapper - norway TOMEK - swapper - poland KELSON - swapper - france SAINT - graphician, raytracer - poland JAXX - musician - denmark Giants BON - mainorganizer (nhq), swapper, packmaker - norway COPE - musician - norway D-COY - organizer (whq), musician - sweden FUGAZI - swapper - sweden HAWK - swapper, trader - sweden KELDON - swapper - sweden MALAKAI - swapper, co-organizer - norway MILLENNIUM - musician - sweden ORBIT - coder - sweden THRYM - coorganizer, swapper, raytracer - norway TWO-BIT - musician, graphician - norway TYNEO - graphician - norway WIZARD - organizer (whq), coder, musician, graphician - sweden WOOBER - sysop, musician, coder - norway ZACK - graphician, swapper - norway - boards : ETERNITY - whq - +47 777 48613 Global dEAMO - sysop, graphician JEMY MURPY - graphician MayTag - /X-coder nassyH - raytracer sTORM - ascii-artist sTRANGER - assembler-coder Gods bridgeclaw - graphician - norway chris - trader, organizer - france ghandy - trader, sysop - germany joint - raytracer, d.i.s.c. editor - norway liszt - musician - france odin - coder - france sealapex - sysop - norway sixpack - swapper, jurassic main-editor - norway zerox - d.i.s.c. main-editor - norway zytrox - coder - norway - boards : los endos - ghq pitstop - whq Grasshoppers Developments Bliss - musician, graphician, trader Coolio - swapper, graphician CrazyWild - swapper, trader, co-sysop, packmaker Kaneda - organizer, coder L8-X - swapper, trader, editor (Mookymoo!) Maverick - codeer, swapper Reflex - swapper, ascii-artist, musician Small - coder, swapper Triumph - graphician, swapper Haujobb dreamer - coder drf - coder dust - graphician fli7e - graphician, sysop howie l'amour - swapper jailor - sysop jazz - musician kid frost - musician, graphician mash - sysop melkor - trader noodle - swapper peachy - graphician seal - graphician shawn - sysop wave - graphician wildthing - sysop wotw - musician xxx - organizer Head! case78 - ascii-artist punk! - ascii-artist rave - ascii-artist react - ascii-artist rooster - ascii-artist - react/mnk joined as ascii-artist. - rave/lsd joined as ascii-artist. - gangsta renamed to case78. Honey BAFFLE - sysop BEVERAGE - coder BLACK LINE - sysop, coder, trader COUNT-ZERO - ascii-artist, sysop DARTAGNAN - ascii-artist DEFECT - trader DIABLO - sysop, trader DISTLER - sysop, coder DIZ'NEE - trader EXNER - trader FLEA - musician GANN - coder GOZZ - ascii-artist H2O - sysop, ascii-artist HENCE - coder HUZ - trader KURGAN - trader LAZ - graphics MADDOX - coder MARDUK - trader MISFIT - ascii-artist MODE - trader MOZART - trader NIVEK - musician OUTCAST - trader PAD - graphics, ascii-artist PSYCHO - sysop PULSE - graphician QEN - musician ROOSTER - swapper SCARFACE - ascii-artist, trader SHAM - graphician SLOWRIDER - trader SPROCKET - trader STAIN - trader STYLEWARS - sysop, trader THE CAT KILLER - trader TITO - coder U-MAN - ascii-artist, sysop ZIZ - sysop Humbugs LORD LECH - organizer, coder, swapper MYNOK - sysop PLASMA - organizer, graphician, ascii-artist, swapper RAZ VAN OP - musician Illusion Acryl - graphician - germany Aweson - organizer [whq], trader - germany Ben.e - graphician - germany Cyclone - graphician - germany Darek - Silesia main-editor - poland DragonFly - coder - germany Evrimsson - musician - germany Grace - coder - germany Ismal - coder - poland Jazz - musician - germany Meeku - coder - south africa Mr.C - musician - norway MTC - musician - poland Niuniek - coder - poland Odin - graphician - germany P.O.W.L. - musician - germany Punk - swapper, ascii-artist, trader - germany Ramirez - organizer [ghq], sysop [whq] - germany Rych - graphician - poland Rygar - graphician - poland Sodom - coder - poland Spiryt - musician - poland Splash - swapper, editor - germany Stan - swapper - canada Stone - trader - germany Trastor - swapper - poland Verox - organizer [phq], coder - poland Wayne - graphician - poland Wild - coder - poland Yasiu - organizer [phq], sysop [phq] - poland - Grace will meet the army for 9 month. During his military service he can be not very active. - Titus left Illusion. Impulse Beast - graphician Eft - coder Lord - sysop, trader, swapper Mr.Pixel - organizer, musician, swapper Psycho - sysop Rendall - graphician - boards : Number of the Beast - whq Shining Chrome - ahq Infect Beathoven - musician - germany Buckly - graphician, founder - germany Chili - graphician - malta Coach - coder - germany DJ Mellow Noise - musician - germany Dr.Who - organizer, coder - malta Dulux - trader, graphician - germany Eksec - coder, world-leader - germany Ernie - coder - germany Gamekiller - partyhero, clown - germany Hawk - coder - malta Hobbes - honorary member - sweden Jase - honorary member - holland Joker - graphix - malta Khul - ascii-artist, editor, coder - germany LED - coder - malta Marley - coder, founder - germany Sher - party-member - germany Smack - coder - germany Spiv - founder, graphician - germany Tekno Logik - musician - malta Turbo - coder - germany Zorro - trader, packmaker - germany Intoxicate chRiSTbaNE - ascii-artist haWkiNS - coder manGAR - ppe supporter, sysop nEophytE - coder phOS4 - ascii-artist, sysop shAQ - trader shoT - ascii-artist shy guy - trader, sysop trAUma - musician yoDA - trader Iris AzLaN - sysop - denmark BaNdY - graphician - denmark BiFrOsT - graphician - denmark cHauPLe - coder - norway ChIvAs - coder - denmark DaRkHaWk - swapper, trader, editor - denmark D.TrAuMeR - coder - france EnIaC - musician, swapper, trader, raytracer - denmark FloWeR - musician - denmark HasTuR - coder - denmark ITaL - sysop - balkan JunKhEaD - musician - norway MiKo 63 - swapper - balkan mJ - swapper, editor - norway NoTmAn - musician - denmark PIx - graphician - norway rAdIanCe - musician - norway Sir WoK - graphician - norway SoNiK - trader, swapper - holland sTrEssBaLL - musician - norway TaLpA - code - denmark Jewels Al Bundy - organizer, swapper - danmark Chours - musician - danmark Conder - swapper - danmark Dynamex - coder - sweden Eracore - graphician, raytracer - sweden Future - coder - danmark Guardian - sysop - sweden Huz - trader - sweden Keldon - trader, swapper - sweden Knox - graphician - danmark MRK - graphician, organizer - sweden Randall - musician - sweden Ricky - coder - danmark Scoop - coder - danmark Shapechanger - trader, ascii-artist - sweden Sniffet - graphician - sweden Speedy - sysop, trader - danmark Ladybird Design Fuzz - graphician Hogan - coder, swapper Hudinsky - musician Maly - swapper Ranger - coder Vasyl - swapper Lego BAILEY - coder DECCA - swapper, informant DOC HOLIDAY - musician DSN - graphician MAXIMILIAN - coder NOSE - graphician, raytracer RAWSTYLE - coder, musician SOL - graphician SIRE - ascii-artist TROOPER - sysop, graphician TWICE - coder TWILIGHT - musician Lemon. Astro - RAW-editor Blazor - coder Dan - coder Del - coder Facet - graphician Spaceman - musician Supernao - musician Les Shadock CHRISTIAN - graphician - france CHRISTOPHE - graphician - france JOBO - coder - france KUMA - coder - france ORIENS - coder - france TEBIROD - musician - france Lightforce Conan - trader D-Sign - trader Deskline - trader FLASH! - trader Funki - sysop, musician, ascii-artist Icarus - coder, cracker, trainermaker, supplier, leader Kleinduimpje - coder Lucas - sysop Masklin - trader MDR - sysop mERLIN! - /X-coder Mogue! - sysop, ascii-artist Picard - sysop RKR - sysop, ascii-artist, supplier, co-leader Selector - sysop, trader Skinny - musician Tentacle - /X-coder Voyage - sysop, coder - boards : Cement City - ukhq Endless Pain - ghq Fuck Shop - whq Liquid Spacid - ehq Point Break - legal-hq (in germany) Teutonic Place - ghq The Brothers BBS - dhq Lightstorm INC. h-b - raytracer kaspar - sounder nbk - raytracer