Path:!barrett From: (Joseph Korczynski) Newsgroups: Subject: REVIEW: The A64 Package, version 3.0 Followup-To: comp.sys.amiga.emulations Date: 11 May 1994 19:29:31 GMT Organization: The Amiga Online Review Column - ed. Daniel Barrett Lines: 241 Sender: ( moderator) Distribution: world Message-ID: <2qrbmr$> Reply-To: (Joseph Korczynski) NNTP-Posting-Host: Keywords: hardware, emulation, Commodore 64, commercial Originator: PRODUCT NAME The A64 Package, version 3.0 BRIEF DESCRIPTION This software/hardware combination allows an Amiga computer to emulate the ever-popular Commodore 64 ("C64"). It allows you to access Commodore 8-bit peripherals such as the 15XX series disk drives and printers in order to transfer files to and from the Amiga. AUTHOR/COMPANY INFORMATION Name: QuesTronix Address: PO Box 340265 Hartford CT 06134-0265 USA Telephone: (203) 666-8260 (9am-5pm EST) LIST PRICE $59.95 (US). Upgrade from version 2.0: $25.00. SPECIAL HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS All programs in The A64 Package are compatible with all Amiga models using V1.3 - V3.0 of the operating system and with all microprocessors, from the 68000 to the 68040 HARDWARE Works with all Amiga models. Works with all Amiga CPU's from 68000 to 68040. 1MB RAM required. 2MB RAM recommended. Two floppy drives or a hard disk is recommended. A separate adapter cable is required for the Amiga 1000. AGA owners will need to enter the Early Startup Menu and select Enhanced Chip Set graphics mode. 68040 users will have disable copyback mode. SOFTWARE Works with all AmigaDOS versions from 1.3 to 3.0. COPY PROTECTION No copy protection that I am aware of. Software installs easily on your hard disk. MACHINE USED FOR TESTING Amiga 4000/040, 2MB Chip RAM, 8 MB Fast RAM 1 internal High Density floppy Seagate 120 MB IDE internal hard drive Seagate 345 MB IDE internal hard drive MacroSystems VLAB video digitizer Zorro II card Utilities Unlimited EMPLANT Deluxe Mac Emulator Zorro II card SyQuest 44MB removable SCSI hard drive Chinon SCSI CD-ROM drive Maxtor 245 MB SCSI hard drive GVP EGS Spectrum Zorro III 24 bit graphics card Kickstart 3.0 (V39.106) and Workbench 3.0 (V39.48) INSTALLATION Installation is very simple. Copy the A64 Package software from the supplied disks to your hard drive. A script file is included to copy fonts to your FONTS directory and a library to your LIBS directory. REVIEW The A64 Package is a hardware and software product. The hardware consists of a small box which has a male DB25 and 8 pin DIN connectors along with some special circuitry. This box connects to your parallel port and allows you to connect Commodore 8-bit serial peripherals such as the 15XX series disk drives and printers. NEVER PLUG THE INTERFACE INTO YOUR AMIGA WHILE THE AMIGA IS TURNED ON. You could damage your Amiga and peripherals by doing so. If you have an Amiga 1000 you will require an additional cable specifically made to connect A500/2000 devices to an A1000 parallel port. The hardware interface can stay plugged in at all times without interfering with any programs on your Amiga as long as they do not use the parallel port. If you want to use your parallel port with some other pieces of hardware like a printer or digitizer, you must either remove the hardware interface and install the other device or use an A-B switch box (Centronics parallel with female connectors). The software is a collection of Amiga programs which lets you access and run C64 software. The main program, A64, is the Commodore 64 emulator. The other programs allow you to transfer files between the C64 and Amiga disks (with 15XX disk drives). After you install The A64 Package and run the A64 program, you will notice that the BASIC startup screen is different from that of a real C64. This is because the Commodore 64 ROMs (two computer chips located inside a real C64 which contain the operating system) are not present in A64. The C64 ROMs are not included because they are copyrighted by Commodore. The A64 contains a complete C64 ROM emulation which allows A64 to run most C64 programs. A64 ROM emulation is very compatible with the C64 ROMs, but there may be some C64 programs that will not run because of the lack of real C64 ROMs. The A64 Package utilities includes a C64 BASIC program which can be transferred to a real C64 via a 15XX disk drive connected to the A64 hardware interface. This program when run on the C64 will dump the C64 ROMs to a file which can then be transferred back to the Amiga and used in the A64 emulation. A64 is a complete Commodore 64 emulator. Sound, graphics, BASIC