DRLRMA.WS4      (= "Dr. Logo Reference Manual", Appendix A)

(Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE. Posted to comp.os.cpm.amethyst by
Roche on 08 Apr 2005.)

ROCHE> The DRLRM6.WS4 file, when printed on A4 (12") paper
is 175 pages long... So, since some persons complain about long
messages, I sent it, instead, to the comp.os.cpm.amethyst
Newsgroup, that nobody read anymore. With this publication,
the full "Dr. Logo Reference Manual" is now available. I hope
that this will encourage CP/M fans to publish interesting
Dr. Logo programs for CP/M-86 (Plus)... (Amstrad 8-bit and
Atari 520ST fans will also be interested in this documentation.)

Appendix A: Dr. Logo error messages

Table A-1. Dr. Logo error messages

Number  Message
------  -------
   2    Number too big
   6    (symbol) is a primitive
   7    Can't find lable (symbol)
   8    Can't (symbol) from the editor
   9    (symbol) is undefined
  11    I'm having trouble with the disk
  12    Disk full
  13    Can't divide by zero
  15    File already exists
  17    File not found
  21    Can't find catch for (symbol)
  23    Out of space
  25    (symbol) is not true or false
  29    Not enough inputs to (procedure)
  30    Too many inputs to (procedure)
  32    Too few items in (list)
  34    Turtle out of bonds
  35    I don't know how to (symbol)
  36    (symbol) has no value
  37    ) without (
  38    I don't know what to do with (symbol)
  40    Disk is write protected
  41    (procedure) doesn't like (symbol) as input
  42    (procedure) didn't output
  43    I don't know how to do that yet
  44    !! Dr. Logo system bug !!
        (Should not occur. Please write to Digital Research if it does.)
  45    The word is too long
  46    I don't have enough buffer space
  47    If wants [ ]'s around instruction list
  48    (varies according to disk error)
  49    (symbol) isn't a parameter
  50    I can't (symbol) while loading
  51    The file is write protected
  52    I can't find the disk drive


DRLRMB.WS4      (= "Dr. Logo Reference Manual", Appendix B)

(Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE.)

Appendix B: Dr. Logo control and escape character commands

Table B-1. Dr. Logo control and escape character commands

Format: Character

(* indicates the character is valid within screen editor only.)

Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.

Moves the cursor [B]ack one character; that is to say, it  moves
the cursor one position to the left.

Ctrl-C *
Exits  the  screen  editor; updates Dr.  Logo's  workspace  with
definitions  of  all procedures and variables  from  the  screen
editor's buffer.

[D]eletes the character indicated by the cursor.

Moves the cursor to the [E]nd of the line.

Moves  the  cursor [F]orward one character; that is to  say,  it
moves the cursor one position to the right.

Outside  the  screen  editor,  it  immediately  terminates   the
currently  executing  procedure. Inside the  screen  editor,  it
exits  the screen editor without updating Dr. Logo's  workspace,
discarding any changes made during the screen editing session.

Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.

[I]nserts a tab (three spaces).

(No effect.)

[K]ills  the  remaining  line; that is to say,  it  deletes  all
characters  right of the cursor to the end of the line.  Deleted
characters are stored in buffer.

Outside screen editor, displays a full graphic screen,  devoting
the monitor to graphics. Inside screen editor, it readjusts  the
display  so that the line currently indicated by the  cursor  is
positioned  at the center of the screen. If the cursor  is  less
than  12  lines  from the beginning of the  buffer,  the  screen
editor simply beeps when Ctrl-L is pressed.

Generates a Carriage Return.

Moves  the cursor to the [N]ext line; in the screen editor,  the
cursor moves down one line towards the end of the buffer.

[O]pens  a new line. In the screen editor, it is  equivalent  to
pressing Enter followed by Ctrl-B.

Moves the cursor to the [P]revious line; the cursor moves up one
line towards the beginning of the buffer.

Generates  the  [Q]uoting character ("\") that  makes  Dr.  Logo
treat  a delimiter character as a literal  character.  Delimiter
characters are [ ] ( ) " : ; = < > + / ^

(No effect.)

Displays  a  [S]plitscreen; opens a text window on  the  graphic

Displays a full [T]ext screen, devoting the monitor to text.

(No effect.)

Ctrl-V *
Displays  the  next screen full of text in the  screen  editor's
buffer, the next 24 lines towards the bottom of the buffer.

