This README file contains the latest information about installing and uninstalling Microsoft® Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 version of the IBM® eServer(TM) BladeCenter(TM) SAN Utility version 1.02.25 Fibre Channel switch application. Refer to the IBM Support Website listed in "WEB SITES AND SUPPORT" section in this README document for the latest information and updated README file. Last Update: January 12, 2004 ============================================ CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 OVERVIEW 2.0 BLADECENTER SAN UTILITY VERSION HISTORY AND NEW FEATURES 3.0 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 4.0 BLADECENTER SAN UTILITY DOCUMENTATION 5.0 INSTALLING BLADECENTER SAN UTILITY FOR WINDOWS 2000 6.0 UNINSTALLING BLADECENTER SAN UTILITY FOR WINDOWS 2000 7.0 KNOWN SAN UTILITY ISSUES 8.0 WEB SITES AND SUPPORT 9.0 TRADEMARKS 10.0 NOTICES ============================================ 1.0 OVERVIEW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The BladeCenter SAN Utility application is used to access and configure the BladeCenter Fibre Channel switch modules. The SAN Utility can be installed on a BladeCenter HS20 blade server or an external network management workstation configured with one of the Windows 2000/2003 operating systems described in “SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS” section of this README document. This README document lists the system requirements and explains how to install and uninstall the SAN Utility for Windows 2000/2003. ============================================ 2.0 BLADECENTER SAN UTILITY VERSION HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.02.25 - Support for v2.0.0.15 switch firmware 1.) New Feature -- Show Active Zone Members by Color – A switch port icon is shown green if logged in, and gray otherwise; a WWN icon is shown as washed out if it's not in the nameserver database. 2.) New Feature -- User Account Administration – You can now add and remove user accounts via SAN Utility as well as set admin authority, set expiration dates and change passwords. 3.) New Feature -- Event Browser – The alarm log tab has been replaced by an Event Browser. The Event Browser is a separate window that displays alarm messages and other application events. The data can be sorted, filtered and/or saved to a file. 4.) New Feature -- IP Address of “Foreign” Switches – SAN Utility will display the IP address of non-QLogic switches both in the Topology Display under the appropriate switch icon and in the Switch Tab. 5.) New Feature -- Extended Credits – With user input on required distance, SAN Utility will calculate how many credits are required and whether enough donor ports are available. 6.) New Feature -- Selective Restore – Following a switch archive, restore will display a dialog box with the configuration data that can be restored. The user then selects any, or all, of the configuration data they wish to restore. 7.) New Feature -- Fabric View – With this release, you can save user preferences, save statistics to a file, print graphs to a printer, save current fabric to a file and reload on start. 8.) New Feature -- Zoning Checks – Upon saving zone changes in Edit Zoning, an Error Check dialog box is displayed. If you select the “Perform Error Check” option, error messages will be displayed if problems are found. For a list of the checks that are performed, refer to the Switch Management User's Guide. 9.) New Feature -- Startup Screen - If SAN Utility does not find a fabric file upon startup, instead of seeing a blank screen, it will give you options to open an existing fabric by entering IP address, login and password, open existing fabric view file or start the application without specifying a fabric. 10.) New Feature -- Downing of Ports – In addition to setting a port to an “online”, “offline” or “test” state in port properties, a port can also be set to a “down” state. 11.) New Feature -- Support for the firmware changes listed in the firmware README. UPDATES 1. When scrolling through the Trap log, the refresh of the window places the scroll position at the bottom of the window. The workaround is to export the trap log and view with an editor. 2. In certain cases, when the switch module cannot respond to the application because of resource limitations, the application will mistakenly present an error dialog saying "Max sessions has been reached, continue loading?". The condition is transient and does not affect the performance of the application or of the switch. When this occurs, the necessary workaround to get the graphs displayed properly again, regardless of how you answer the question, is to redisplay the fabric and graphs. 3. Depending on network and switch traffic, loading maximum zone information may take 10-15 minutes to complete. 