r.a.y - coder, graphician sniper - coder snow - graphician Limited Edition Anfobia - swapper Behemoth - editor Belial - trader Corruptor - coder Donald - coder Dose - musician Drac - swapper Elf - musician Epithal - musician Katch22 - coder Mood - coder Parch - musician Poltergeist - graphician Radix - musician Santzia - trader Skize - graphician Skutt - graphician Termax - trader Traitor - sysop UFO - coder Vermis Mysteriis - musician Looker House arcane - sysop - norway dansken - sysop - sweden dee'mon - musician, raytracer - russia dmd! - graphician, ascii-artist - russia dyer - graphician - russia g.d.m. - graphician, musician, sysop, organizer, ascii-artist - russia inco - musician - sweden juggler - coder - russia kimba - graphician - australia lunasoul - graphician - russia mic^flair - sysop - england neurodancer - musician - germany notorious - editor, swapper - russia shin - coder - russia speed devil - swapper, ascii-artist - norway tangerine - musician - russia tommy - musician - sweden xpeh - musician, sysop - russia zanok - sysop - sweden zinko - sysop, organizer - denmark - boards: Aurora broasalis - ghq Permanent vacation - ukhq Purple dream - whq Most wanted - nhq Neon dream - rhq The Northern Palace - euro hq Wasted youth - shq Wastelands - shq - Inco joined as musician in Sweden. - Kimba joined as graphician in Australia. - Arcane joined as sysop in Norway. - Dansken joined as sysop in Sweden. - Mic^Flair joined as sysop in U.K.. - Zanok joined as sysop in Sweden. Magic fRE@ZARa - musician mEANALL - musician, swapper m0Jo - graphician vORPAl - coder, organizer Masque fade one - graphician - amiga fuzzel - coder - pc lord chaos - coder - pc peachy - graphician - amiga/pc romeo knight - musician - amiga vogue - musician - pc wayne mendoza - coder - amiga/pc 16-beat - musician - amiga Massive Anfobia - ascii-artist, swapper - sweden Crazywild - trader, swapper - finland Felix - organizer, swapper - norway Fisherking - graphician, swapper - norway Hysteric - swapper - france Java - sysop, graphician, ascii-artist - sweden Jummen - trader, swapper - sweden Maze - musician, packmaker, swapper - norway Moon - coder, swapper - austria Mosher - graphician, raytracer, swapper - norway Nork - musician, swapper - spain Yabbo - musician, swapper - sweden - boards : Deliusion Matrix Airon - musician - germany Ganic - coder - germany Grond - coder - germany Nazgul - graphician - germany Stone - leader - germany Mirage BLO - musician DANNY - graphician JACK - coder, internet-organizer JAKE - sysop (No Vegetables) PROTEC - coder RETEP - sysop (Mass Appeal) TOMCAT - raytracer Morbid Blackline - sysop, trader Captain Trip - musician Colonel&o'neill - graphicians Deone - graphician Jamsam - musician Java - organizer, sysop, graphician Kaneda - musician Outcast - trader Recall - sysop Rooster - organizer, swapper Sealapex - sysop Slowrider - trader Wizard - coder Wraith - sysop, trader Mystic BARTESEK - musician CBM80 - coder CHARON - coder GUNMAN - graphician, swapper JACKAL - graphician JEZO - graphician LARSEN - coder MARS - swapper MSS - coder NINJA - swapper RESET - graphician SAGRAEL - swapper TEDY - coder TRASH HEAD - swapper THE KNIGHT - swapper XTD - musician, organizer Nerve Axis ACE - sysop AXE - project manager, cosysop BABBAGE - coder, musician, graphician CAREBEAR - sysop CRASH! - co-manager, cosysop CYBER - trader, coder DAMAGE - graphician DARK ELF - coder EPSILON - trader EXCALIBUR - musician, graphician GANJA - musician JAM - musician LEECH - coder LEONARDO - graphician MAFFIA - ascii-artist, coder MESON - graphician, raytracer MOZART - trader NEXUS - coder NIK - coder RAGE - trader SPOON - musician SQUIDGE - musician STIGG - coder TANGO - ascii-artist, cosysop TERMINAL STORM - coder TOMMY SCHLOTT - coder TURBO - sysop VENOM - comms manager, sysop ZIPZIPPY - sysop ZONE - manager New Age Calladin - graphician Fender - musician Infant - coder Iz - graphician Maxiphly - coder Note - musician Penta - musician Spot - graphician Sverker - coder Nine Design C-Real - musician, ascii-artist Cook - swapper, ascii-artist Enhanced - swapper, ascii-artist, graphician Floppyman - co-leader, swapper, editor Hawk - co-leader, swapper, editor Keldon - trader, sysop, editor, swapper Kidnix - sysop Max - musician SecondPhase - musician, swapper Zoarchus - musician Nuance KILL'O'BYTE - coder - germany PHLEXIBLE - articlewriter - germany RAVEN - graphician, organizer - germany X-POOLE - musician, swapper, co-organizer - germany Old Bulls Abaddon - graphician Astaroth - graphician Exolon - swapper Hudi - coder Ini - musician Klaf - swapper Lovely - swapper Noise - musician Roberts - musician Sabe - coder, graphician, swapper, organizer Scraby - swapper Sundance - graphician, ascii-artist - Polska Brothers (subgroup): Miglantz - coder, graphician Zbyszek - musician, graphician Glult - musician, graphician Parallax Allah - sysop - finland Bandog - coder - finland Debug - coder - finland Hijack - trader, ascii-artist - finland Legend - musician - finland Metal - coder, sysop - finland Mike - swapper - finland Mistral - graphician - finland Sardiini - swapper - finland Simply - coder - finland TJM - musician - finland Top-Azz - musician - finland Tukan - graphician - finland Warthog - raytrace, WWW - finland Yolk - musician, organizer - finland Passion Adonis - ??? Blizzart - graphician Boogeyman - coder Cutcreator - musician Cybrush - graphician Decoy - swapper Jake - musician Pearl - editor Prowler - graphician Red Cheese - ??? Silicon - graphician Subject - musician The Colonel - trader The Whistle - coder, musician Tronic - ??? X-Man - trader Zarch - trader Phantasm Apollo - coder Bastard - ascii-artist Crisi - coder Gandalf - coder, raytracer, sysop McCoy - coder Noodles - raytracer Phoenix - coder Rico - musician, raytracer SiliconSurfer - coder Slaxx - graphician, musician Spirit - coder, raytracer Steeler - moral support, coder The Alien - coder Phase Distortion Airon - musician - germany Cyclone - coder - germany FBY - musician - italy Johan - graphician - sweden Juice - musician, ascii-artist - croatia Lunkwill - coder - germany Maniac - raytracer - germany Pirat - musician, main-organizer - germany Skywalker - coder - germany Vouck - graphician, ascii-artist - germany Wiz Kid - sysop, ascii-artist - germany - boards : Amiga Carrier - hrhq - +385-(0)40-87173 Digital Disaster - whq - +49-(0)6401-21964 Sweet Dreams - ghq - +49-(0)6406-76571 Realistix - ghq - +49-(0)721-9862174 Thunderdome - ghq - +49-(0)6406-75571 Holy Crew jUiCE - ascii-artist vOUCk! - ascii-artist wiZKiD - ascii-artist Phuture 303 ANGELDUST - graphician, swapper - germany AXEHANDLE - coder - sweden BADGER - graphician, swapper - sweden BASE - swapper - germany BLAZE - swapper - poland CHELSEA - graphician - denmark CIE - musician - germany CLEVER - swapper - germany CMP DEZIGN - graphician - germany DAVE - musician, swapper, ascii-artist - poland DAZE - graphician, swapper - england DIGITAL - musician - poland DRAC - swapper - denmark JAXX - musician - denmark LFO - swapper, musician, coder - england LIGHTMAN - raytracer - poland MOPTY - raytracer - poland MR UHU - swapper - poland NICO - coder - poland PARSEC - coder - sweden RAGE - internet - england RAVID - coder - denmark SUBSTANCE - musician - finland TRASH - graphician - poland VIM! - musician - england XEDOS - coder - germany ZANY - musician - norway ZENOPHOBE - trader - england Pointless Ache - musician, organizer - sweden Drowsy - coder - sweden Nrg - musician, coder, organizer - sweden Prowler - graphician, trader - sweden Zod - main coder - sweden Prodigy Argon - trader - germany Centory - supplier - england Cyquest - trader - germany Diddl - supplier - germany Generation - sysop - germany Hitpoint - cracker - germany Jake - sysop, trader - netherland Mercury - sysop - germany Metal Force - sysop, cracker - denmark Nitro - main-organizer - germany Nostromo - spreader, supplier - germany Picard - sysop - usa Rastaman - trader - germany Razor - main-organizer - germany S.U.X. - supplier - germany Skeleton - sysop - usa Stargate - trader - germany The Best! - cracker - germany Progress CAPSLOCKMAN - leader, trader, sysop, supplier CHUCK - trader EXCALiBER - sysop DISC-DEVIL - trader HUDSON HAWK - trader, ascii-artist, graphician LANCE - supplier, sysop, trader LEMMON - sysop Malcom - trader MartyMcFly - trader PRAYER - sysop RH+ - graphician, co-leader SCANDIC - sysop, trader THE ENEMY - cracker THE FLY - sysop ZAXXON - sysop (-rEBEL!