Interrupts  the scrolling of a text display; [W]aits  until  the
next keystroke to continue scrolling the display.

(No effect.)

[Y]anks text from the buffer; that is to say, it redisplays  the
line most recently stored in the buffer by an Enter or a  Ctrl-K

Interrupts  the currently executing procedure; displays a  pause
prompt  to allow interactive debugging. Enter "co"  to  continue
the execution of the interrupted procedure.

Displays the previous screen full of text in the screen editor's
buffer,  the  previous  24 lines towards the  beginning  of  the

ESC-< *
Positions  the  cursor at the beginning of the  screen  editor's

ESC-> *
Positions the cursor at the end of the screen editor's buffer.


DRLRMC.WS4      (= "Dr. Logo Reference Manual", Appendix C)

(Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE.)

Appendix C: Functional command list

Word and list processing

ascii word
butfirst, bf object
butlast, bl object
char n
count object
emptyp object
equalp object object
first object
fput object object
item n object
last object
list object object (...)
listp object
lowercase, lc word
lput object object
memberp object object
numberp object
piece n object
quote object
sentence, se object object (...)
shuffle list
uppercase, uc word
word word word (...)
wordp object

Arithmetic operations

abs n
arctan n
cos degrees_n
degrees radians_n
exp n
int n
log n
log10 n
product n n (...)
quotient n n
radians degrees_n
random n
remainder n n
round n
sin degrees_n
sqrt n
sum n n (...)
tan degrees_n
+ a b
- a b
* a b
/ a b
^ a b

Logical operations

and pred_exp pred_exp (...)
not pred_exp
or pred_exp pred_exp (...)
= a b
< a b
> a b


local varname (...)
make varname object
name object varname
namep word
thing varname

Defining procedures

copydef new_procname old_procname
defined procname defin_list
definedp object
primitivep object
text procname
to procname <inputs>


edall <pkgname | pkgname_list>
edit, ed <name | name_list>
edns <pkgname | pkgname_list>
edps <pkgname | pkgname_list>

Text screen

cleartext, ct
print, pr object (...)
setcursor coord_list
show object
textbg n
textfg n
type object (...)

Graphic screen

background, bg
clearscreen, cs
dot coord_list
pencolor, pc
pendown, pd
penerase, pe
penreverse, px
penup, pu
setbg n
setpc n
setpen list
setsplit n
turtletext, tt object (...)

Graphic movement

back, bk distance_n
forward, fd distance_n
hideturtle, ht
left, lt degrees_n
right, rt degrees_n
setheading, seth degrees_n
setpos coord_list
setx n
sety n
showturtle, st
towards coord_list

Workspace management

bury pkgname | pkgname_list
erall <pkgname | pkgname_list>
erase procname | procname_list
ern varname | varname_list
erns <pkgname | pkgname_list>
erps <pkgname | pkgname_list>
follow procname procname
package pkgname name | name_list
pkgall pkgname
po procname | procname_list
poall <pkgname | pkgname_list>
pons <pkgname | pkgname_list>
pops <pkgname | pkgname_list>
pots <pkgname | pkgname_list>
unbury pkgname

Property lists

glist prop <pkgname | pkgname_list>
gprop name prop
plist name
pprop name prop object
pps <pkgname | pkgname_list>
remprop name prop


copyd dest_d: source_d:
initd d: n
resetd <d:>
setd d:
spaced <d:>


changef new_fname old_fname
copyf dest_fname source_fname
erf fname
getfs <d:>
load fname
save fname <pkgname | pkgname_list>


fkey n instr_word
readchar, rc
readlist, rl
readquote, rq



Sound, lightpen and joystick

tones note_list
buttonp paddle_n
paddle n

Conditionals and flow of control

co <object>
go word
if pred_exp instr_list <instr_list>
iffalse, iff instr_list
iftrue, ift instr_list
label word
output, op object
repeat n instr_list
run instr_list
test pred_exp
wait n

Error handling and debugging

catch name instr_list
notrace <procname | procname_list>
nowatch <procname | procname_list>
throw name
trace <procname | procname_list>
watch <procname | procname_list>


DRLRMD.WS4      (= "Dr. Logo Reference Manual", Appendix D)

(Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE.)

