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STARGLIDER ELITE BBS · 5 NODES · AMIGA/SEGA/SNES/PC UPLOAD TIME & DATE : Tue Sep 27 14:47:18 1994 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ.__/\_________/\___/\______/\_______/\_____ |\//\\_ _/\ _//\ /\/\\_ _\/\\_ _\//\\ __/\ |/ / /\/ \_ / / / //\ / //\ /\_\/ /_____ / /__/_ / /______ / /____ / /_ / / | \____\/ /\__\\/ /\_____\/ /____\/ /_\/ /aNF| ×=====\/======\/========\/======\/===\/====× | LATEST FROM USENET ON THE C=BUYOUT | |------------------------------------------| | Brought to you by Meikel/SHOOT *09/26/94*| `==========================================' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ .___________________________________________. __ | _ | _\/_ | // (_) | \/\/ | / · dA sHOOT pOSSE! · _| ____|____ /\_\ _/ _____/_ __________ \/_/ __\_____ /_\ _/ /_________ | _\ / / _ /_\ _ \ _________ | \\_________/ / / / /_\ _ \ _____|____ _ | /_____/____/ / / / /_\ _ // | \__________/ / / \_/ | \__________/ lo! \ |_ /____________\ /_/\ | \_\/ | | _ · bETTER yOU tHAN mE! · / | | (_) // | |___________________________________________| BRING YA: LATEST NEWS ON THE C= BUYOUT ASSEMBLED BY: MEIKEL/SHOOT & ACES RELEASED ON MONDAY, 26TH SEPTEMBER 94 * THIS IS FOR ALL YOU GUYS OUT THERE WHO DON`T HAVE AXXESS TO USENET. * PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE ONLY # RUMOURS # - AND NOTHING BUT THAT! * KEEP ON SUPPORTING AMIGA... WE ALL NEED IT! * ...BTW: I`M TIRED OF ALL THESE MEGA-OLD TEXTFILES HANGING AROUND. * STATE YOUR FILES WITH DATE IN THE FILE-ID SO WE KNOW IT`S OLD! * * MEIKEL / SHOOT & ACES * --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##################################################################### START ##################################################################### --------------------------------------------------------------------- From news.th-darmstadt.de!terra.wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de!zeus.rbi.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de!news.dfn.de!Germany.EU.net!EU.net!sunic!news.funet.fi!zippo.uwasa.fi!freeport.uwasa.fi!Grendel Mon Sep 26 10:02:25 1994 Article: 56077 of comp.sys.amiga.misc Path: news.th-darmstadt.de!terra.wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de!zeus.rbi.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de!news.dfn.de!Germany.EU.net!EU.net!sunic!news.funet.fi!zippo.uwasa.fi!freeport.uwasa.fi!Grendel From: Grendel@freeport.uwasa.fi (Jukka Kauppinen) Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.misc Subject: David Pleasance talks Date: Fri, 23 Sep 94 20:51:47 MESZ Organization: Vaasa FreePort BBS Lines: 72 Message-ID: <35v843$31o@zippo.uwasa.fi> Reply-To: Grendel@freenet.hut.fi (Jukka Kauppinen) NNTP-Posting-Host: freeport.uwasa.fi A business partner of mine just came fron International Broadcast Convention, that happened in Amsterdam, Holland, couple days ago. He met there David Pleasance of C= UK, and asked cople questions from me that I had prepared forhim. In short, I wanted to know whyit has taken this long to prepare the deal, and answer was that the deal includes all wealth, all rights, patents, programs, spare parts and materials that C= INtl (etc) had. Canada and C= UK have most of them. The talks have been delayed for example because the Far East factories inventories have been hard to complete. "The reasons for delays should be asked from the representatives of creditors, since we have tried to be as active as possible". Pleasance has created with Colin Proudfoot a group, that is committed to continue producing old Amiga models, and continue researching planned models, and market them. The lawyers of creditors have recommended accepting "Management-buy-out"'s offer. But US courts must accept this process, and this will unfortunately take 2-3 more weeks. "We have planned to use Amiga International" when continuing producing Amiga, and technically fastest we can build new A4000s. About the business side: The funders of MBU don'tneed very successful first christmas, but are interested in next 18 months sales. They are satisfied withthe normal sales of C= for the first period that C= UK has normally achieved in UK. Other markets outside UK will be important as well, but the background forces funding MBU are most interested in UK situatino. The 1st new product will be A4000T in January 1995, but that will require replacing certain non-stable components with reliable ones. Other new products will come at their time... ! Samsung is no more in the deal! Only MBU, CEI and a German group are competing. ! Well, that's it for now. All errors in typing and dictionary are mine, since I translated this from Finnish interview-text, that was translated to Finnish from english. :-) And I did it fast, not bothering to check everything. The only thing I wish to say, that this is all 100% VALID FACT. NO RUMOUR, NO 2nd HAND INFORMATION! This is directly from David Pleasance, what he said in Holland. It is all basic material for next MikroBITTI computer magazine's newspages, but I though to share it with you Internetters first. JOK -- Jukka O. Kauppinen Freelance Journalist - MikroBITTI Sankarinkatu 9 A 3 Amiga 1200/030,386,C-64,Spectrum,8088,CD32 74100 IISALMI,FINLAND Byterapers, Inc. - Since 1986 Tel/Fax. +358-77-13192 E-Mail: Grendel@Freenet.hut.fi --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##################################################################### NEXT ARTICLE ##################################################################### --------------------------------------------------------------------- From news.th-darmstadt.de!fauern!xlink.net!