IBM xSeries 455 System Programming Utility for In-System Programmable Devices Version 1.02 README File CONTENTS ________ 1.0 Overview 2.0 Change History 3.0 Installation and Setup Instructions 4.0 Configuration Information 5.0 Unattended Mode 6.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number 7.0 Trademarks and Notices 8.0 Disclaimer 1.0 Overview 1.1 This README file contains the latest information about updating the CPLD code on the IBM xSeries 455 system. Before performing the CPLD update you must follow the procedure noted in the Dependencies section. 1.2 Limitations - NA 2.0 Change History C1 - July 22, 2003 ------------------------- Fix: System will not boot without Processor 1 installed Fix: System Complex Powered Up/Down in eventlog on reset Fix: Memory Port Switch state changes are not reported C2 - August 11, 2003 ------------------------- Fix: 0.0 Hang During DC Power Cycle (Madison Reset Errata) C3 - August 26, 2003 ------------------------- Fix: Warmboot fails - checkpoint [2.9] Fix: w/Gimli Native I/O CPLD C0 .Net restart causes: 1336 IO Board error Fix: Memory card 1.8 volt VRM errors not logged C4 - August 28, 2003 ------------------------- Fix: Catastrophic processor failure C6 - October 20, 2003 ------------------------- Fix: INT: Mem card machine check (CYC [00] [20]) when DC pwr cycling C7 - November 7, 2003 ------------------------- Fix: Memory hot replace mem port leds do not match power state Fix: Node poweron after shutdown w/.Net, SuSe,reset -s Fix: Memory board VRM error detected in both ports [F0] Fix: Diag panel bd erroir LED + LED 4 lit @10C pwr cycling (2.1 hang) Fix: Some nodes do not reset immediately after a reset is done Fix: VRM error detected on startup, corrected with retries C8 - July 31, 2005 ------------------------- Fix: Intermittent loss of system RESET propagating across a multinode configuration 3.0 CPLD Update Instructions ************************************************************************************************************* NOTE: This CPLD update is intended to be performed by trained IBM personnel only under guidance of the IBM Help Center Back Office because of the risk of rendering one or more boards unrecoverable. Please see section 4.0 Configuration Information - Jumper Requirements prior to starting this procedure. ************************************************************************************************************* The procedure to update the CPLD code is as follows: 3.1 Start up or restart the IBM xSeries 455 system. 3.2 Boot the system to the EFI prompt. 3.3 The CPLD update program will function from the CD drive, the LS120 drive, the hardfile, or a USB drive plugged into a USB port. The update program can reside in either the root directory or a sub-directory. 3.4 From the EFI prompt enter 'ISPVME vmefilename.vme' [enter] where vmefilename.vme is the vme file to be flashed 3.5 CPLD programming will begin with the percentage completed being displayed. 3.6 Upon completion, the system will re-boot. 3.7 Remove AC power, wait at least 10 seconds, and then re-apply AC power. 3.8 If the above procedure fails to complete the programming of the system logic, the following procedure should permit a successful system recovery. 1. Remove AC power from the system. 2. After 10 seconds or more, restore AC power. 3. The system will startup without pressing the power button. 4. At the EFI Shell screen, re-try the programming operation. When a programming failure occurs, the system will be in a recoverable state. System programming failure is very rare, but possible. 4.0 Configuration Information ------------------------------- Jumper Requirements: This CPLD release requires the following jumper placement: PCI card J7 jumpers (1,2 and 3,4) must be in place Midplane jumper J14 must be removed, J15 must be in place Midplane jumper 93 must be removed, J91 (pins 2,3) must be in place Executing the CPLD update utility without these jumper settings will cause the program to terminate with the message "Verification Failure". Current CPLD content is neither corrupted nor affected by this operation. Please verify the jumper settings and re-run the CPLD update utility. 5.0 Unattended Mode ------------------------------- This update does not support unattended installation 6.0 WEB Sites and Support Phone Number ---------------- 6.1 IBM Support Web Site: 6.2 IBM Marketing Netfinity Web Site: 6.3 If you have any questions about this update, or problems applying the update go to the following Help Center World Telephone Numbers URL: 1-800-772-2227 7.0 Trademarks and Notices ---------------------------- 7.1 The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM 8.0 Disclaimer ---------------------------- 8.1 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. 8.2 Note to Government Users Include the following note after the disclaimer paragraph. Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to re