Virtuozzo Windows Download Instructions -------------------------------------- Virtuozzo for Windows Release is now available online for you to evaluate. Here are the instructions for obtaining your copy of Virtuozzo for Windows. The FTP site listed below contains installation software needed to run the Virtuozzo installation. FTP Download Site: login: vzwin pass: qscEfb1 To connect via a browser you can easily follow this link: For a direct download you can use this: - Virtuozzo EN (i386): - Virtuozzo EN (x64): - Virtuozzo DE (i386): You have to download the Virtuozzo Installer virtuozzo_en.exe (for english version) or for example virtuozzo_de.exe (for german version) from the root path of the Virtuozzo Version you want to test. For other languages you can download the other Installers from this path: Optional/I386 or Optional/x64. The attached license keys have to be installed on the Virtuozzo server itself. You will be prompted for them during the installation process. The installation is straightforward, and we don't anticipate you having any issues. If however, you do encounter some problems with the installation, please don't hesitate to email Thank you very much for your time and interest in Virtuozzo, Please call me if you need any assistance.