4. With focus set in the fabric tree, hitting the key will deselect the fabric resulting in the fabric disappearing from the topology display. Hitting the key again will select the fabric and it will once again be displayed. Version 1.02.20 - Fixes installation issue Version 1.02.18 - Initial Release Version ============================================ 3.0 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000 Integrated with Service Pack 3 or higher OR Microsoft Windows 2003 Memory 128 MB minimum Disk space 150 MB for each installation Processor 300 MHz or faster Hardware CD-ROM drive, 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet port Internet browser Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator BladeCenter 2-port Fibre Channel Switch Firmware must be the latest available switch firwmare higher than or equal to version BladeCenter Management Module firmware version must be BRET34A or greater. ============================================ 4.0 SAN UTILITY DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation, setup and management of the IBM BladeCenter 2-Port Fibre Channel switch module can be found in the following documents: o IBM eServer BladeCenter 2-Port Fibre Channel Switch Installation Guide o IBM eServer BladeCenter 2-Port Fibre Channel Switch Management User’s Guide A hardcopy of the switch module’s Installation Guide is provided with each switch module. The switch module’s Management guide is located on the BladeCenter Documentation CD provided with each switch module. These manuals are also available from IBM’s BladeCenter support website; refer to “Web Sites and Support” section of this document. ============================================ 5.0 INSTALLING BLADECENTER SAN UTILITY FOR WINDOWS 2000 and WINDOWS 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more detailed information about using the BladeCenter SAN Utility for configuring and managing your BladeCenter Fibre Channel switch module, see the IBM BladeCenter Fibre Channel Switch Management User’s Guide on the IBM BladeCenter Documentation CD or on the World Wide Web. Complete the following steps to install the SAN Utility on a network management station or HS20 blade server that is configured with Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows 2003: If upgrading from an earlier version of SAN Utility, is it recommended that you uninstall the prior version before continuing to install version 1.02.25. Follow the uninstall instructions in section 5.0 for help. 1. Close all open programs, open Windows Explorer. 2. To install SAN Utility: To install the SAN Utility from the hard disk drive, complete the following steps: a. Specify a location and save the Windows_1.02.25.exe file. b. Click Save. c. Double-click Windows_1.02.25.exe. d. Follow the SAN Utility installation instructions. 3. When the installation is complete, perform one of the following procedures: a. Double-click the BladeCenter SAN Utility shortcut. b. Click "Start -> Programs -> BladeCenterSANUtility ->BladeCenterSANUtility" If a default fabric view file exists, the Enter Default File Password for Loading File window opens. Otherwise, the SAN Utility window opens. For more detailed information about using the BladeCenter SAN Utility for configuring and managing your BladeCenter Fibre Channel switch module, see the IBM BladeCenter Fibre Channel Switch Management User’s Guide on the IBM BladeCenter Documentation CD or on the World Wide Web. Important: Before you configure your switch module, be sure that the management modules in your BladeCenter unit are properly configured. In addition, to access and manage your switch module from an external environment, you might need to enable certain features, such as the external ports and external management over all ports. See the applicable BladeCenter Unit Installation and User’s Guide publications on the IBM Eserver BladeCenter Documentation CD for more information. ============================================ 6.0 UNINSTALLING BLADECENTER SAN UTILITY FOR WINDOWS 2000 or WINDOWS 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Uninstaller Data folder, which contains the Uninstall BladeCenter SAN Utility program that is used to uninstall the SAN Utility from a blade server running Microsoft Windows 2000/2003, is copied into the installation folder during the initial SAN Utility installation process. The default installation directory is C:/Program Files/BladeCenterSANUtility Complete the following steps to uninstall the SAN Utility: 1. Browse for the uninstallation program file or the shortcut that points to the uninstallation program. Locate the uninstallation program shortcut in the same folder as the program shortcut or Click the following: "Start ->Programs ->BladeCenterSANUtility->Uninstall BladeCenterSANUtility" 2. Double-click the uninstallation program or shortcut and follow the instructions to uninstall the SAN Utility. ============================================ 7.0 KNOWN SAN UTILITY ISSUES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Drag and drop from Zoning dialog to application window hangs the GUI. 2. In the Fabric View application part of BladeCenter SAN Utility, if traffic increases to where the Total Kbytes/sec scale increases, when the traffic decreases it is difficult to see the traffic on the graph due to this scale being readjusted. By removing and redisplaying the graphs, the scale is adjusted correctly. 3. The “Restore Factory Defaults” function in Switch menu has been disabled. This function can be performed via the BladeCenter Management Module web interface. Refer to BladeCenter documentation for more information. 