- ScrapBook - ©1995 SeCT - --ABOUT-- SecT is proud to present for the first and last time a new slideshow called Scrap Book. Released on the 31.10.95 -- Credits for this final piece of work must go to Cro / Cydonia for the code, Maldoror for the Soothe The Beast tune, Jimbob for all the nice chip tunes, and Rob and Kimba for the graphics. You are watching the last production ever to be made by SecT. If you wish contact either Raptor or Kimba for any reason write to 38 Janet Street, Kings Meadows, TAS 7249, Australia. ---- OK, cro the coder here! Not much to say at the end of this ABOUT scroll, except that it was fun coding this! I learnt a lot about various bits of the Amiga doing this, I did! Like how to do LACE screens! And EHB! Well, I hope everyone enjoys this slideshow, and I'll end off with a quick couple of hellos: Gabriella! (who else?) Kimba (Hi!) Raptor (Hi to you to!) all in CDN (Hi Hi!) and everyone else as well :) Now go and choose another scrolltext..... --GREETS-- We would like to send a special thanks to all past and present SecT members who have been involved in our team some way or another: Axel, Bundy, Conner, Elohmubstac, Kimba, Maldoror, Pifki, Raptor, and Rob. Thanks guys, we would never have made it this far without you... We would also like to say hello to the following groups and then individuals for their continuing support: Arise, Cydonia, Devious Dezigns, Diffusion, Digital Access, Dracon, Dusk, Facet's Pussy of Desire, Frontier, Gods, Iris, Melting Pot, Mentasm, Ozone Free, Passion, Pearl, Phuture 303, Razor 1911, Slam!, Spaceballs, Spasm, Spoon, and Ultra Sonix... And now to those independant guys, Dr. Avalanche, Jimbob, RaSTa, Seduce, Skaven, and Tiger... Thanks people, it was a fun ride while it lasted...... . . --KIMBA-- Well what can I say, it's finally been released. (yahoo) As you may already know, it's taken this slideshow over a year to produce, and even though it took much longer than I would have liked it, (hi Conner) I'm still very happy to see it finished. At times during the making of this slideshow, I didn't really care anymore for it. But now that it is finally out, I must admit that even with the extended wait, and all the grief it gave me, it is still worth seeing the final result. I really must thank -Cro of Cydonia- for accepting to take this project on board, even with his already busy scene life schedule. Without him, the slideshow would probably have never seen the light of day. (hi Conner) As you may have noticed, this slideshow not only contains my graphics, but also graphics by an ex-Amiga scener named Rob. He left the scene some time ago, and all his great work was never published. I never really got to speak to him once he left, and I never really found out what his plans were for the graphics he did, but out of friendship, I decided to share his work with the world. I hope you don't mind Robert? The other noteworthy person I should mention is the very talented musician who composed the four chip tunes that are included in this production. His name is Jimbob, and he's probably one of the best scene friends I've ever had. He created these tunes for a former team he was in called Access based in the U.K. But as life goes, the team failed to meet his expectations and the tunes were never used. So there you go my friend, your music has finaly been used, and I hope we can do something together again some time in the future... (I still want to see a photo of you wearing a skirt, err, I mean kilt) As all of you may know, this is the final production ever from SecT. Now that this piece of work is out, SecT can lay to rest, allowing all of it's members to go in their separate directions. Since the news of our near death, I have joined Dusk. It's my second group ever, and I am happy to have been asked to join this great new team. Before I became a member of Dusk I really did believe that I was closing to the end of my scene life. All my love was now being balanced between comic illustrating, and story writing. And I felt less for the scene each day. But now that the final chapter in SecT has been completed, and I've joined Dusk, I do sense a feeling of renewal... I must personaly thank everyone who supported SecT during it's years, and I hope that this support will carry me on through my term in Dusk... Geeze, I sound like I just came back from a funeral don't I? Well let's cheer this place up a bit huh? Before I tell you how each piece of art came to being, I must say hello to all my graphician friends who helped me along, and especially to those who voted for me in the Australian Scene Charts. Scrap Book was created because I had done some nice pieces over the years that were never used in productions. To be honest I hadn't done that many good bits of work, so this is why I also included my two favourite clip-art pieces. The graphics for this slideshow represents the quality of my work today. Most of the work in this slideshow is signed under my old scene name of Zex. It was a rather daft name if you ask me, so I really am happy that I decided to choose the much better name of Kimba. The title picture which I called -Blonde Ambition- was copied from an American mail order catalogue. It's not availiable in this country, but the name is famous through out the world. And that is -Victoria's Secrets- Yes the one filled wall to wall with gorgeous supermodels in skimpy lingerie. (lucky me aye?) That picture actually started out in lowres mode, and believe me when I say it looked like a kid had attempted to draw dogs poo with a pink crayon. After giving up on it, I decided to try it in hires-interlace mode. I had little experience in this resolution before, but I quickly found it fun to use and as you can see, the quality made it worth the attempt. Actually I found the dress to be the most challenging thing to draw. Even now it still looks flat and lifless. Of course most graphicians hate drawing hair, but I found it a wonderful experience, and look forward to many more. My other main picture which I did for the slideshow is the one in the menu. This one I titled -Deadly- and it's a 95% original by me. I decided to go with just jet black hair this time, as I wasn't to sure if I was upto taking the challenge of creating hair out of my own imagination. Hair consists of fine lines, which hold both light and shade in a unique way. For me this would have been way to time consuming, and I wanted this picture to be completed quickly. The reason why I called it a 95% original, is because the skin tones were based from a photo I found in a magazine. I didn't just copy it off, as the girls back in the magazine was more fleshy, while I opted to try the more masculine approach. This is partly why I called