From PolyPM/2 to R.S.M. ! Thanks to all of you for your strong support and... your long patience! Today, July 5th, 1995, the very awaited new releases of PolyPM/2 are available... for shipping !!! Content of this message 1) Overview 2) A Unique Cross Platform Product Line 2-1) "Make Lite work of computing" 2-2) "The Advanced support for networking" 2-3) "The Professional way to communicate" 3) A Whole New Level of Performance 3-1) "Strong Speed Optimization" 3-2) "Unique Hierarchical Database" 3-3) "Hardware and Software Independent" 4) Extended Security Standards 4-1) "Encrypted Data Streams" 4-2) "Multiple Access Protections" 4-3) "Mandatory Call-Backs" 5) Powerful File Transfer 5-1) "Fail Safe" 5-2) "Extensive Selection Criteria" 5-3) "Full Operational Information" 6) Designed for the Users 6-1) "Use of the Most Up-to-date Graphical Object Techniques" 6-2) "White Boarding with Exclusive Marker Mode" 6-3) "Clipboard Transfers and Chat Mode" 7) Extensive Communications 7-1) "From Peer to Peer with the Lite..." 7-2) " complex LAN-WANs using Gateways with the Advanced..." 7-3) "...up to Automated Communication with the Professional Edition!" 8) The Three Different Variants 8-1) "R.S.M. Lite Edition" 8-2) "R.S.M. Advanced Edition" 8-3) "R.S.M. Professional Edition" 9) ISS' Note 10) Marketing Information 10-1) Lite Editon Price List 10-2) Advanced Edition Price List 10-3) Professional Edition Price List 10-4) ISS Contacts 1) Overview Major Consulting Groups estimate that the purchase price of a workstation represents only 15% of the global cost of such system for 5 years, while the Maintenance part is estimated at more than 60 % of this global total. This includes especially the increasing expense of End User support by Help Desks. These figures have been confirmed by the feedback obtained from more than 200,000 ISS customers who have reduced these overheads dramatically by using the multiple Remote Facilities of PolyPM/2. To enhance and meet the different communication requirement of Users and markets, International Software Solutions (ISS) introduces a complete new product line named Remote Services Management (R.S.M.). 2) A Unique Cross Platform Product Line: ISS is proud to provide the best selling and only complete Graphical Remote Control solution for cross platform workstations using OS/2 16-bit, OS/2 32-bit, DOS and Windows environments and connected over a very large variety of links. To answer the growing needs of Remote Computing, ISS presents nothing less than three different variants of its Award Winning product with the Lite, Advanced and Professional Editions. When the OS/2 16-bit code offers similar OS/2 32-bit graphical objects for its user interface (Notebook, Floating Icon Palette, etc.), the three flavors of Remote Services Management for OS/2 versions 2.x and Warp are native and real 32-bit programs fully compliant with the Workplace Shell and using the best of the multi threading capability of the Premier 32-bit Operating System. 2-1) "Make Lite work of computing" While Remote Services Management Lite Edition has been specially designed for users who needs simple and efficient Point to Point connection from OS/2 to OS/2 or from OS/2 to Windows systems... 2-2) "The Advanced support for networking" ... the Advanced Edition includes both the Manager Gateway and the Client Gateway components which allow complete interaction across different LAN-WANs using heterogeneous protocols... 2-3) "The Professional way to communicate" ... and the Professional Edition provides a powerful Programming Script Language (PSL) dedicated to automate complex communication tasks such as Software Distribution or Data Collection. 3) A Whole New Level Of Performance Due to a new Client / Server architecture, Remote Services Management is one of the best performer of its category. 3-1) "Strong Speed Optimization" Added to very high data compression algorithms, the use of new specialized graphical object dictionaries gives one of the fastest data throughputs of the remote control arena. 3-2) "Unique Hierarchical Database" Thanks to a realistic hierarchical design, Remote Services Management may be used within large corporate which manage thousands of users. 3-3) "Hardware and Software Independent" The Device Independent technology developed in this product line allows Manager workstations to reach any remote Clients using OS/2, DOS or Windows regardless of the screen resolution on either side (EGA, VGA, SVGA, XGA, XGA/2, 8514, etc.). 4) Extended Security Standards As accessing remote workstations becomes easier every day, ISS takes good care of your security. 4-1) "Encrypted Data Streams" Both the compression technique and the encryption algorithms are proprietary giving Remote Services Management a very high level of security. 