Lunadata.fil filing system format,  as found on the lunadata.fil file, located on the lunar sssc cds.

First 32 bytes - Header
	offset	len	purpose
	0x00	1	equals 0x2E, purpose unknown.
	0x01	19	equals 0x00, possibly reserved area.
	0x14	4	Number of Files (numfiles)
	0x18	4	Length of this data file
	0x1C	4	unknown area, possibly reserved.

Next numfiles*32 bytes
for each file entry
	0x00	20	File name
	0x14	4	image cluster number where file is, each cluster is 0x800 bytes.
			if even 1 byte of the cluster is used, the remaining 0x7FF bytes
			is wasted.
	0x18	4	Actual length of file
	0x1C	4	purpose unknown

Just like a hard drive, the file is arranged into clusters.

Now that I know the filing system, I can write a program to extract all of the game data from the image file,
including the SEQ/VAB data.

Format of *.snd files

Do until EOF
Skip 4 bytes
Read next 4 bytes, to determine length of data
Read next len bytes.

Files are arranged in this order

Vab Header
Vab Body
SEQ data

end of *.snd files