-) - sysop, ascii-artist Puzzle Archangel - musician - norway Fazion - coder - denmark Firebird - party-organizer - denmark Jedi - sysop - norway Kreon - coder - denmark Mickey - coder - denmark Phonetic - raytracer - denmark Relief - musician - denmark Robotnik - coder - denmark SCA - coder - denmark Selector - coder - denmark Tactica - graphician - denmark R.N.O. (Rave Network Overscan) Angeldust - graphician, swapper - germany Cie - musician - germany Convict - musician - holland Damien - graphician, raytracing, swapper - sweden El Fatal - swapper - germany Fiction - graphician, swapper - holland Iro - swapper - germany Jan - graphician - holland Mr. X - coder (AMOS), swapper - norway Nemesis - graphician, ascii-artist, swapper - england S.D.S. - musician, swapper, ascii-artist, graphician - holland Scandal - graphician, coder (AMOS) - holland Slavey - swapper - england T.B.C. - organizer, musician, swapper - holland Tft - swapper - norway The Enemy - musician - germany Zany - musician, swapper - norway Rage Bigbeard - coder (amiga) Cap'n babar - animator Cascade - musician D.Vader - special member, intergalactic ruler Derek - coder (amiga) Digimatic - coder (amiga / pc) Fajser - musician FoxX - graphician, coder (pc) Goose - coder (amiga) Haggolf - coder (amiga) Nadir - coder (pc) Ozzie - organizer, graphician Regulator - coder (amiga / pc) Stomipasen - coder (pc) Xerxes - sysop Zeque - coder (amiga) Zwinx - ex-sysop Ram Jam ACBS - coder, organizer, editor - italy ATHEIST - musician - sweden DARKMAN - coder - italy DR. G - sysop, trader - italy FASHION - swapper, editor - germany KAOSMASTER - swapper, raytracer - italy KLORATHY - coder - sweden KREEX - raytracer - italy LOOP - graphician - sweden MYSTRA - musician - norway N-JOY - musician - italy NIGHTSHADE - sysop - sweden PAYDAY - trader, swapper - sweden RANDY - graphician, coder, editor - italy THE TRENDY DEALER - swapper, html-coder - italy VEGA - swapper, editor - italy Rektum Celic - swapper, sysop - germany Dr.Synth - coder - germany Exolon - sysop - poland Hotstepper - sysop - luxembourg Iq Zar - graphician - germany Malcolm - sysop, graphician, musician - denmark mr.p - swapper - germany Mr. Funny - sysop, swapper, musician - denmark Santa Claus - musician, swapper - denmark Spike - trader, ascii-artist - germany Riot Darkman - musician Exon - sysop, graphician, trader, organizer Frontier - trader Rally - coder Reset - graphician Stone - trader, www-design Royal 243 - trader - australia 3! - graphician - sweden Apollo - leader, sysop, cc-supplier, coder - holland Arth - trader - poland ByteJammer - coder, cracker - holland Circuit Breaker - sysop - usa Citruz - graphician, sysop - sweden Clotug - trader - holland Crilla - coder - sweden Cryo - coder - denmark Dazz - trader - holland Delvin - trader - holland Diablo - trader - germany Dunkan - trader - holland Fenix - sysop - poland Floppy Robby - coder, sysop - holland FreeCaller - trader - poland Fury - sysop - switzerland Hamlet - leader, sysop - sweden Ice - trader, sysop - holland IKilledHer - coder - holland Jacobs - trader - poland Keram - trader - poland Kingpin - sysop - norway Kostek - cracker - poland Mortimer Twang - musician - sweden Muad'Dib - /X-coder - holland Newt - graphician, coder - sweden Pat - trader - poland Prefix - trader - poland Prophet - coder - holland Psychotron - coder - sweden QLA - trader - poland Radavi - trader, sysop - holland Relief - graphician, ascii-artist - denmark Slice - musician - sweden Slime - sysop - germany Soultaker - coder - holland Spite - coder - sweden Steel - trader - germany Taste - trader - sweden TCB - sysop - belgium Tib - coder - holland Trauma - sysop - cze Tyrell - trader - holland Voyage - trader, sysop - germany Whirlwind - leader, sysop, ascii-artist, coder - holland Wild - trader - switzerland XMan - trader, cd32-supplier - denmark Zanok - trader - sweden Zinko - sysop - denmark Ziutek - trader - poland Saints Adam - swapper - turkey Danko - coder - turkey Danny Kane - swapper - finland Datura - ??? - ??? Decoder - swapper - norway Dr.Dweep - graphician - turkey Droopy - coder - denmark Drop - trader, raytracer, editor - turkey Enzyme - musician - finland Exe - sysop, Trader - turkey Fate! - sysop - ??? Isaac - musician, sysop - norway Klenye - coder - turkey Nop! - sysop, swapper, trader - turkey Phuture - swapper - sweden Plugster - editor - sweden PurpleHaze - swapper, trader - norway SilverFlame - musician - denmark Substance - musician - finland The Confuser - graphician - norway The Nock - swapper, trader - turkey Tranze - swapper - norway Voyage! - sysop - germany Wiz - sysop - norway Yak - graphician - england - boards : Absolute Disco - nhq Death Field - whq Fire Hall - nhq Highlander - dhq Last Action - nhq Mysteryland - dhq Needful Things - thq Piranha - nhq The Nuke - nhq Under World - nhq Wather World - ehq Wild Palms - ehq Sardonyx B.B.King - sysop Calladin - graphician Chucky - swapper Devotion - coder, organizer DuffE - graphician Fichu - toastmaster Fishwave - editor Luke - sysop Newt - graphician, sysop Syntax - coder, organizer Tobias Jansson - graphician TSK - editor Ventrue - sysop Zalo - sysop Savage cr8y - graphician, utility-coder Dehydrator - musician MG - musician Mk - editor Victim - coder Scalaris ARI - raytracer - poland CERBER - coder - poland DEVOTH - coder - poland DR SZACH - raytracer - poland DRAC - graphician - ??? ELMEK - musician - poland ENDER - swapper - poland FML - musician - poland HOTSTEPPER - coder, graphician, swapper - luxembourg KLAF - swapper - poland NAZGUL - coder - poland QLA - trader - ??? ROBSON - coder - poland WEED - graphician - poland Scum Dziulas - swapper, graphician Hiv - swapper, editor No Name - musician Pick Poke - graphician Skizo - swapper, organizer, editor Slive - coder Soul - musician Stargie - coder Sweetvoice - swapper, editor Tgp - coder, swapper The Founder - ascii-artist, swapper Secretly! Bladerunner - trader, coder DC Clark - musician, graphician, raytracer, coder Dolphin - coder, graphician, designer Dynamic - musician FX - raytracer Miran - coder, designer Mr.Vain - leader, organizer, graphician, designer, musician, swapper, ascii-artist Nation - co-leader, coder, graphician, designer, ascii-artist Smasher - musician Tranquilizer - musician, coder - Atlan was kicked. - Barbarian has left the scene. - Bladerunner is burning some amiga cd-rom stuff for commercial. - DC Clark joined as musician, graphician, raytracer and coder. - DJ Holy Bass is now a coder too and that is why he has renamed his handle to Tranquilizer. - D.J.X-Base renamed to Dynamic. He is starting coding... - Dolphin has stopped his work until next year because of some hardware problems. nevertheless he is still a Secretly! member. - Nation draws asciis in cooperation with mr.vain. - Smasher is starting coding... - they are in a very very big need of good coders and graphicians !!! We