Appendix D: Glossary

Location in memory.

ambiguous file name
File  name  containing a wildcard character. In  Dr.  Logo,  the
wildcard  character is a question mark ("?"). An ambiguous  file
name is used to access one or more files. For example, getfs "z?
displays  all file names that begin with the letter z.  You  can
put  the  ?  after  any number of  characters  or  as  the  only
character, but the ? must be the last character in a file  name.
A  file  name  cannot contain more than  eight  characters.  See
wildcard character.

artificial intelligence
Imitation  of human-like information processing performed  by  a

Acronym for American Standard Code for Information  Interchange.
ASCII is a standard code for the computer representation of  the
numbers, letters, and symbols that appear on most keyboards.

assembly language
Human readable form of machine language. See machine language.

backup or back-up
Duplicate copy of data to be used in case the original is  lost,
destroyed, or accidentally altered. The process of duplicating a
disk or file.

Programming  language  that  is widely  used  in  microcomputers
because of its English-like structure and ease of use. BASIC  is
an acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.

Fundamental  unit  of information that a  computer  understands.
Abbreviated from Binary digIT. A bit can have one of two values,
0 or 1, meaning off or on, respectively. See byte.

Act of starting up a computer system.

Area  of memory that temporarily stores information  during  the
transfer of information.

Error in a procedure that prevents the procedure from  executing
as expected.

Unit of memory or disk storage that usually contains eight bits.
In ASCII code, each character is represented by one byte.

cathode ray tube, CRT
Picture tube that shows information being entered or output from
the  computer;  functionally similar to those used  in  standard
televisions.  Commonly abbreviated CRT; also referred to as  the

See character cell.

central processing unit, CPU
Brain  of  the  computer, commonly  abbreviated  CPU.  Your  IBM
Personal  Computer  contains an Intel 8088  CPU,  an  integrated
circuit that contains an arithmetic/logic unit that controls and
manipulates the flow of information and its storage in memory.

Single  letter,  number, symbol, space, or punctuation  mark.  A
character  is  usually  stored in one  byte  of  the  computer's
memory, or on disk.

character cell
Unit of space on the monitor that can hold one character. A cell
is  located at the intersection of each horizontal row and  each
vertical  column. There are 1,000 character cells on  a  graphic
display,  and 2,000 character cells on a text display. Dr.  Logo
lets  you control the background color and foreground  color  of
each character cell on the graphic and text display.

Sequence  of expressions written in a programming language  that
instructs the computer to perform a task.

color monitor
Output  device that allows you to see the visual field  of  both
the graphic screen and the text screen.

Instruction that makes Dr. Logo initiate an action.

Remarks  or  explanatory  notes  set off  from  the  rest  of  a
procedure's definition by a semicolon (";").

Language  translator  that interprets the text of  a  high-level
language,  like  BASIC, into machine language code (1s  and  0s)
understandable to the computer.

Joining  of  two  or  more objects together,  end  to  end.  For
example,  the  primitive word outputs a single word made  up  of
multiple inputs, as in word "sun "shine outputs "sunshine".

Object, word, number, or list with a value that does not  change
when a procedure runs.

control character
Non-printing  character combination that sends a simple  command
to Dr. Logo. To enter a control character, hold down the control
(Ctrl) key, and press the specified character key.

Operating  system  controlling the operation of Dr.  Logo.  CP/M
stands for Control Program for Microcomputers.

See Central Processing Unit.

Severe  hardware  or  software malfunction. A  head  crash,  for
example, generally causes an irretrievable loss of the data on a

See Cathode Ray Tube.

Blinking  underline  symbol  on the  text  display.  The  cursor
designates the position where the next keystroke at the keybaord
has  an effect. As you type, the cursor automatically  advances.
You  can  also move the position of the cursor with  the  cursor
control  keys located on the numeric key pad, the tab  key  ("--
>|"), and the backspace key ("<--"). On the graphic display, the
turtle designates the point of action.

Information that is created, changed, or stored by the computer.

Process of locating and correcting errors in a procedure.

Value  supplied in the absence of user input. For example,  when
you  start your computer system, drive A: is the default  drive.
Dr.  Logo  looks  for files on the disk in  the  default  drive,
unless you specify another drive.

Blank  space  or  any of these special characters  used  to  set
another character, word, or number off from the next: [ ] ( )  ;
< > + - * / ^.

List  of  the contents of the disk. Use the getfs  primitive  to
display a list of all the Dr. Logo file names on a data disk.