4-2) "Multiple Access Protections" Users may also enable multiple levels of identification and passwords to prevent both use and connections to unauthorized personnel. 4-3) "Mandatory Call-Backs" Added to the optional restricted access list (phone numbers, X25 Address, etc. a new mandatory Call-Back feature will secure accesses as well as help to track undesired calls. 5) Powerful Bi-Directional File Transfer Fast file transfers as a background task were not enough! 5-1) "Fail Safe" Now, Remote Services Management has added real security in its protocol which allows complete automatic resume at the point of failure in case of connection loss. 5-2) "Extensive Selection Criteria" File name masks including jokers, wild cards and sub-directory trees as well as multiple selection criteria (sizes, dates, attributes, etc.) make the file transfer processes a critical feature of choice of these new flavors. 5-3) "Full operational Information" Do not stay trapped behind your computer. Complete file transfer details such as number and size of files, elapsed and remaining time, and visual progression of processing are now available which allow user to stay informed during these phases. 6) Designed for the Users. More than 200,000 registered users worldwide appreciate the very friendly user interface of this software. 6-1) "Use of the Most Up-to-date Graphical Object Techniques" Notebooks, Sliders, Floating Icon Palette, Contextual Help Bubbles and a complete End User customization capability make Remote Service Management a MUST to have for use every single day. 6-2) "White Boarding with Exclusive Marker Mode" Remote Teaching sessions are simplest when you may show the items you need to explain to remote users. The Exclusive Marker Mode allows Managers to draw and write over the Client's desktop to achieve this goal. 6-3) "Clipboard Transfers and Chat Mode" While the Chat Mode helps to communicate with remote users, the clipboard content transfer capability with tow way communication (download and upload) can perform complex manipulations including CUT, COPY and PASTE between multiple remote systems. 7) Extensive Communications Available since December 1990, PolyPM/2 was known as one of the more complete communication software available on the market. Today, the new Remote Services Management editions provides more and more links. 7-1) "From Peer to Peer with the Lite..." While this first variant may use Null-Modem cables, High Speed asynchronous Modems through PSTN and ISDN, NetBIOS, IPX-SPX and TCP-IP across LANs... 7-2) " complex LAN-WAN using Gateways with Advanced..." ...and this second edition adds native X25 and ISDN across Public and Private Networks and APPC-APPN across SNA Backbones as well as complete Gateway architecture support (OS/2 and Windows components)... 7-3) "... up to Automated Communication with the Professional Edition!" ...this last flavor allows complete automation of complex communication tasks such as Software Distribution or Data Collection across heterogeneous LAN-WANs. 8) The Three Different Variants Should you be Developers or Personal Users, Small Offices or Large Corporate, VARs or Software Publishers, the three variants of Remote Services Management give you both financial savings and competitive edge. 8-1) "R.S.M. Lite Edition" This first variant is the basic native OS/2 Remote Control product and is specially designed for users who need simple and efficient point to point connection (Null-Modem, Modem, NetBIOS, IPX-SPX and TCP/IP) from OS/2 to OS/2 and from OS/2 to Windows systems. Basically, this software allows an OS/2 32-bit workstation (from OS/2 version 2.0 up to OS/2 Warp) named "Manager" (ex "Teacher" in the previous releases) to access and control remote workstations named "Clients" (ex "Pupils") running OS/2 32-bit as well as the Windows environments (including the future... next... new... version of Windows... 4, Chicago, Win 95... 96... 97... 9x! releases). The basic feature (graphic remote control) benefits of a new Client/Server architecture providing one of the FASTEST data throughput of its category. R.S.M. Lite Edition offers also: - bi-directional (and secured) file transfers running in the background, - clipboard exchanges, - chat mode, - the ISS' exclusive Marker Mode, - and the worldwide renown End Used friendliness of PolyPM/2. 8-2) "R.S.M. Advanced Edition" This second flavor, which is more designed for Corporate using complex communication environments, includes both the Manager Gateway and the Client Gateway components and allows complete interaction across different LAN-WANs using heterogeneous protocols. This version includes all the basics of the Lite Edition and adds more professional communication protocol supports (such as X25 and APPC-APPN), a full set of new security features, log journal capabilities, the old DOS environment support (Client only) and a lot of new useful features. The global data throughput of the Advanced Edition may be enhanced by using specialized graphical object dictionaries as well as selecting three different compression algorithms. 