are still searching esp. for more german members. Answer guaranteed, to all! - upcoming projects: MultiBootTool v2.0 : just a shell (copy, delete, info..) with gui, monitor and some more nice features. MAT v1.0 : a nice utility for all rippers and collectors of PT-mods. Slide It Aga : a funny game! Looking out for the soon coming playable demo version. Forgotten Worlds : a nice slideshow. because of lameless of our main coder (for this project) we are in need of some coop acts. tell us when you are interested.. and a great sound demo with a lots of fun! Sector 7 amiga section: Bollhaus - swapper - germany CDK - graphician, raytracer, musician, swapper, organizer - germany JCS - graphician - germany Marc - musician, swapper, organizer - germany Nineteen - musician - germany NoName - code, whq - germany Skylord - musician - germany pc section (Faktor X): Chris - coder, raytracer - germany Mega H - musician, graphician, swapper, organizer - germany MSC - coder, pc-hq - germany Pat - swapper - germany Tom - musician - germany - Nineteen joined as musician. - Chris joined the PC-Section as a coder and raytracer. Session ACE - swapper ACRYL - graphician BLAZE - coder BOOSTA - musician CANDYMAN - swapper CESIUM - editor, organizer, swapper CRUDE - sysop CRUSADER - ascii-artist, swapper E-MOON - coder GOTHMOG - coder, ideas^design INFANT - coder JUSTIN CASE - raytracer, coder, organizer PSYCHO - musician RAMSES - coder (pc) TERROX - main-organizer, sysop, editor (R.A.W), swapper, musician, graphician TOMAS - musician WOWBAGGER - coder ZALO - sysop, graphician - ACRYL joined them as graphician. Shelter aOD - musician - germany bUBBA - sysop, trader - sweden dOC - supplier, cd-section - germany fLI7E - coder , sysop, ascii-artist - germany jAVIS - sysop, musician - germany lYNXX - coder, cracker - germany mARODEUR - sysop, trader - germany mAVIS - musician, raytracer - germany sLAPSHOt - leader, sysop, supplier - germany tHE^cROW - raytracer - germany tHOM - ftp sysop, hpa supplier - usa vOUCK! - ascii-artist, graphician - germany .-nINO! - sysop, trader - germany -rEBEL!- - sysop, trader, coder - germany - boards : cRAZY dEMOL. sQUAD - dist site dREAM pHASE - shq eLMSTREET - ehq fLEX oN! - dist site pOINT bREAK - ghq tHE hIDDEN eNTRY - ftp tHE jUNCTION - whq tHE pUB - ghq vALHALLA - dist site - they are working on a music demo (members working on this project): code - lYNXX moduldes - mAVIS fOR 4 cHANNEL (protracker) aOD fOR 8 cHANNEL (digibooster) graphics - vOUCK! (pixel) mAVIS & rYCE^tDS (raytracing) design - sLAPSHOt & mAVIS Skulls CERBER - coder CZARNY - swapper EGON - swapper ELEZAR - raytracer JACOOL - swapper, sysop LARRY - writer LUCK - musician MASHER - raytracer MR.BIG - swapper, sysop NAZGUL - coder NEUROMANCER - graphician, sysop NOVI - writer P242 - raytracer, swapper PILA - swapper, writer, ascii-artist SEBA - coder Slope dr. best - coder gludul - graphician hysteric - packmaker, swapper mic - organizer penguin - coder suicyco - swapper tiger - packmaker, swapper Soldiers and Flowers Ae - coder Billy - sysop, trader Dan - coder, graphician Grohu - graphician Franckey - coder, editor Krzysio - graphician Mr.Lizard - graphician, ascii-artist Ogotay - coder Oster - coder Piles - coder Priest - musician R.G. - swapper, coder Sagrael - swapper, trader Sir James - graphician Sixtus - musician Stigmatiser - graphician Timi - mainorganizer, swapper Tinner - raytracer Spaceballs Danny - graphician Dope - coder Jobbo - coder Kingpin - swapper, sysop KR'33 - swapper Lizard - musician, organizer Lone Starr - coder Shortie - coder Tim - coder Vinnie - musician Yoghurt - organizer Steps of Change Dooba - organizer, musician, swapper - england Psionic - graphician - england Sykotik - raytracer - england Synapze - graphician - england Strange COMA - musician, swapper HAWK - organizer, swapper, trader, ascii-artist, raytracer MORKELEB - graphician, swapper, trader MR.X - code, swapper, trader SPIN dIZZY - musician, swapper WISEGUY - swap, sysop WIZARD - code, ascii-artist, musician, graphician, trader Sunshine productions Atheist - musician Blast - coder Digit - musician Laz - graphician LightSpeed - coder Mr.Coke - coder, orhganizer MRK - graphician Opium - sysop Pad - graphician Producer - coder, oragnizer Qen - musician Rooster - swapper Whiplash - coder Suspect DR.ACID - ascii-artist JAVIS! - sysop MONSUN - organizer, graphician RIDDLER - coder SUNNY - editor, swapper UGLY MARC - graphician, musician (-REBEL-) - organizer, sysop [-SEGOY-] - sysop [-SAXON!-] - sysop Syndrome Angelwings - musician Bosco - musician Codac - coder Eagle - swapper Guille - coder JCS - graphician Kestrel - swapper Maf - musician Marc - musician Nitrik - graphician Okeanos - musician Rahow - graphician Tenshu - graphician Zaac - graphician Tarkus Team DCSL Earl Of Lennox Gucky iAN Karpow MAGiX Spider Stargate Voice & Mutant Technology alien - graphician - poland android - musician, trader - italy aro - graphician - poland frøya - moral-support - norway hantarex - sysop, trader - italy horn - raytracer - poland immortal - swapper, coder, sysop - poland larry - graphician - italy lenz - coder (pc) - poland lucifer - musician - norway kaos master - /X-coder, trader, swapper - italy mr. vain - coder (pc), swapper - poland mystra - musician - norway psycho - ascii-artist, sysop - austria sonic flash - musician, swapper - germany sundance - graphician - poland the confuser - graphician - norway verger - coder - poland volcryn - swapper - norway yark - coder - poland woober - musician, swapper, ascii-artist, sysop - norway zig - coder - poland zoltar - raytracer - poland The Black Lotus amiga section: Axm - graphician Azazel - musician Cypher - graphician Danny - graphician Equalizer - coder Facet - graphician Fishbone - graphician Gizmo - coder I-GO - coder Igloo - graphician Im-Pose - graphician Jeek Elemental - coder Ken - coder Lizard - musician Louie - graphician Noy - coder Offa - coder Rodney - graphician Rubberduck - coder Supernao - musician Tim - coder Tudor - graphician pc section: Exon - coder Fear - coder Jesse - coder Nahkamuumi - coder Stryper - musician Wizard - coder Wox - coder support section: Dickhead - coder HitMan - sysop Hokke - coder Overlord - sysop Sag - coder Shark - sysop Yfcon - coder TRSI-Innovations Beatnik - coder - TRSI/F-Innovation Bloodrock - coder - TRSI/F-Innovation ByteAndi - coder - TRSI/X-Innovation CoRteX - coder - TRSI/X-Innovation Dr.Dre! - coder - TRSI/X-Innovation Fuzzy - coder - TRSI/T-Innovation SieGeL - coder - TRSI/X-Innovation Spy - coder - TRSI/X-Innovation Strider - coder - TRSI/F-Innovation Twilight Condor - holland D-Tail - denmark D-Fekt - sweden Darkwing - denmark Dough - denmark Dr.Chaos - denmark Evil-C - holland Genius - denmark Madmardigan - denmark Nicko - denmark Nightwalker - denmark Raper - denmark Sealapex - norway Skittle - england Sqwala - denmark Sticky - denmark Sundown - denmark The Mighty Hamster - denmark Universal Funk - holland Zinko - denmark - boards: Digital Conspiracy - dkhq Evil Empire - dhq Graffity Bridge - dist. site Nile City - shq Pitstop - nhq Primal Rage - schq Synergy Denmark - dist. site The Northern Palace - whq The Octavo - ukhq X-Mortis - dist. site - Plaztique D-Zign (Twilight Subdivision) Cybersoul - ??? Genius - denmark Melomaniac - denmark Sundown - denmark - boards: Artificial Wonder - dkhq Synergy Denmark - whq Ultima Bubba CORN CRAZY HORSE cYBER Decoy Delta TX Dmg DNA Durandal DUSTY ROSE F CRUEGER Franky Gizmo Golic Gunda HoTWire Hugh HYBRID Jay Jei Joe Bloogs Junk Junk Khufu Koffin Blood Madman Madsen MoRpH Nighthawk Noddy Orb Scarab Shaitan SKiNNY Sparky! SpeeDevil Stace t1000 The Gaffer ZOON - boards : Corn on the Cob - ukhq Digital Candy - whq Disclosure - ukhq Doxology - bhq Dreamlands - dhq Dreamphase - shq Go In! - ghq Reality Bytes - nhq Subhuman - ukhq The Beyond - shq The Specialist - us dist The Stable - ukhq Voyager - ukhq Wonderland - dhq Vacuum digital - musician insert - graphician, organizer jacool - swapper, packmaker trash - graphician Venture Korbatz - graphician, editor, organizer - poland Majkel - coder, swapper, co-organizer - poland Noster - coder - poland Pippen - coder - poland R.T. - musician - poland Wierza - musician - poland Vision Labs 07 - raytracer, organizer DooM - raytracer Necroscope - raytracer, graphician Void Dt214 - organizer, musician, swapper - england F.G.S. - musician - england Griz - organizer, graphician - england Jay - organizer, coder, swapper - england Kaa - coder, swapper - england K!llit - coder, swapper - england Rabl - graphician, swapper - holland Raptor - coder, swapper - poland Scandal - coder, graphician - holland Styles - musician - holland Snoopy - coder, swapper - england Zany - musician, swapper - norway X-Tension Ace - sysop, coder, swapper Kovy - music, swapper, co-organizer Lupi - coder, musician Pancur - graphician Pid - graphician, swapper this small message-part includes messages from Raven / Nuance Mr.Vain / Secretly! ------------------------------------------------------------ messages from: Raven / Nuance to X-Poole/Nuance Go and get yourself an eMail-address !!!! snailMail sucks !! Andy(ex.Essence) Hey Dude, do you remeber the scream from the Barbeque- Meeting: Boioioing ! :)) McAndy ? Wie schmeckt denn der ? :))) Cougar/Sanity Meister des Schneemasses ! Und wie geht's immer so ? Man sieht sich ja dann beim Fischer-Meeting ! Achja, hab vor ein paar Tagen die Oli-Einladung von der Post zurueckbekommen ! Aufgeweicht und zerrissen ! Naja, dafuer darf mir der Oli beim Goldfischli den Kopf abreissen ! :) Trasher/Artwork&Sanity&Bomb Ooooooh mein Gott !! Echt sorry !!!! Es war zwar net "Mea Culpa", aber das glaubt mir eh keiner !! Nette Musicdisc ! Icarus/Lightforce Jaja, ich bin ja schon am painten !! Du bist aber mal wieder ungeduldig, dabei hab ich grad so viel zu tun !!!! Mac&Savage(ex.BB) Aber zum naechsten Meeting wird dann wieder in voller Copymontur mit Amiga angetreten !! Aber ok, wenn man auf's Bates-Konzert geht, is man hinterher fertig ! :) Rusty/Elicma Frueher Diavolo-Orgien, heute ParNet-Orgien !! :) Die Zeiten wandeln sich, die anruechigen Bilder nie!! ;)) Chucky/Sardonyx Hat der Andy euch net Bescheid gesacht ? Meimei ! Aber zum Goldfischli-Meeting kommst Du doch wohl !! Wann kommt'n das naechste Seenpoint raus ? Celebrandil/Phenomena Thanks for the interview ! I'll send the Mag as soon as it's finished !! Michael/Anathema Soooooooooory for the delay, but I moved into a new apartment, so I had to do a hell lot of work !! Gfx-Twins/Essence Hey Ihr Pappnasen, wie geht's euch denn ?? Koennt ja auch mal wieder was von Euch hoeren lassen ! :)) Exumer&Thor Ha ! You'll never gonna read this ! :))))) Obelix(ex.Platin) Alte Sumpfratte ! Sich mal wieder vor'm Meeting druecken! Dabei haettste umsonst 12 Schneemassen bekommen ! Selber schuld !! Slayer/Blaze Have you received the Logo for the Muscidisc ? Sorry for the delay !!!!!!!! What about a letter ? to all other scene-pals out there Keep on supporting the Amiga !! ------------------------------------------------------------ messages from: Mr.Vain / Secretly! to all coders and graphicians! If you are a good coder or a graphician and if you are interested to join our crew, then don't hestitate and send us fast a letter and some x-amples of your work to our adresses. We are still searching esp. for more german members. Answer guaranted, to all! all swapper contax! If you are in contact with me, and if you are releasing a new demo, mag, pack or whatever, then please be so lovely and send me the ORIGINAL and PACKED archive! Because if you send me your production not packed, we are not able to spread it arround the boards. Beside packed archives are always mutch better, because we can copy more stuff to the disks and the letters can be longer i.e.! So i don't understand why many swappers don't want packed archives. It's not bad, if you can't send me ever packed archives, but please send your production(s) as an ORIGINAL and PACKED ARCHIVE! If you are sending PACKED ARCHIVES, it'll be nice if you can save the included file-id.diz under the same filename as the archive is. But the suffix should be .diz - so we can everytime see what the packed stuff is. a german guy Ich habe am 15.08. einen Briefumschlag mit einer Disk und einen Zettel erhalten, auf dem folgendes stand: "Sorry, ich hab Dir nur eine Disk geschickt, weil ich momentan etwas im Stress bin - naechstes Mal schick ich wieder zwei. c-yAAAAAH!" Danke fuer den stuff. Leider hast Du aber weder auf dem Zettel noch in dem Brief auf der Disk geschrieben, wer Du bist ;-( ! Auch war der Poststempel leider nicht erkennbar. Deshalb kann ich Dir z.Z leider nicht zurueckschreiben. Wenn Du diesen Text gerade liest, dann schreibe bitte nochmal einen Brief und vergiss bitte nicht deinen Namen und evtl. Adresse! Exon/Riot hehe... the famoust demo-board LOS ENDOS goes ISDN? kewl! stay cool my friend. cee yeah later.. Ghandy/Gods ups.. hi lars.. you are married? good luck for the future! greetz to you and your woman betina.. hear from ya.. Celic/Rektum thanks for ya nice sending. hope to see ya at the somewhere in holland paddy... stay cool men... yours friend mr.vain Tycoon/Reality hello my crazy friend ;-) - symposium was great! - hope to see ya all again at the somewhere in holland paddy.. Fishwave/Sardonyx hi adrian.. thank you very mutch for writing back. yep, the fetisch bistro and the big family sandwhiches was really fun! do you remember the big sea-compo and laser-show ;-) ? the symposium was really a great paddy. also hope to hear from ya soon.. 3 disk rulez, hehe.. Laxical/Scoopex hi joachim.. have fun with your music for the pie-cie game (uargh!) ;) ! send some greetz to your sm-girlfriend ;-) ! cee ya soon.. Dire/Eremation hi nico.. hope your holiday was great. have you get my sendings? Please write me soon... stay cool men.. Lithium/Eltech hi glen.. hope you like my new tune for ya pack. isn't it a bouncy, happy and fast energetic tune? It is also not a rave tune ;) ! Hope to hear from ya soon.. Puh/Agony hi alvar.. hope you liked my ideas for the future or oepir risti !? Please write me soon.. stay kewl.. Twice/Lego hi bastian.. are you death? where is the addy from the leader or one of the swappers from lego? i am still waiting for an answer since the symposium paddy'96. please write soon.. Guru/Sahara Surfers hi jarno.. keep on your great work - the player is the best amiga player around.. hope you have get for a long time my sending with the new gui for the player and some new feature ideas..!? Jazz/HauJobb^Illusion hi kai.. cranger kirmes was great. the best and new carrousels was night fly and jumping.. the worlds one switchback with hanging cars was very expensiv. it costs 10 german marks ;( - i was never in this hot switchback - but maybe next year!? Over 4.000.000 guys where at this festival, hope we have next year a lot of fun.. i'm still waiting for ya first issue of friendchip.. stay cool.. mr.vain mUSICANS aND fRIENDLY lETTERS: dr.death/eltech^ats yngve dalland 5690 lundegrend n o r w a y oNLY fRIENDSHIP sURVIVE! -[ i`M sTILL aLIVE! ]- ----- For friendly elite swapping take some crap and write to: Kestrel / Syndrome Jan Christoph Meyer Lehmsiek 1 25876 Schwabstedt Germany (known groups preferred) ----- FOR SWAPPING! '96 SPLATTERHEAD/FANATIC PL 62 FIN - 15141 LAHTI FINLAND DISK=ANSWER ----- wANNA sWAP tHE lATEST wITH a