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!news.hal.COM!decwrl!netcomsv!ctdrs!scott.sawyer Mon Sep 26 10:03:29 1994 Article: 56128 of comp.sys.amiga.misc Path: news.th-darmstadt.de!fauern!xlink.net!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!news.hal.COM!decwrl!netcomsv!ctdrs!scott.sawyer From: scott.sawyer@drs.state.ct.us (Scott Sawyer) Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.misc Subject: AW Hotline Date: Sat, 24 Sep 94 13:45:00 MESZ Message-ID: <940925134852759@drs.state.ct.us> Organization: Connecticut DRS Public BBS Distribution: world Lines: 11 According to the Amiga World Hotline: The creditors/lawyers are meeting with Pleasance on the 23rd, and CEI/Alex Amor on the 26th. Scott Sawyer, President, -Amiga RULES!- Egad International / Egad Games egad@drs.state.ct.us * Offline Orbit 0.70b * --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##################################################################### END !! ##################################################################### --------------------------------------------------------------------- .------------------------------------------. | | | this textfile was leeched from | | | | | .__ |_..__ __. _ __ · __ .__ __ ._._ .__ . | ___ |__)(__ll (__ll )l__)l(__l (__l__)l l ||__)l__(_/,\/ l | l | ¯ /\ | | | node 1 - 49-6251-75324 | | node 2 - 49-6251-75059 | | node 3 - 49-6251-members | | | | | `------------------------------------------' /\_\ _ _ _ _ /_/\ .--- - -- - --\/_/_ _ ._______ _ _\_\/- -- - - -- --. | __ _ ________________| /____________________ _ | ¦ __ ______ \ ____) | //____/ _/ _____ _ ¦ : | / / \ ___) ¦ / \ |/\_____ \ | : : | // \ \\ \ : // // / \\ / \\| : ¦ |// _/ \\ \\ // // \\ \\ ¦ | /____________/____/___/______/_________/________/ | `--+---- - - -- ___ -- - -- - -+--' | _ ______________ / / \___________| |_ ________ \ \ \ /_______\ // /| _ _ __| \ ___/ \ T \\__\// / \ \ _____/ | _ __ /_/\ // \_____/ ¦ \\ \/ \ \ \\ \ |__ _ _ _ _ \_\/ / \ : \ \\ \ \\ \\mRV/\_\ __ _ : // \\ // \\ \ \ \\ \/_/ _ _ :/__________\_______/________\____\____/______\ : ¦- - -- - - -- ---------------------------------: ¦ \ / |Node 1: +49 216 ask Zyx 19k2 | \ / ¦ | oO ¦Node 2: +49 216 ask USR 28k8 ¦ Oo ¦ | \__/ |Node 3: +49 216 ask USR dhst | \__/ | ¡ ¡Node 4: +49 EURO ISDN X75 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡Node 5: +49 EURO ISDN X75 ¡ ¡ `-----------------------------------------------' PRODIGY - German - Headquarter - Sysop: Vampire Coduded`s: Kirk and LoCUTUS ask me for numbers and the NUP are you interested in AT&T Calling card support? call and ask! Upload Date: [09-26-94] - Upload Time [22:15:10] [·SPEED TEXT ADVERTISER v1.09 BY DR.DRE!·] _______________________________________________________________ \_____ ________ \_____/ _________ ________ /_______ \ | | __/ / |______ \| | | \| __/ / | | \_ \ | / \ | \ \_ \ | mRV |____| \____|___________\ |____| \___| \ - ----| |----| \--------------| |----| \--| \--. ____________________________ ¦ \_______ \ ____/_____ \ ¦ .--------------------| __/ / _____) |/ \--------------------' ¦ | \_ \ \ \ / \ ¦ |____| \________\_________\ `-------------------------| \-aC!--------------------------------. _____________________________________ _ _ __________ ¦ / _______ ____/ / ___________________ \ ¦ .-------\_____ \ _____) l____/ | / \| __/ /-------' ¦ / / \ \ \ / \ |/ /\ \ \_ \ ¦ /___________\________\________\ | \/ \___| \ `-----------------------------------| |___________\--| \---- - German Headquarter 6 Nodes One of the fastest in Europe ! Upload Date: [09-27-94] - Upload Time [11:10:45] [·SPEED TEXT ADVERTISER v1.09 BY DR.DRE!·] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ._____.._____.._____.._____.._____..__. .___.______.._____.._____. |÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷¬| |÷ ¬|\__. ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬| : :__ | | || | || | || | || | || | |___||÷ | || | || | | __:/ /\_\ | | || | || | || | || | || | .___.| | || | || | | /\_\ _\/_/ | | || | || | || | || | || | | ¬|| | || | || | | \/_/ :\ | | || | || | || | || _|__|| | | || | || | || | | : : | |__|| |__|| . || . <| \_ || |__ | || | || |__|| | | : |__. ¬|| | | | || | || | || | ¬|| || | || .>_|| . < | ¬| || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | ¬|| | | | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |^ | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |W | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |¿ | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |Ð ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! !! ! !! ! !! !! ! !! ! !! ! !! : | :: : : : :: : :: | :: :: :: : :: : :: : : : :: : : : :: : :: :: :: :: :: :: : : . . . . : : . . . . . . . STARGLIDER ELITE BBS · 5 NODES · AMIGA/SEGA/SNES/PC UPLOAD TIME & DATE : Tue Sep 27 14:47:18 1994 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+