Magnetic  media  used  to store  information.  Sometimes  called
diskette. Programs and information are stored and retrieved like
music  on a record. The term diskette usually refers  to  floppy
disks 5 1/4 or 8 inches in diameter. The term disk can refer  to
a diskette, a removable cartridge disk, or a fixed hard disk.

disk drive
Peripheral  device  that  stores and  retrieves  information  on

Visual field of a screen, or to show the contents of the  screen
on the monitor.

double sided
Disk format that stores information on both sides; a disk  drive
that can read and write on both sides of a double-sided disk.

Dr. Logo
Digital Research's version of Logo, a programming language  with
extensions  that  make it suitable for commercial  and  academic

Process of adding, modifying, or deleting text in the definition
of a user-defined procedure.

Utility  program  that  allows you to  add,  modify,  or  delete
information from a text screen. See also line editor,  procedure
editor, and screen editor.

Single piece of an object. For example, a numeral is an  element
of a number, a character is an element of a word, and a word  is
an element of a list.

Special  word  that indicates the conclusion  of  a  procedure's
definition. The word "end" must stand alone on the last line  of
a procedure.

Act  of transmitting information to the computer.  The  computer
does  not  recognize  or process any information  typed  at  the
keyboard  since the last prompt, until you press the  Enter  key
("<--+").  The  Enter  key on an IBM Personal  Computer  is  the
equivalent  to  a  Carriage  Return  ("RETURN")  on  a  standard
typewriter keyboard.

Process Dr. Logo goes through to execute an expression.

executing a procedure
See running a procedure.

In  Dr. Logo, an expresion is a procedure name followed  by  its

Collection of information on a disk.

file name
Name  you assign to a file. The file name can consist of  up  to
eight alphabetic or numeric characters. The first character in a
file name must be alphabetic.

floating point
Method  Dr. Logo uses internally to express numbers that have  a
decimal point that can shift to the left or right.

floppy disk
Flexible magnetic disk used to store information. A floppy  disk
is  a thin piece of mylar, coated with magnetic  particles.  The
disk  drive  causes the floppy disk to rotate inside  its  paper
jacket.  Floppy disks come in two sizes: 5 1/4 and 8  inches  in

Graphic diagram that uses special symbols to indicate the input,
processing, output, and flow of a procedure.

Operation  or  specific  task  that is  called  into  action  by
referencing  the procedure by name. The result of a function  is
always a single value. See operation.

function keys
Ten  multiple-purpose  keys located along the left side  of  the
keyboard, labeled F1 through F10, that you can program to recall
command  lines  of up to 16 characters. Press the Enter  key  to
execute the recalled command line.

graphic displays
Visual   representations   that   illustrate,   map,   or   plot
mathematical  curves,  diagrams,  graphs, or  charts.  Dr.  Logo
allows you to draw graphic designs with the turtle.

graphic screen
Construct in memory where graphic data is stored that can extend
beyond  the  range of your monitor. You can display  the  visual
field of the graphic screen on a color monitor. Dr. Logo  allows
you  to  draw  graphic designs on the graphic  screen  with  the

graphic window
Visual  display of the graphic screen on a color  monitor;  that
portion  of  the monitor dedicated to the  graphic  screen.  Dr.
Logo's  splitscreen primitive allows you to have both  text  and
graphic windows on the same color monitor.

Physical   components  of  a  computer,  such  as  the   central
processing  unit,  random access memory, disk  storage  devices,
monitor, keyboard, printer, lightpen, paddle, or joystick.

high-level language
Computer  language  written in procedural form  that  is  easily
comprehensible by humans. Many machine language instructions are
generated  for each high-level expression. Dr. Logo is  a  high-
level language.

infix operation
Operations where the primitive name or identifier is  positioned
between its inputs, as in a + b.

Act  of  preparing or formatting a disk, in order  to  read  and
write information on it.

Object   that  a  procedure  requires  to  complete  its   task;
information  entered into the computer by an operator typing  at
the  terminal  or by a procedure reading from the  disk,  or  to
enter such information.

input device
Mechanism  that accepts information from the outside  world  and
converts that information into a form that the computer can use.
A keyboard is an input device.

input/output devices
Combination  of input and output devices.  Commonly  abbreviated
I/O devices.

Positive or negative whole number with no decimal point.

Object  that allows two independent systems to communicate  with
each  other, as an interface between hardware and software in  a

Computer program that evaluates each line as it is typed at  the
keyboard, and each line of a procedure every time it is run. Dr.
Logo is an interpreted computer programming language.

interpreter prompt
Question  mark ("?") signaing that Dr. Logo is expecting you  to
type something at your keyboard; the interpreter is waiting  for

Abbreviation  for  input/output. This term  commonly  refers  to
combinations of input and output devices.