fRIENDLY gUY? lITHIUM/eLTECH 2 hEATHER gARDENS bELTON gREAT yARMOUTH nR31 9PP eNGLAND > nO uK gUYS, pLEASE! < aLSO fOR sUPPORTING tHE lUNCH pAK ----- : ....................... : . : : . : contact... : . : : . __ : Marc/Sector 7^Crazy^: __ /\_\ : Syndrome : /\_\ \/_/ : : \/_/ : Marcus Kaluschke : . : Ostpreussenstr.30 : . : 31553 Sachsenhagen : | : Germany : | : : : : for mod swap,etc. : : . : : . | : and of course: : | | : if ya need music 4 : | : ya own productions! : | : : | . : 100% answer+mod! : . :.....................: ----- If we told you that we hate your texts, that we do not want your music, that your clip art are lousy and that your title pictures are but average, well, then we would be lying. Oepir Risti c/o Alvar Andersson Halliden 2 436 39 Askim Sweden Actually, we love your support. ----- [ m a j k e l / v e n t u r e ] high quality mailtrading with long personal letters and 0-3 days demo-scene stuff: michal czebotar os.zachod b/22/e1 73-110 stargard p o l a n d or via e-mail: but only old and respected sceners! but also active and friendly! red strawberries for: big-rat, bodzio, cesium, chrombacher, damion, decoy desoto, devistator, dragzter, dsx design, dump, elis epidemic, estrayk, excel, frame, gangsta, g.d.m., kaneda korbatz, lord, magic, mars, mop, noodle, noster piirakka munalla, pippen, rahiem, rt, scout, scraby spin, tactica, unreal, vodka, wierza, zibi ----- ,,,, (o o) - -- -- -+----ooO-(_)-Ooo---+- -- -- - S e c r e t l y ! do ya need a chip c/o Thorsten Will mod for ur intro? P.o.Box: 10 17 02 cntx mr.vain/scl! D - 44607 Herne OnLy LeGaL StUfF! we are in need of coders! 100% answer if u send a disk! .oO Greetz to all our friends! Oo. - -- -- ---------------------- -- -- - ----- B I Z A R R E A R T S is searching for some active members. If YOU are searching for a friendly group to join just leave us a hint. Contact Antibrain/BZR !! eMail -> sMail -> Antibrain/Bizarre Arts PO Box 73 03 73 22123 Hamburg Germany Call our BBS the "Fiction Factory" running on A2k/68060 - ask Antibrain for the numbers - ----- .o0 gENeRATiON 0o. don`t forget to support your favourite mag with - adverts - articles - messages - news send your stuff to Damion / Artwork Jens-Oliver Klokkers Marrinksweg 5 48531 Nordhorn Germany e-mail: DAMION@PARADISE.FIRE.DBN.DINET.COM ----- C a s e 7 8 / S c o o p e x ^ C - l o u s R e n e R u m m e l H u t s c h e n r e u t h e r k o l . 5 9 5 1 0 0 S e l b G e r m a n y dealer of latest ambrosia productions graffiti - hiphop - aerosol lifestyle ... name it and you are my man ----- - - l o o k e r h o u s e - - - inspiraatiosta syntynytta taidetta - 2 contact us for join or support with your articles/news/adverts/rumours our disk-mag write to or to Alexander Soloviev Sokolnicheskij val 38/78 107113 Moscow RUSSIA ----- - N U A N C E - Wanna release your chippies in our Pack ? Wanna join our friendly team ? Wanna swap some gfx or own-productions ? Then drop some lines to: RAVEN of NUANCE sMail: Webergasse 34 89584 Ehingen Germany eMail: ----- .o0o. WILD .o0o. B sure to take part in our: ! Advertising-Competition ! The best, most creative or funny or best designed advert... ...will be honored with a gift ! Send your adverts to: eMail: sMail: H.Wittmaack Webergasse 34 89584 Ehingen Germany PS: Also articles, news, etc can be posted to these adresses ! ----- A new magazine is coming soon...'s name is... .o0o. WILD .o0o. Check out the next x-files for more informations ! ----- 2 contact the cool'n dark caves of Nuance grab your pen and write 2 : X-Poole of Nuance Marco Willemsen Eibenstr. 24 49828 Neuenhaus Germany ---=> in full affect <=--- ----- - A R T W O R K - For legal reasons write to.. ------------------------------ Trasher of Artwork Oliver Plink Bricciusweg 3 89079 Ulm Germany Assembly '96 - results PC demo competition --------------------- 1452 points - Machines of Madness by Dubius 1418 points - Toasted by Cubic Team 764 points - Vivid by Doomsday production 736 points - Super-TV by Orange 461 points - Sperm by Five Coders 432 points - Daydream by JapoTek 355 points - Stream by MFX 342 points - Proton by Planet Artwork 299 points - Ages by Happo 288 points - Zencore by TPOLM 267 points - Nutz by Hyperopia 266 points - Sergei by Recreation 254 points - Anxious by Vandals 215 points - They will pay by Borealis 210 points - Pure dignity in bottle by Dignity PC 64k intro competition -------------------------- 1366 points - Blind by Eufrosyne 1196 points - Wego by Complex 780 points - Nation Zero II by Jamm 506 points - Palikka by Moottori 501 points - Neutral by Coral 386 points - Water by Spririt New Style 328 points - Station Crawford by Paragon 321 points - Andalucia by Halcyon 262 points - '69 by TBL 211 points - Pocsolya by Byteam 187 points - Prelude by Amorphous 185 points - Pallo 163 points - Power Rangers by Cool Productions PC 4k intro competition ------------------------- 1342 points - Pure Spirit 960 points - Countach 895 points - Mobilization 388 points - Stroke 386 points - Chrome II 380 points - Shorty 377 points - Chaos Overflow 269 points - Mystical 240 points - Balls Amiga demo competition ------------------------ 1674 points - Sumea by Virtual Dreams 1041 points - Dim by Mellow Chips 816 points - Goa by The Black Lotus 600 points - Traffic by Mystic 504 points - Mindabuse by Limited Edition 456 points - Cyberia by Scoopex 450 points - Insane by Extend 368 points - Showstopper by Cirion 348 points - Clichés by Artificial People 196 points - Bold by Banal Projects 148 points - Gyrate by Wrath Amiga intro competition ------------------------- 1207 points - Pure by Sonik Clique 653 points - So What? by Royal 553 points - Japani by Kanisteri DISQUALIFIED !!! 482 points - Click by Primary 464 points - Asm '96 by C-Lous 459 points - Murr by New Age 433 points - Kanda Bong Man by Wunderbaum 398 points - IFA by Extend 351 points - Übergirl by Subspace 250 points - Nona by Zenon 240 points - Hit the Fan by Sam & Roy 4 channel music competition ----------------------------- 725 points - Red man in space by Major / Bombsquad 680 points - Bamjam by Stargazer / Sonik Clique 606 points - Full of Bloody Shit by Azazel / TBL 538 points - Aulenvire by Dizzy 528 points - Radar... by Sam & Roy 499 points - Finskapop by Illusion 419 points - Gateway to jazz by Deck / Scx 413 points - Uncommon by Muffler 396 points - Blues by Bent byte 354 points - Napalm... by Mayday 343 points - Huh by Substance 309 points - $ by Nike 273 points - Musiikki by Andy 205 points - Time... by Charlie 155 points - Augmented by Breeze Multichannel music competition -------------------------------- 994 points - Crux / DCC 646 points - Prototype 568 points - Cube / DEE 565 points - Pauli Rämö 507 points - Toalnkor + Scarfman 463 points - Amarillo by Yzi / Fit 441 points - Prophesy by Turtle / Accession 436 points - Shiva shanti by Zake / KFMF 408 points - My Dick is too Hard by Breeze / Capacala 398 points - Replicator 0.3b by Zodiak / FM 377 points - Season of Mists by Edge / EMF 333 points - Cosmos Whiteline by Stargazer / Sonik Clique 305 points - Doskpop project by Lizardking / Triton 288 points - Simply cool by Alpha / KLF 145 points - Polish scene is Ares now by Sulphur / Orange Graphics competition ---------------------- 1115 points - Made / Bomb software 656 points - Visualize / Jamm 599 points - Beast / Impulse 556 points - Louie / TBL 509 points - Rooney / TBL 432 points - Destop / CNCD 423 points - Ranx / Orange 374 points - Tomppa / Acid Productions 351 points - Rendall / Impulse 319 points - Eracore / Rebels 278 points - Nero / Artwork 243 points - Wolf / Wrath Designs 231 points - Dreamer + Fame / Nah Kolor 173 points - Eibon / Bombsquad 144 points - Speedo