4. In Fabric View, if you maximize multiple graphs, it is possible to max out the CPU utilization at 100%. A work-around would be to shrink the graph(s) or increase the fabric discovery interval in File->Preferences. 5. When starting Fabric View from BladeCenter SAN Utility, the Fabric View will come up with an empty fabric view screen. Use the “Add Fabric” button to specify the IP address of the fabric to display. 6. After clearing the baseline, then doing a hotreset with traffic running, the frames in/out, words in/out and Txwait counters show negative numbers. 7. When opening a view file, none of the file filters which can be selected will allow the user to open the default view file. Since the password on a view file can only be changed on the current view file, this means the default view file password can only be changed after launching the application with the default view file. 8. When a hotreset (NDCLA) is performed, expect a port spike in the Fabric View graphs. This will rescale the port graph. 9. After a hotreset (NDCLA) is performed, a pop-up box is displayed to communicate the status of the hotreset. No other action can be taken until the "Okay" button is selected. 10. If a user changes the Browser Location in Preferences, the application must be closed and re-opened for the update to take affect. 11. In some instances, BladeCenter SAN Utility will list a device type incorrectly. For example, it will incorrectly list a target as an initiator in the Name Server tab in the faceplate display. 12. A restore may fail if a timeout occurs ('timed out waiting for event') or if BladeCenter SAN Utility could not obtain admin permissions (“config mode required”). If this occurs, retrying the restore will normally be successful. 13. During a restore operation, if you do not wait until the operation is completed, the admin state is not released, which would also affect CLIsh. If this happens, you will need to exit BladeCenter SAN Utility to release admin. 14. When performing a Firmware Fallback, an erroneous message is displayed indicating ' request for hotreset successful; operation will complete shortly'. Instead, it should state that the fallback was successful and the switch will be reset. 15. There are times during fabric configuration when there are routes to domains, but the WWN/domain assignment is temporarily in flux. This should work itself out after the WWN/domain assignment is made. When this does occur, the message "LSDB LSR for domain 22 returned an invalid WWN: 0" will be found in the Event log. 16. Any 1Gb ports will be displayed in the extended credits verification even though no extended credits have been requested. 17. Isolated instances of running the Fabric Viewer for long periods of time has caused the fabric to be non-responsive and displayed in blue. Opening another instance of the fabric will work around this issue. 18. When changing a user account password while someone else has admin privileges, you get multiple error messages but the password is actually changed. 19. When the symbolic name of the port is changed, it does not get reflected in the title bar of the graph that is active and the port name under port properties. 20. When running with FC-SW-2 mode disabled with a Brocade switch in the fabric, if you have a large zoneset (2000 members) and take the BladeCenter FC Switch Module offline/online, the ISL between the Brocade and BladeCenter FC Switch Module fails to recover. To work around this issue, use the command line interface or reduce the size of the zoneset. 21. The Fabric View on-line help procedures for 'Printing a Graph Window' gets Netscape error message: 'Unable to find file or directory'. For help with this topic, refer to the Switch Management User’s Guide. 22. In some situations, the BladeCenter SAN Utility Uninstall does not remove all files and start menu items. This does not cause any issues; it is more of a nuisance. 23. If the IP Address of the switch is changed through the SAN Utility, the IP address will not be accessible until an IP address change has also occurred through the Management Module. ============================================ 8.0 WEB SITES AND SUPPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 IBM Support Web Site: 6.2 IBM eServer xSeries BladeCenter Marketing Web Site: 6.3 If you have any questions or problems about this package go to the following Help Center World Telephone Numbers URL: ============================================ 9.0 TRADEMARKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM BladeCenter eServer Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. ============================================ 10.0 NOTICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. IBM is a trademark of IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Lotus, Lotus Notes, SmartSuite, and Domino are trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation and/or IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. ActionMedia, LANDesk, MMX, Pentium, and ProShare are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2003. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.