and machine language are all emulated. A64 fully integrates with the Amiga by allowing you to use Amiga disk drives, hard drives, ram drives, printers and modems. A64 operates in two modes: Pause Mode and C64 Mode. When in Pause Mode, you have access to the A64 Prefs (preferences) and A64Mon (machine language monitor). The current C64 program that A64 is running will be paused. Pause Mode gives you complete access to the Amiga system, and multitasking is completely functional. The C64 Mode runs the C64 program. In C64 mode you do not have access to the Amiga system. Multitasking is not disabled, but A64 controls a majority of the Amiga system. To enter Pause mode from C64 Mode, press the two ALT keys simultaneously. A64 emulation speed will depend on the program you are running and the type of microprocessor that your Amiga uses. On 68000 based Amigas, A64 is not capable of running all programs at usable speed. Accelerated Amigas can see emulation speeds over 300%. Most games will not run over 100% no matter how fast your Amiga is. I've done most of my evaluation of A64 with public domain software. I have been able to run everything I can throw at it. I do enjoy browsing the ABCUG user group monthly C64 public domain program disk. A great deal of effort was spent trying to make the A64 as compatible as possible. The biggest problem with compatibility is related to disk I/O and custom disk drive routines. Custom disk drive routines "Fast Loaders" are extremely time critical and must run at exactly 100% speed in order to function properly. "Fast Loaders" vary from program to program. The only way to emulate "Fast Loaders" is to write a custom loader for each program which is impossible since there are hundreds of variations. A64 V3.0 supports some "Fast Loaders" using Patch Files. There are Patch Files for ISEPICed archived programs, SID/PIC V3.4, SIDPlayer, and GEOS. (GEOS is supported only on 68000 Amigas and 1541/1571 disk drives because of the time-critical nature of the GEOS operating system.) One method of speeding up A64 emulation is to convert the C64 program from 6510 opcodes to 68000 opcodes. This has the potential to double your emulation speed. This is accomplished with a utility called "CONVERT". The CONVERT utility converts C64 machine language into Amiga machine language. This conversion process eliminates a lot of work the A64 has do while running the emulation. A64Tools is the file transfer and file conversion utility. It allows you to copy, convert and print files using any combination of Amiga and C64 disk drives and printers. Text files can easily be converted between PetASCII and ASCII. Amiga drives only support PRG and SEQ files under A64 emulation. ":" and "/" are illegal characters for Amiga filenames. When A64Tools encounters on of these characters in a filename, the character will automatically be changed to a "-". As an original A64 V2.0 registered user, I am impressed with the enhanced SID chip support, increased speed and compatibility. I also welcome the addition of Patch Files for "Fast Loader" support along with support for GEOS. It was worth the $25 upgrade fee. DOCUMENTATION Documentations consists of a professionally printed softbound manual. It has an extensive index and table of contents. The manual assumes that you are familiar with the basic operation of the Amiga and the terms used to describe it. The manual also assumes you are familiar with the basic use of the Commodore 64. LIKES AND DISLIKES I like the professionally bound manual. I like the patch file support. I like the improved SID support. I dislike the software not working in native AGA graphic mode. I would like to see 1581 emulation using native Amiga disk drives. COMPARISON TO OTHER SIMILAR PRODUCTS This product has evolved over several years. I was first introduced to this product as the GO-64. BUGS None at this time. VENDOR SUPPORT I have not tried contacting the vendor. WARRANTY 90 day limited warranty. CONCLUSIONS I enjoy the ability to emulate other computers. As Newsletter Editor the ABCUG user group which supports the Amiga and Commodore 64/128 computer users, I find A64 a valuable tool for reviewing C64 public domain software and writing tutorials for the monthly newsletter. Understanding the limitations of software emulation, I give this product **** (4 out of 5 stars). COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright 1994 Joseph F. Korczynski. All rights reserved. --- Daniel Barrett, Moderator, Send reviews to: Request information: Moderator mail: Anonymous ftp site:, in /pub/Amiga/