Select filename Enter/select name Enter/select group Enter/select country File not found! You should enter some text here! Not enough memory to load file! Something is wrong with this file! Not enough memory! Not enough chip-memory! This is not a ChitChat data-file! List reached maximum amount of items! To add the desired string, delete some first! (Should fix this bug some day!) You already collected 1000 messages!! Do you think next issue is released on CD-ROM??? Ok From: To: Total messages: Workbench Screen From: To: More|Exit Thank you VERY much! CC-editor Help F1: Red text F2: Green text F3: Blue text F4: Left justify line F5: Center line Here we will explain how the ChitChat-editor works NAME, GROUP and COUNTRY gadgets: These gadgets (six in total) are used to enter the names, groupnames and countries of both you and the one you want to send the message to. When you press one of those gadgets, a requester will appear. In this requester you can type the Name, group or country. If the string you want to type is already in the list, then you can just give it a double-click to select. NEW and DELETE gadgets: If you press the NEW-gadget, you can enter another message. The names, groupnames and countries are maintained from the last editted message, so you only have to change the necessary strings. The DELETE-gadget removes a message out of memory. NEXT, PREVIOUS gadgets: The NEXT and PREVIOUS gadgets are for paging through the messages. You can also enter the number of the Message number gadget. LOAD, SAVE and MERGE gadgets: These gadgets speak for theirselves. The LOAD-gadget puts up a requester in which you can select the file you have to load. This must be a file which was saved with this editor. The MERGE-button merges a file with the messages current in memory. The GENERATE gadget is only usefull for the ChitChat- staff. It generates sources which can be included into the ChitChat, and is therefore disabled. If you have any further questions, write to: ChitChat-staff 906 1780 AX Den Helder The Netherlands Message number: New Delete... Next Previous Load... Save... Cancel Name... Group... Country... Ok Delete Merge... Generate Quit... ChitChat Editor Screen ChitChat Editor 1.0 © 1993 Protec/Mirage Project: None