Stiff paper container that holds a floppy disk.

See paddle.

1024 bytes, commonly denoted as 1K.

System  of  words  and  symbols  used  to  write  programs  that
communicate with a computer.

level number
Number  enclosed in square brackets ("[" and "]") that  precedes
each  line  displayed  by the trace and  watch  primitives.  The
number indicates the position of the procedure on the stack. See

Input  device  that  allows you to interact  with  the  computer
without  the keyboard. The lightpen sends a screen  location  to
the computer when you touch the screen's surface with the tip of
the lightpen.

line editor
Dr.  Logo  interpreter's utility that allows you to  modify  the
current  line  of text without erasing and retyping  the  entire
line.  Dr. Logo allows you to use certain control characters  or
function keys to move the cursor left and right over the current
line  of text to make modifications before you press  the  Enter

Programming  language  derived from the words  LISt  Processing.
LISP  dominates artificial intelligence programming  because  of
its  powerful  symbolic and list processing  capabilities.  Logo
evolved from LISP.

Type  of object used as input to a Dr. Logo procedure. A  series
of  objects (words, numbers, or lists) separated by  spaces  and
enclosed in square brackets ("[" and "]").

To move procedures or information from permanent storage on  the
disk into the computer's memory buffer or workspace.

logical operator
Mathematical symbols representing equals ("="), less-than ("<"),
or  greater-then (">") as well as the primitives  "and",  "not",
and  "or"  that are used in predicate  expressions;  expressions
that evaluate to either TRUE of FALSE.

Name  of  a  programming language derived drom  the  Greek  word
logos,  which  means  word. Logo is  a  computer  language  that
evolved  from LISP and is designed to teach the fundamentals  of
computer programming.

machine language
Sequence of instructions to the machine, written in terms of  1s
and 0s, and generally not understandable by humans. See bit.


One million bytes, or 1024K bytes. See kilobyte.

That   part  of  a  computer  system  that  temporarily   stores
information.  Also called random access memory (RAM) or  working
storage. Dr. Logo automatically loads into memory when you start
up  your system. Once Dr. Logo is loaded, it allocates  part  of
memory for your workspace.

Miniaturized  integrated circuit usually on a silicon chip  that
is the brain of the microcomputer.

Output device that displays the visual field of your graphic  or
text  screen.  A color monitor displays both  graphic  and  text
screens; a monochrome monitor displays only text.

monochrome monitor
Output device that displays the text screen.

Type of object used as input to a Dr. Logo procedure. A  special
word that identifies a procedure, a variable, a package, a file,
or a disk.

Type  of  object used as input to a Dr. Logo procedure.  In  Dr.
Logo,  a number is a kind of word and can be used as a  variable
name  if it is preceded by a quotation mark, as in "8. A  number
cannot  be  used as the first or only character in  a  procedure
name.  In  arithmetic  operations, you  can  input  negative  or
positive decimals numbers with up to 15 significant digits.

numeric constant
Real  or integer quantity that does not change as the  procedure
is run.

numeric pad
Separate  set  of keys, arranged like a 10-key  adding  machine,
located  on  the right of the IBM  Personal  COmputer  keyboard.
Provided  because they are useful for entering large amounts  of
numeric  information. Press the NUM LOCK key, located above  the
numeric pad, to make the keys function as cursor control keys.

Type  of input to a Dr. Logo procedure. A Logo object can  be  a
word,  a  number, a list, or anything that is  not  a  procedure
name. Variables can represent objects.

Procedure that outputs an object, or a mathematical process such
as  addition, multiplication, subtraction, or division.  In  Dr.
Logo, an operation is equivalent to a function.

operating system
Master program that supervises the execution of other  programs,
and manages the computer system's resources. An operating system
provides   an  orderly  input/output  environment  between   the
computer  and  its peripheral devices. Dr. Logo runs  under  the
CP/M  operating system, which is compatible with many  different
computer systems.

optional input
Inputs that are not required. In the primitive expression syntax
descriptions,  optional  inputs are enclosed in  angle  brackets
("<" and ">").

Object  returned  to the caller by a procedure;  data  that  the
processor   sends  to  the  console,  printer,  or  disk   after
processing  is  complete. To send information  to  the  console,
printer,  or disk. The computer outputs the requested object  or

output device
Mechanism  by which a computer transfers its information to  the
outside world. The printer is an output device.