this picture -Deadly- To tell you a secret, the girl in this picture was suppose to be holding a knife, or a gun, but I forgot about it. When I finaly remembered, I decided to leave it out an hope that the image of this young muscular girl would be able to carry its title without having to show a killing weapon. Just before I continue, I must say that if you find professional artists like Boris Vallejo and Chris Achilleos a bore like I do, then I would suggest that you go find work created by either Luis Royo, or Simon Bisley. These two are the best artists ever. They don't try and be clinical about their work, they try and tell a story with each piece they do. So stop looking at pictures which show supermodel poses, and start looking at work that creates an atmosphire that tells a thousand stories. Okay, now that the commercial is over, back onto the descriptions of my work with in this slideshow... -Sacrificial Knife- is the first ever 100% NC (no copy) I ever did. The quality of it is rather poor compared to most scene graphics today, but when I created this around 1990/1991 I was rather proud of myself. I had never drawn metal before without copying it from a book, (and even then it looked like plastic) and I must say it wasn't to bad for a learner back then. But I know I could do much better now... -Angel Of Sin v1.1- was created for an Australian demo group called Lunatics around about 1992. Alas like most of my requested work, it was never used. This was also another original piece by me, and all though the skin is very plastic looking, I must admit that it still stands the test of time. The reason why it is version 1.1 was because the first time I did it, I was told that the Heaven logo lacked body. It was suppose to go into a BBStro, but Lunatics quickly slipped away, and the demo never came true. Actually this is my second version of the logo. The first time I drew it, I accidently copied something ontop of it, and so I had to redraw it all over again. (if any ex-Lunatics members are reading this.... PTHHHHHHH) -Fone Bone- was made for the once famous and most sort after scene production in the world. Euro Charts. I made this small clip in 1993/1994 (boy I must be getting old, I keep forgeting the dates) and I rather like it. The clip is a copy of a trading card which is based on a comic book character. I don't read the comic, or collect trading cards, but I liked the picture on the trading card, and I thought it would be fun to convert into a clip. There really isn't much to say about this one, I just thought it would be nice to include in this production... -Elfen- is another copy. This time I found the picture in a computer games magazine. When I saw the picture of this really spunky female elf, I just had to draw it. I did this around 1991/1992 I think, and it was the first time I ever really drew a human on computer. Like most older scene work, this once lacked technical details. No anti-alias or smoothing techniques were used when I drew this picture, and back then I didn't even know that they existed. Unlike most graphicians who hate their older works, I don't mind mine. It's nice to sit back and check out older stuff every now and then to see how things have changed... -Raven III- was my first ever attempt at doing a full screen picture. I copied the picture from a -Chris Achilleos- fantasy book, (I'll never do it again, since I no longer like most of his work) and it took me MONTHS to get the damn thing finished. Even then I drew the picture to big, and so I ran out of space for the ugly green toad that sat upon the icey pillar. This was also my first attempt at doing human skin tones, (different from elf skin tones) and so it turned out more like an oil painting than living flesh. The sword also appears to be off centre, which I never noticed the first time, but I do like the bear fur which keeps her warm... -The Babysitter- was added to my slideshow at the last minute to fill in that void of it not containing any work done under my new name. This was done for the zine Defy in 1995, and I am very happy with this piece. While some say that the style is over a year old (hi Souri) I feel that for a piece that only used twelve colours it really isn't that bad. This one was copied from a video I spotted in a catalogue. The picture really pulled me in, with it's erotic tones and innocence, and I knew right away that I just had to draw it. As usual with my weirdness I found the hair the most fun thing to do. And it's easy to tell that the neck gave me most of my problems. Well now that you know everything about the pictures I included in Scrap Book, I guess it is time to leave and go onto different and perhaps better things. For my contact address, check out the -About- scroll... Later people, this is -Aaron (Kimba of SecT)- signing off for the very last time... --RAPTOR-- Yo Yo Yo, It's the really rad dude Raptor!!! No just kidding, I'm a very serious guy normally but I'm sooo happy to finally get this slideshow finished. After starting SecT in 1992 with expectations that it would live about a year. Now it's our last production before the group is officially disbanded. The reasons for breaking up are numerous, but it comes down to the fact that I'm not that interested in the whole thing anymore. I've other interests and work is taking most of my time and the desire to stay just isn't there. No need to worry about the Oz Survey, because I'll still compile that and swap with my close group of friends. A very special thanks goes to Cro for providing his time to finishing this production, especially when he is busy with his own groups work. I would like to send some personal greetz to the following people: Tiala (My first swapping contact, and the first guy to drop me!), Gun / Mentasm (My first real scene friend and I know we'll be for years to come, BTW I'll still spread the French charts for ya), Chris / Gods (A real great guy, I hope to improve my replying time), Backfire (I don't even know if you will ever read this but I enjoyed our short letter writing adventure), Virus (I'm not even sure you're still in the scene, I recently discovered that your last sending was lost in the post. If you are still interested in writing as friends please contact me) and finally all the Amiga Scene Guy & Girls who have made some incredible productions over the years. Overall I have enjoyed the scene, but life goes on... Warrick Burgess (ex. Raptor / SecT) ---ROB--- This text should have described how Rob created his art, but due to one MAJOR mistake by me (Kimba) I managed to delete his text file. I apologize to Rob, (if he is reading this) and I hope that he will forgive my stupid mistake... Rob, you were a very good artist........