Official result from DreamHack Winter 2008.

Freestyle Graphics (23 entries)
1     249    SnowHack                                 Ervin Veisz 'Kiiviin'
2     184    Smoking to be Xmas octotree              Urkas               
3     82     harvest                                  joakim rasmuson/okim-lan
4     65     Guardian                                 Linda               
5     57     Armored Personal Unit                    Kodram/Sweblend     
6     56     the pool of blood!                       hildegard           
7     55     Den nastan klara bilden                  jSp                 
8     51     Digital Meditation                       RobinTengvall       
9     51     David Hultin                             FirGeL              
10    48     Can you Defuse it?                       Saruke              
11    47     Photola ont pedo Bear                    Burnt Face man/En vanlig dag
12    46     Daggtvättarbilen                         Jimmy Pettersson    
13    43     Jens Roderus                             mongelo                                                      
14    41     Jennifer Nordwall                        chikuba/dalo        
15    40     Fields of skulls                         Jonte               
16    37     Ante                                     Lodish/,            
17    29     Lilith                                   Eiil                
18    29     DreamSpace                               Henrik Gustafsson/Zerox
19    28     poni by night                            poni/thejulponiz    
20    26     overtaking                               cupofnoodles.exe    
21    21     sPIDERFLY                                Robin               
22    13     Shahin Ghorbani Azad                     Xanenax/Freestyle   
23    11     GridStyle-dhw08                          Linus               

Theme-based Photography (7 entries)
1     105    Evolution - Nostalgia                    Linda               
2     92     Eric Bergh                               Fein                
3     77     the age of revolution                    Mattias             
4     55     Bucketz of dated content                 Jonte               
5     45     Evo-dog                                  Xiwoo               
6     39     Mysterious Light                         Evil_Homer          
7     33     Meneda                                   Meneda              

Wild (11 entries)
1     308    Mera Warez                               Raddox              
2     139    ALT under CTRL                           PREZY               
3     128    KANINHAREN - KRAMS.NGEN                  Jontex/Onanators    
4     122    Plasticdudes                             Tomas Redigh/rymdreglage
5     83     Tim Grundberg                            Stråhatt/Moviesensational
6     61     Old School                               MrTin/SkånePågarna
7     32     Pedo bear Movie                          Jens Billing / \"Nofowuw\"/R-t4rdS 1338
8     31     Fjortis boy                              Burnt Face Man/En Vanlig dag
9     25     sQuish! - Never rearrange the PA-system  hildegard           
10    24     H4CK3R5 II - the beginning               jolt_jokern/Re-KoJ Productions
11    21     Rosa Helikopter CS                       Bj.mpa/Dase         

Machinima (6 entries)
1     189    Gates of Dreamhack                       Raddox              
2     77     I'm so sick music video                  Lath                
3     44     The Kock                                 unk/raht            
4     16     This is sparta!                          Simon / Vakum/People Production
5     12     Flagpole                                 Anton / Nall3 / Apocalypticon/People Production
6     6      Desperate Doctor                         Johan / Azurel/People Production

GameFrag (4 entries)
1     356    Project TobbeT 08                        TobbeT              
2     142    Metalslug-frag                           Tomas Redigh/rymdreglage
3     127    Viktor Sandberg                          Wannabe^/Wannabe Productions

Prerendered Music (22 entries)
1     92     Velocity                                 Aerix               
2     65     Dj Carpi - The power of pleasure(Teardrops Rmx) Mikael Samuelsson   
3     48     Dreams by DimensionDude                  DimensionDude       
4     31     Man or Machine                           Sturmreaktor        
5     29     Ladda ner                                PREZY               
6     28     Epica                                    C8/C8               
7     26     UniCross - Hands Up                      UniCross            
8     23     Meneda - Eye's Cold                      Meneda              
9     21     Antz                                     Jonatan Grewe/Antz  
10    20     Mr. Jack (Dreamhack Stripped Mix)        NS                  
11    20     Koholint Anthem                          psi807              
12    19     Dance with you                           RobinTengvall       
13    18     Koffein                                  LeChristoph         
14    17     DnB Caf.                                 korona vs fsFreak   
15    16     Dront & Sjolus - Dreamhack               Sjolus/Dront & Sjolus
16    14     fight at the chevrolet movie theater     hildegard           
17    7      F.rgglad bl.ckfisk at a funeral          Nils Lindberg "Aesh"/r-t4rdS 1338
18    7      Whistler - Halleluja (DH-instrumental) Jonas Bj.rk / Whistler
19    5      Christian Vittaniemi                     Tauros              
20    4      Joel 8 bitar                             Burnt Face Man/En Vanligdag
21    3      Raise your litle hand                    Tomas Redigh/Rymdreglage
22    2      Memory Shapes its Purpose                Strobeflux/TiTAN    

Tracked Music (6 entries)
1     126    the party people get-together            hildegard           
2     110    koronas new ringtone                     korona vs fsFreak   
3     106    Fl.jten                                  Tomas Redigh/Rymdreglage
4     87     The Curious Cat                          RobinTengvall       
5     85     Sempervälling                           Strobeflux/TiTAN    
6     75     Kiss of the blue whale.                  lusiuS/esox.        

Useless Utillity (7 entries)
1     233    Backup Internet                          bolland/Jurassic Park
2     159    VirtualEmil                              Duncan/Duncan Entertainment
3     132    Test if your monitor is working          Lath                
4     130    Useless alarmclock                       Schlyna             
5     113    the windows emulator                     Rasmus lusius Brinck/esox
6     89     Coolfan                                  Luger/VoMa          
7     16     gAllcon                                  Maiden&Cbsmth/Meistersoft

The Cube (7 entries)
1     147    Epic Contraption                         DH Support          
2     54     A drop of water                          _nalle              
3     44     Scrolling Cube                           DH_admin            
4     34     Cubus                                    Sjolus/LOL Internet 
5     32     Sune                                     CyB                 
6     30     5 in the morning                         Swedman             
7     24     scroll of the epic fail                  Indra               

Mobile Photography (11 entries)
1     366    Ergonomiska Portugiser                   HowlinArson         
2     148    Full Fart Fram.t                         Age5/HålliHatten   
3     88     D-r-e-a-m-h-a-c-k                        unk/raht            
4     61     Zeeper                                   Victor Hung         
5     59     Lanbox                                   Johan Hansson / D3lt4
6     57     Christoffer Wård                        Paron               
7     55     Sweet Dreams at Dreamhack                Duncan/Duncan Entertainment
8     45     Its all about style!                     Kimmeh              
9     34     Inget Dreamhack utan....                 Loppi               
10    33     Simon                                    simoon91            
11    8      Dimitrios Vlastaras                      Dimme               

We had 1944 votes and 474 unique voters and a total of 113 entries :)