Group  of related procedures or variables. Packaging  helps  you
manage  your  workspace. When you organize your  procedures  and
variables into packages, you can display, edit, save, or erase a
whole  group without affecting other procedures or variables  in
the workspace.

Input  device  that  allows you to interact  with  the  computer
without  the keyboard. Common on electronic computer  games  and
also called a joystick. The coordinate scale that the paddle  or
joystick sends to the computer depends on the kind of device you
purchase. Dr. Logo supports up to two paddles or joysticks, each
with two buttons.

peripheral device
Mechanisms  that  are external to the CPU.  Terminals  printers,
disk  drives,  paddle (joystick), and  lightpen  are  peripheral

permanent storage
Location  outside  of the computer's memory where  data  can  be
stored,  usually  on disk. When you save a file,  you  copy  the
information from the workspace onto the disk.

Smallest  element  of  a monitor's display;  a  point  within  a
character cell. Also referred to as a dot. A turtle step, as  in
the command forward 1, is equivalent to one pixel.

Order in which Dr. Logo processes arithmetic operations.

predicate expression
Expression  that contains a logical operator and outputs  either
TRUE or FALSE. A predicate expression can be a type of input  to
a Dr. Logo procedure.

prefix operation
Operations  where the primitive name or identifier precedes  the
inputs, as in - a b, or print [Hi there!].

Procedures,  operations, or commands that make up Dr. Logo;  the
built-in procedures.

Peripheral device used to put computer information on paper.

Printed material or listing produced by the printer.

A  series  of expressions that tell Dr. Logo how  to  perform  a

procedure editor
Dr. Logo interpreter's utility that allows you to teach Dr. Logo
a  new  task,  that is to say, to define a  new  procedure.  The
procedure editor is identified by the greater-than sign (">"), a
prompt  that  appears  when  you enter  the  word  "to"  at  the
interpreter's question mark prompt ("?"). All the line  editor's
control character commands function within the procedure editor.

procedure editor prompt
Greater-than sign (">") that tells you Dr. Logo is expecting you
to  enter  a  procedure  definition  line.  Dr.  Logo  does  not
immediately evaluate the expressions typed at the > prompt.

Complete  set of instructions designed to tell the  computer  to
perform a specific task. To define a Dr. Logo procedure.

Cue  displayed on the monitor telling the user that Dr. Logo  is
expecting  input. A prompt can be a symbol, such as ?, >, or  !.
Or  a  prompt can be a message, such as "Is this what  you  want
(y/n)?".  All  prompts  expect a response  from  the  user.  For
example,  when  you see the ! prompt, you are extremely  low  on
free  nodes in your workspace. Your response should be to  enter
the  primitive  "recycle"  to call the  garbage  collector.  See
interpreter prompt and procedure editor prompt.

Quality or attribute of an object, procedure, or package.

property list
List   of  property  pairs  that  represent  the  qualities   or
attributes connected with an object, procedure, or package.  Use
the  pprop  primitive  to  assign  both  the  Dr.  Logo   system
properties  and  your own non-system properties. Use  the  plist
primitive to display a property list.

property name
First  member  of a property pair; the  label  representing  the
quality  or attribute of an object, procedure, or  package.  For
example,  the  .BUR property name in a package  name's  property
list signifies that the package is buried.

property pair
Two parts of a property. The first element of a property pair is
the property name; the second element is its value. For example,
in a procedure's property list is a property pair consisting  of
the  property  name  .DEF  and the  value  of .DEF,  the  actual
definition of the procedure.

property value
Second member of a property pair; the qualities of or attributes
connected  with an object, procedure, or package.  For  example,
the  information  following a .PAK property name in  a  property
list  is  the property value, the name of the package  to  which
this object belongs.

See random access memory.

random access
Process of reading or writing informaion in memory or on a  disk
in any order.

random access memory
Temporary memory location inside a computer. Also called working
storage. Commonly abbreviated as RAM. Size of RAM is measured in

random number
Number  selected  by chance from a set of  numbers.  The  random
primitive returns a random number in Dr. Logo.

Process  of  transferring prestored information from  a  storage
device, such as a floppy disk, into the computer's memory.

Attribute of a disk or a disk drive that allows you to read  but
not write to the disk or disk drive.