8-3) "R.S.M. Professional Edition" This third version includes all the Advanced Edition features and provides also the complete OS/2 16-bit support (Client, Client Gateway, Manager and Manager Gateway). A new very powerful Programming Script Language (PSL) with its complete development environment including a GUI interface builder allows Developers and VARs to create theirs own complex communication applications such as Software Distribution or Automatic Data Collection programs using the internal R.S.M.' APIs. 9) ISS' Note We hope that the huge developments and the intensive test phases we've made during these last 12 months for this new product line will answer to the needs and attempts of a large majority of the 10 million users of the Premier and Award Winning 32-bit Operating System (OS/2), whatever their status and organization: - Personal Users and Professional Developers, - Small Offices and Home Offices or Large Corporate, - VARs and Software Publishers. Our development laboratory is already working on future extensions of the Remote Services Management product line and we will present next year more integrated features, more ease of use and always more performance... but that s a secret ! All the best. Philippe-Charles Krug-Basse President International Software Solutions 10) Marketing Information Remote Services Management is available both in shrink-wrapped products and in technology transfer for OEMs. All the editions of R.S.M. are proposed in the following three packagings: - Standard Packs: licenses for 2 workstations including the Manager and the Client programs (and the Gateways in the Advanced and Professional editions). - Extension Packs: idem Standard Pack for one additional workstation. - DUA Packs: Duplication and Use Authorization licenses (from 5 up to 20,000... and more...) workstations. The following SRP will apply (in US Dollars): 10-1) R.S.M. Lite Edition Standard Pack : 199.00 Extension Pack : 119.00 DUA License DUA Price Price per Additional Workstation Workstation 5 559 112 97 10 1 044 104 87 15 1 479 99 77 20 1 863 93 73 30 2 596 87 70 40 3 297 82 66 50 3 958 79 63 75 5 530 74 60 100 7 021 70 60 150 10 027 67 60 200 13 020 65 58 250 15 906 64 54 300 18 618 62 50 400 23 618 59 45 500 28 105 56 44 10-2) R.S.M. Advanced Edition: Standard Pack : 349.00 Extension Pack : 199.00 DUA Licenses DUA Price Price per Additional Workstation Workstation 5 920 184 154 10 1 690 169 134 15 2 359 157 114 20 2 929 146 104 30 3 970 132 94 40 4 915 123 85 50 5 762 115 75 75 7 641 102 66 100 9 286 93 62 150 12 377 83 58 200 15 279 76 54 250 17 976 72 50 300 20 453 68 45 400 24 977 62 41 500 29 064 58 41 600 33 140 55 40 700 37 185 53 40 800 41 181 51 39 900 45 115 50 39 1 000 48 973 49 38 1 200 56 545 47 37 1 400 63 959 46 36 1 600 71 169 44 35 1 800 78 137 43 33 2 000 84 834 42 33 2 500 101 529 41 33 10-3) R.S.M. Professional Edition: Standard Pack : 499.00 Extension Pack : 299.00 DUA Licenses DUA Price Price per Additional Workstation Workstation 5 1 380 276 270 10 2 530 253 230 15 3 527 235 199 20 4 370 219 169 30 5 903 197 153 40 7 283 182 138 50 8 510 170 123 75 11 193 149 107 100 13 493 135 92 150 17 710 118 84 200 21 543 108 77 250 24 993 100 69 300 28 060 94 61 400 33 427 84 54 500 38 027 76 46 600 42 473 71 44 700 46 767 67 43 800 50 907 64 41 900 54 893 61 40 1 000 58 727 59 38 1 200 66 087 55 37 1 400 73 140 52 35 1 600 79 887 50 34 1 800 86 327 48 32 2 000 92 460 46 31 2 500 107 793 43 31 3 000 123 127 41 31 3 500 138 460 40 31 4 000 153 793 38 31 4 500 169 127 38 31 5 000 184 460 37 31 6 000 215 127 36 31 7 000 245 793 35 31 8 000 276 460 35 31 9 000 304 060 34 28 10 000 328 593 33 25 15 000 428 260 29 20 20 000 504 927 25 15 Over 20 000 504 927 plus 15 per workstation. Note: The prices for Additional workstations apply to the number of machines between the bounds of two DUA packages. Example, a DUA 46 of the Lite Edition will cost : DUA 40 : 3,297.00 6 Additional workstations : 6 x 66 = 396.00 DUA 46 : 3,297.00 + 396.00 = 3,693.00 10-4) ISS Contacts ISS France : Phone (33) 76 52 42 22 : Fax (33) 76 52 42 20 Contact : Sylvain Monteux ISS Germany : Phone (49) 62 21 78 50 95 : Fax (49) 62 21 78 50 97 Contact : Andre Brech ISS U.K. : Phone (44) 1256 81 70 00 : Fax (44) 1256 84 22 44 Contact : David Ross-Turner Hume ISS U.S.A. : Phone (702) 496 46 49 Contact : Philippe-Charles Krug-Basse ISS Technical Support : CIS 74431,2450