Raytrace competition ---------------------- 984 points - Hänmies by Sami-setä/ Paskasoft prod. 807 points - The Final Chapter by Vaapukka / Mighty Muumies 615 points - Watch cup by Marvel / Future Crew 446 points - Puf by Frank / Orange 438 points - Unplug by Serge 409 points - Scape by Decsian / Cascada 401 points - Shellshod by Reward / Complex 379 points - Dream by Maxwell / Melon Design 314 points - Secker by Wiggin / Nordic Vision + Cirion 277 points - Egypt by Tudor / TBL 215 points - Mech by Magna / VDC 204 points - Asetelma by MMB / Bombsquad 193 points - Donald by Thain / Sensible 171 points - Twisted by Artifex / Complex 131 points - The Warriors Chamber by Slayer & Glonzo / Stetson Design Animation competition ----------------------- 837 points - Amis 5000 by Vaapukka 683 points - In and out by Timo Kinnunen 650 points - Giant Bungahole from outer space by Paskasoft 621 points - Heroes 520 points - Green Peace by Abaddon 452 points - Visitor by Slimy Devl / TDC 415 points - A Jolly Day by Inside 318 points - Overall by Grunt 310 points - Delmar 287 points - Bad Dream by ADM & JTP 245 points - Dragon Eye by Cascada 209 points - Assault by Remorse 73 points - Meriheli Wild competition ------------------ 1178 points - U.F.ORB 698 points - Radio Silent 666 points - Rinistys 485 points - Pure Direct 363 points - Do PC's fly 351 points - Our Skinjoy's rave 302 points - Sum Realtime Life 265 points - Da Jormas 5 Live 263 points - Impersonator 236 points - Scuba Ukot 157 points - Stickman's world 122 points - Pil 91 points - Kukko C64 demo competition ---------------------- 2105 points - Follow the sign 3 by Byterapers 1289 points - Nothing but code by Beyond force 936 points - Fruits by Panic 916 points - Stupidity III by Wrath Designs 634 points - Drug Sixtyfour by Reflex C64 graphics competition -------------------------- 1446 points - Herb's shot by Electric / Extend 1018 points - Entwined by Mike / Byterapers 777 points - Compopicture by Debris / Panic 749 points - Dudette by Deetsay / Panic 648 points - Cyborg by Jasso / Jassoteam 564 points - Smoking by Calamity / Laxity C64 music competition ----------------------- 1074 points - Viidakko by TBB / Side B & Extend 742 points - The Last Wader by Agemixer / Atlantis 693 points - Anal Overload by Addict / TB 647 points - Emulating Vinkuna by Electro 608 points - Selfmade executable by AMJ / Side B 507 points - Orava by Deetsay / Panic 471 points - Kao3 by Dr.Zoom / Atlantis 318 points - Alka by zardax / Origo Dreamline 257 points - Maniac Fred by PVCF / Reflex 133 points - Sunfellow by Barracuda / Extend Intel Outside Party 3 Results The results of the competition at Intel Outside Party 3, held in 30-31 August '96 in Warsaw/Poland. Amiga DEMO 1. Muscles/Impulse (144) 2. Embarced/Floppy (79) 3. Demo/Venture (36) Pc DEMO 1. Contact (86) 2. Big Mistake (32) 3. Rrosive 3/Exmortis (25) Amiga INTRO 1. Rumpelstiltckin/Floppy (98) 2. Unanimater/Floppy (72) 3. Crom/Amnesty (68) Pc INTRO 1. Pearl! (94) 2. Grd!eqtn (56) 3. Amitro (31) Amiga 4K 1. Sunday/ (61) 2. Turnips (27) 3. GouraudFace (22) GFX 1. Fame/Nahcolor&Floppy (98) 2. Sweet Poison/Lazur (90) 3. WoodLady (30) RAY 1. Cherry/Skywalker (62) 2. Intel Pentium Zuber/Golden Trio (51) 3. Desert Town Zoltan/Opium (32) MUSIC 4 CHANNEL 1. In a future! Kofi/Revolt (111) 2. Love & Peace Digital/Phuture303 (47) 3. Bulgaria Diabe¯/Cremki (45) MUSIC MULTICHANNEL 1. Reprove by XTD/MYSTiC (55) 2. Oxygene2 (28) 3. Rem (26) VHS 1. Rave Extreme/UNION (321) 2. 2 (125) Skenery '96 - ZYMOSIS (amiga) - BOMBSQUAD (amiga) - - JORMAS (amiga) - nIItty (raves) - ARE ORGANIZING A PARTY FOR YOU! Project Name: *** S K E N E R Y '96 *** WHEN: *** 27-29.09.1996 *** doors open: 18:00 - 27.09.'96 doors close: 12:00 - 29.09.'96 WHERE: Palokka, Jyvaskyla, In Central Finland School called "Palokan koulukeskus" Koivutie 5, 40270 Palokka Finland HOW MUCH: Entrance fee is 100 Fim. ENTRANCE: - Entrance fee is 100 Fim. - All girls and foreigners are free to come in! REASON: - There is nothing on party scene on September - so we thought that maybe we should fix this situation arranging partys featuring real 80s feeling. RULES: - No heavy alcohol drinking or smoking inside the party-place. - People who causes damage of any kind ofcourse have to pay for it! - Troublemakers will be thrown out! - Big troublemakers will be thrown to jail! - We take no responsibility for illegal swapping, or sale of software, hardware, video etc. - We will not be held responsible for damaged or stolen property! FEATURES: - Raves organized by niitty ( - dA jorma5 and Substance / k!nky. - Good audio equipment. - RelaXed athmosphere. - 600 squaremeters of floorspace. - Lincware Computer Oy gives some hardware with party prizes, and also give some demonstrations of their products! - Beach by the side of the party-place. - Things you haven't EVER seen on any partys! - More to come! HOW TO GET TO THE PARTY PLACE: - Place is located about 6km north of Jyvaskyla. - If you come with your car, just find the E4-road going north from Jyvaskyla, after 10 minutes joyride you see a sign pointing to right saying "PALOKKA 1". Turn here and drive 1 kilometer of straight road and turn right, drive 600 meters, and turn right again, drive 200 meters and the school is on the right. - If you come to Jyvaskyla by train/buss, hop on a local buss no 27, and after abrox. 15 minutes ride you reach Palokka. GENERAL COMPO RULES: -------------------- - Atleast one of the authors of a competiting product has to be present at the party place in order to attend the competitions and to receive possible prizes. - In solo competitions (music & graphics) the author has to be present. - The demos/intros will have to run without ANY user interaction once started (although there can be a setup screen). - The filenames of the products must be standart 8+3 characters. - All contributions must be delivered before deadline. Bugfixes, problems with bad disk, etc. may be solved after deadline. - All contributions must be free to spread. - All the damages to the party place will be paid from the price-money, so it's best for everybody that no demolished toilets or painted walls appear during the party... COMPETITION SCHEDULE: --------------------- 1st day (FRIDAY) - 1800 Party doors open - 2100 Raves - 2300 Graphics competition deadline - 2400 Music competition deadline - ???? Fastcompetitions 2nd day (SATURDAY) - 0100 Graphics competition starts - 0200 Music competition starts - 0300 Raves end - 2000 Intro competition deadline - 2100 Demo competition deadline - 2200 Intro competition starts - 2400 Demo competition starts - ???? Fastcompetitions 3rd day (SUNDAY) - 0800 Announcement of winners and prize giving ceremony - 1200 Doors close - party is over NOTE: This schedule may change anytime. COMPETITIONS: ------------- - DEMO (Amiga + PC) - Max. lenght is 5Mb (5242880 bytes) in executable form. - Demo MUST be HD-installable. - Demo must NOT write anything to the HD. - PURE ANIMATION/EXECUTABLE ANIMATION FILES WILL BE DISQUALIFIED! - Demo will be shown max. 15 mins. - Compo machines are: - Amiga 1200, 68060/50Mhz/16Mb Fast. (Possibility to use 030/50Mhz/16Mb Fast if requested). - Demo must NOT require assign to run it. - Demo must run with 030/50Mhz/8Mb Fast! - PC Pentium 75Mhz/16Mb RAM, 1Mb S3 Videocard, GUS with 1Mb RAM or SB Pro/SB 16. - 570kb of free base memory. - 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes and SVGA modes up to 640*480 are accepted. - Demo has to support silent mode. - Demo has to exit by pressing ESC-key at any time. - Demo must run with 486DX2/8Mb RAM! - INTRO (Amiga + PC) - Max. lenght is 64kb (65536 bytes) in executable form. - Intro MUST be HD-installable. - Intro