Read-Only disk
Attribute  assigned to a disk that allows you to read from  that
disk, but not change it. To assign the Read-Only attribute to  a
5  1/4  inch floppy disk, disable the Read-Write  notch  on  the
upper left side of the disk by placing a sticker over it.

Read-Only disk drive
Attribute  assigned to a disk drive that allows you to read  any
file  on  the  disk but prevents you from  adding  a  new  file,
erasing a file, changing a file, or renaming a file. A drive has
the  Read-Only  attribute when a new disk is inserted.  Use  the
primitive resetd to give the drive a Read-Write capability.

Attribute of a disk or a disk drive that allows you to read from
and  write  to the disk or the disk drive. A 5 1/4  inch  floppy
disk  can  be set to Read-Write by cutting  out  the  Read-Write
notch  on the upper left corner of the disk. A drive can be  set
to  Read-Write by entering the resetd command after inserting  a
new disk.

real number
Numeric  value  specified  with  a  decimal  point,   internally
represented in floating point notation.

reserved word
Keyword  that  has  specific  meaning to  a  given  language  or
operating system. In Logo, the keywords are called "primitives".
A reserved word cannot be used as a procedure or variable  name,
unless you have set the system variable REDEFP to TRUE.

running a procedure
Process of Dr. Logo evaluating and performing the expressions in
a procedure.

To transfer information from random access memory into permanent
storage on the disk.

Construct  in memory where text or graphic data is  stored.  Dr.
Logo supports two kinds of screens: a text screen and a  graphic
screen. A color monitor can display both kinds of screens, and a
monochrome monitor can display only the text screen.

screen editor
Dr. Logo utility that allows you to define a procedure or modify
a  procedure  without retyping the complete definition.  In  the
screen  editor,  you  can use  special  screen  editing  control
characters  that  enable  you to move from line  to  line  in  a
procedure, as well as all of the line editor's control character
commands. You can start the screen editor by typing the commands
ed, edall, edps, or edns at Dr. Logo's ? prompt.

Disk  format  that stores information on only one side;  a  disk
drive that can read or write on only one side of a  single-sided

sixteen-bit computer
Computer  system  that  is  capable  of  processing  information
sixteen  bits at a time, potentially twice as fast as an  eight-
bit system. Sixteen-bit systems can usually accomodate more  RAM
than eight-bit systems, making some applications more efficient.

Set  of instructions that tells the hardware how to  complete  a
particular task. Unlike hardware, software is not an  electronic
product,  and does not perform any physical work. Software is  a
communication  tool  that  allows  you  to  interact  with   the

Display where a text window is opened on the graphic screen of a
color monitor.

Area  in memory used by the interpreter to keep track  of  which
procedure is currently running.

To save information. See save.

Procedure that is never called by any other procedure. You  call
a  superprocedure into action by entering the procedure name  at
Dr. Logo's ? prompt. Use the potl primitive to display the names
of superprocedures.

Format for entering an expression.

syntax error
Error  that  results from entering an expression that  does  not
conform to the syntax rules.

temporary storage
See random access memory.

Input/output device consisting of a monitor and a keyboard.

text screen
Area  in memory where text data is stored. You can  display  the
visual field of the text screen on either a monochrome or  color

text window
Visual display of the text screen on either a color monitor or a
monochrome monitor; that portion of the display dedicated to the
text screen. Dr. Logo's splitscreen primitive allows you to have
both text and graphic windows on the same color monitor.

Interpreter's  prompt.  When Dr. Logo displays a  question  mark
("?"),  there  are  no procedures on the stack,  and  the  level
number is 0.

Option  used for debugging a procedure while it is running.  The
trace  option  displays  the name of each  procedure  as  it  is
called,  and  the  name  and value of each  variable  as  it  is
defined.  Trace  allows  you  to  observe  the  details  of  the
procedure's execution without interruption.

Graphic  symbol that functions as a cursor appearing on the  Dr.
Logo graphic screen.

turtle graphics
Dr. Logo's graphics environment. The Logo language allows you to
draw  on the graphic screen by directing the turtle's  movement.
As  the  turtle  moves, it leaves a trace of  its  path  on  the

turtle step
One pixel or dot on the IBM Personal Computer.

Person who operates a computer.

Quality  of  a piece of software that makes it  simple  for  the
inexperienced person to use.

utility program
Software   tool  that  enables  the  user  to  perform   certain
operations.  For example, the editor is a utility  program  that
enables  you  to  add, change, and delete text  in  a  Dr.  Logo

Quantity  expressed  by an integer or real  number;  the  object
assigned to a variable or property name.

