164287 *** Alias by Minimalist : Scaling, rotating, anti- | aliasing. There's a turboC, WatcomC, and Pascal | version of this program all included. | Admittedly, he cheats the palette on anti- | aliasing (as shown by using most any non- | grayscale image), the programming is good | nonetheless. Assembler, C/C++, Pascal 17886 *+ Fullscreen Rotozoomer by Scott A. Deming : The | algorithm is mathematicaly correcty, but it can | be done faster. C/C++, Text 29419 **** Cache Optimized Roto-Zoomer by pascal of Cubic | Team : Nice, fast, tight code with a good | explanation of why it is so fast. Assembler, | C/C++, protected-mode 17607 **+ Rotozoomer by Paul H. Kahler : The comments | included with the code are very clear, so this | one is great for starters. Pascal 49314 ** Slimy Rotozoomer by SliQ : A slimy version of the | wellknown rotozoomer effect. C/C++ 35805 **+ Fullscreen Rotozoomer by The Faker of Aardvark | Assembler, Pascal