must NOT write anything to the HD. - PURE ANIMATION/EXECUTABLE ANIMATION FILES WILL BE DISQUALIFIED! - Intro will be shown max. 10 mins. - Compo machines are: - Amiga 1200, 68060/50Mhz/16Mb Fast. (Possibility to use 030/50Mhz/16Mb Fast if requested). - Intro must NOT require assign to run it. - Intro must run with 030/50Mhz/8Mb Fast. - PC Pentium 75Mhz/16Mb RAM, 1Mb S3 Videocard, GUS with 1Mb RAM or SB Pro/SB 16. - 570kb of free base memory. - 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes and SVGA modes up to 640*480 are accepted. - Intro has to support silent mode. - Intro has to exit by pressing ESC-key at any time. - Intro must run with 486DX2/8Mb RAM! - GRAPHICS - Max. resolution 640*512 and 256 colours simultaneous on screen. - IFF and GIF formats allowed. - SCANNED, RIPPED AND RAYTRACED PICTURES WILL BE DISQUALIFIED! - MUSIC (max. 32 channels) - MOD, S3M, XM and MTM formats allowed. - Played with PC or Amiga. - Max. size is 1024k. - Modules will be played max. 5 mins. - FASTDEMO (Amiga + PC) - Max. lenght is ????kb. - Demo MUST be HD-installable. - Demo must NOT write anything to the HD. - PURE ANIMATION/EXECUTABLE ANIMATION FILES WILL BE DISQUALIFIED! - Demo will be shown max. 5 mins. - More info at the party-place - Compo machines are: - Amiga 1200, 68060/50Mhz/16Mb Fast. (Possibility to use 030/50Mhz/16Mb Fast if requested). - Demo must NOT require assign to run it. - Demo must run with 030/50Mhz/8Mb Fast. - PC Pentium 75Mhz/16Mb RAM, 1Mb S3 Videocard, GUS with 1Mb RAM or SB Pro/SB 16. - 570kb of free base memory. - 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes and SVGA modes up to 640*480 are accepted. - Demo has to support silent mode. - Demo has to exit by pressing ESC-key at any time. - Demo must run with 486DX2/8Mb RAM! - FASTMUSIC - More info at the party-place - FASTGRAPHICS - More info at the party-place - WILD - As name says, limit is on your side! - Demo has to run on computer, can be only animation file. - Any platform of machinery is accepted (SGI, consoles, VC-20...) - CONTACT ORGANIZERS BEFORE IF YOU ARE GOING TO ATTEND. - Prices for cOOl productions, not too much though. - SURPRISE COMPOS - Who knows? PRICES'N'STUFF: Planned prizes ... DEMO INTRO GFX MUSIC ------------------------------------------ 1st 15% 6% 3% 3% 2nd 8% 3% 2% 2% 3rd 4% 2% 1% 1% ----- ----- ----- ----- 27% 11% 6% 6% = 50% of ticket income *IF* for example *300* people attend, the prices will be (in Finnish currency): DEMO INTRO GFX MUSIC ------------------------------------------ 1st 4500,- 1800,- 900,- 900,- 2nd 2400,- 900,- 600,- 600,- 3rd 1200,- 600,- 300,- 300,- ------ ------ ------ ------ 8100,- 3300,- 1800,- 1800,- = 15000,- NOTE!: We are using all incoming money for prices excluding rent and equipments! CONTACT ORGANISERS: wrec eibon +358-(0)14-3781625/kimmo +358-(0)14-3781344/mikko BBS..........jUjU - dA mAGIC bOARD at +358-(0)14-3782685 INTERNET: WWW................ E-MAIL......................... SYMPOSIUM'97 ------------ by Polka Brothers - Lego - Phantasm - Cubic Team - Avena - Onslaught After the great success of SYMPOSIUM`96 we offer you the chance to visit germany`s best party again and to make it to one of the best parties during 97 ! - We are not going to promise you MILLIONS OF DOLLARS for winning the music compo. - We are not going to promise you GIGA-BYTES of releases. - We are not going to promise you 10000m*m BIG SCREENS. - We are not going to promise you a RAVE-PARTY in the SLEEPING-HALL (we are not going to make rave-parties in sleeping-halls at all..!) But here are the facts which reminds of SYMPOSIUM`96...: - A damned great LASER-SHOW EVERY NIGHT which burned down your head. - Great RELEASES which reminds you of SYMPOSIUM`96 for years like THE GATE from ARTWORK. - Most HELPFUL and FRIENDLY ORGANIZERS who HELPED CARRYING equipment, helped FINDING the SUPERMARKET and a lot more. - A very nice LIVE-MUSIC-CONCERT from NOISEDRIFT. - PARTY GUESTS from all over the world (almost)... like SWEDEN, ENGLAND, SPAIN, HUNGARY, ITALY, FRANCE, AUSTRIA, NETHERLANDS, DENMARK, etc.. - VIRGILL`s BIRTHDAY PARTY ! - The COLLECTION for the guy from SPAIN, who lived ONE WEEK in HIS CAR in FRONT OF THE HALL ! - CLEAN TOILETS ! - A lot of very FUNNY COMPETITIONS and QUIZES ! - THE SEA-COMPETITION, in which some DUDES WITH all their CLOTHES JUMPED into the ICE-COLD WATER ! Just to win SOME T-SHIRTS and CD`s ! - COMPETITIONS for AMIGA, PC, FALCON, C64, and RISK PC. - about 700 PARTY-GUESTS who made the SYMPOSIUM to what it is now...: One of the most FRIENDLY and NICEST SCENE-PARTY in EUROPE ! There were a lot of things more... but too many to write them all down, just ask your friends who were there.... I am sure they will tell you about it.. ! So don't miss SYMPOSIUM`97 when it awakes in "VERANSTALTUNGSZENTRUM BURG SEEVETAL". Which is very close to Hamburg in North Germany at EASTERN 1997 ! START: FRIDAY 28th MARCH 12:00 CET END: MONDAY 31th MARCH 12:00 CET To get more information about SYMPOSIUM`97 or`96 try this WWW-PAGES: Or reach us by EMAIL at: Crash/Polka Brothers RawStyle/Lego Gandalf/Phantasm copyright and distribution copyright: copyright (c) 1995-1996 by big-rat / eTHIc ; all rights reserved. distribution: the x-files are freeware, so they can be copied by everyone as long as the contents are unchanged. if you want to sell it, don't do it without our persmisson, because the sale of the x-files without our written permission is ILLEGAL !! we will report any violation against this to the police. so if you want to sell the x-files, contact us and we will see what we can do. ok, here are the most important functions you need to know: cursor left - previous menu cursor right - next menu cursor up - previous textpage cursor down - next textpage right mousebutton - index i - index m - music on/off esc - leave the x-files + - volume up - - volume down x - x-search x and return - continue x-search help - this page +A+ +B+ +C+ +D+ +E+ +F+ +G+ +H+ +I+ +J+ +K+ +L+ +M+ +N+ +O+ +P+ +Q+ +R+ +S+ +T+ +U+ +V+ +W+ +X+ +Y+ +Z+ +#+ +E+ means+new+information. +E+ means+unchanged+information. +E+ means+no+information. +Absolute+ +Abyss+ +Accession+ +Alien+Designs+ +Ambrosia+ +Anadune+ +Apathy+ +Appendix+ +Artwork+ +Astra+Syntex+ +Astroidea+ +Asphyx+ +Avocado+ +Axis+ +Bad+Karma+ +Balance+ +Beton+Design+ +Bizarre+Arts+ +Bucket+ +Capsule+ +Cavaleers+ +Clique+ +Complex+ +Contra+ +Convex+ +Crazy+ +Crux+ +Cydonia+ +Damage+ +Darkness+ +Decision+ +Delirium+ +Depth+ +Desire+ +Drifters+ +Dusk+ +Dylem+ +Eltech+ +Ephidrena+ +Epsilon+Design+ +Eremation+ +Erotic+Design+ +Ethic+ +Flying+Cows+Inc.+ +Freezers+ +Fresh+ +Fucking+United+Network+ +Giants+ +Global+ +Gods+ +Grasshoppers+Developments+ +Haujobb+ +Head!+ +Honey+ +Humbugs+ +Illusion+ +Impulse+ +Infect+ +Intoxicate+ +Iris+ +Jewels+ +Ladybird+Design+ +Lego+ +Lemon.+ +Les+Shadock+ +Lightforce+ +Lightstorm+INC.+ +Limited+Edition+ +Looker+House+ +Magic+ +Masque+ +Massive+ +Matrix+ +Mirage+ +Morbid+ +Mystic+ +Nerve+Axis+ +New+Age+ +Nine+Design+ +Nuance+ +Old+Bulls+ +Parallax+ +Passion+ +Phantasm+ +Phase+Distortion+ +Phuture+303+ +Pointless+ +Prodigy+ +Progress+ +Puzzle+ +R.N.O.+ +Rage+ +Ram+Jam+ +Rektum+ +Riot+ +Royal+ +Saints+ +Sardonyx+ +Savage+ +Scalaris+ +Scum+ +Secretly!+ +Sector+7+ +Session+ +Shelter+ +Skulls+ +Slope+ +Soldiers+and+Flowers+ +Spaceballs+ +Steps+of+Change+ +Strange+ +Sunshine+productions+ +Suspect+ +Syndrome+ +Tarkus+Team+ +Technology+ +The+Black+Lotus+ +TRSI-Innovations+ +Twilight+ +Ultima+ +Vacuum+ +Venture+ +Vision+Labs+ +Void+ +X-Tension+ Assembly'96+-+Results Intel+Outside+Party+3+-+Results Skenery'96+-+Invitation SYMPOSIUM'97+-+Invitation Can't open Screen  Sorry, x-files requires AGA :D - So buy AGA IMMEDIATLY!!!