Name  to  which  Dr. Logo can assign an object  as  a  value.  A
variable can be thought of as a container that can hold a value.

visual field
Portion of the screen displayed on the monitor.

Option  used for debugging a procedure while it is running.  The
watch  option displays the procedure's name and  the  expression
that the interpreter will evaluate next, one line at a time.  It
waits  for  you to press the Enter key before it  executes  that
line.  This feature allows you to interact with the  interpreter
or edito during the execution of a procedure.

wildcard character
Question  mark ("?") character that gives Dr. Logo a pattern  to
match  when searching in a disk directory for a file name.  A  ?
placed  in  a  file name creates an  ambiguous  file  name.  See
ambiguous file name.

Visual  portion  of  the screen. See  graphic  window  and  text

Type of object used as input to a Dr. Logo procedure. A group of
one   or  more  consecutive  characters  separated  from   other
characters on the line by a delimiter.

working storage
See random access memory.

Dr. Logo's temporary storage area for information, such as  your
procedures, variables, and property lists.


DRLRME.WS4      (= "Dr. Logo Reference Manual", Appendix E)

(Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE.)

Appendix E: Getting Started

This  section quickly leads you through a complete session  with
Dr. Logo. It shows how to start up and shut off Dr. Logo, how to
initialize  a disk, define a Dr. Logo procedure, save  and  load
files, specify the default drive, and back up your data disk and

The beginning of this book explain why you must enter  quotation
marks  and other punctuation; to keep this  introduction  brief,
the  explanations  are  not  repeated  here.  To  complete  this
session,  simply  type  each of the examples exactly  as  it  is
shown,  and  then press the Enter key ("<--+"). If  you  make  a
typing  error, use the backspace key ("<--") to correct  it,  or
retype the line. Do not worry about mistakes; you can't hurt Dr.
Logo or your computer with typing errors.

If, while reading this section, you find a computer-related term
you  do not understand, you can find its definition in  Appendix
D, the glossary.

E.1 Starting up Dr. Logo

Your computer automatically loads Dr. Logo into memory when  you
turn  on your computer. You can start up Dr. Logo in one of  two
ways, depending on whether your computer is powered OFF or ON.

If the power is OFF

     1.  Open  the door of drive A: by lifting  the  load  latch

     2.  Insert the Dr. Logo system disk with the label face  up
and  the  disk jacket seams underneath. Hold the label  in  your
hand as you slide the disk into the slot. See Figure E-1.

        Figure E-1. Inserting a disk  (not shown)

     3.  Close  the disk drive door by pulling  the  load  latch

     4. Turn ON the printer, if you have one, the color  monitor
and monochrome monitor if you have one, and finally the computer
system unit. (If you have just powered off, but want to use your
computer  again, you must count slowly to five before you  power

If the power is ON

     1. Insert the Dr. Logo system disk into drive A: and  close
the door.

     2. Hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys, and press the Del  key.
Then,  release  all three keys. This sequence is  called  system
reset. See Figure E-2.

        Figure E-2. System keyboard  (not shown)

In  either start sequence, wait a moment while the  system  does
some self-testing. Watch for the red light on drive A: to flash,
and  listen for the drive to read Dr. Logo from the system  disk
into your computer's memory. While Dr. Logo is being loaded,  it
displays the following message on your monitor:

        |   Welcome to Dr. Logo, Version V.V    |
        | Copyright (C) 1983, Digital Research  |
        |       Pacific Grove, California       |
        |                                       |
        |               Please Wait             |
        |                                       |
        |                                       |
        |                                       |
        |                                       |

        Figure E-3. Dr. Logo banner

The  version  number, represented above by V.V,  tells  you  the
major and minor revision level of the Dr. Logo version that  you
own.  After  this  greeting disappears, a  question  mark  ("?")
prompt  and  the flashing underline ("_") display on  your  text
screen. The question mark tells you that Dr. Logo is waiting for
you to type something at your keyboard. The underline tells  you
where the next character you type will appear.

Once  in  memory, Dr. Logo allocates a part of memory  for  your
workspace.  When  you start Dr. Logo, the  workspace  is  empty,
ready for you to type in new procedures or load previously saved
procedures from a disk.

E.2 Defining Dr. Logo procedures

A procedure is a list of instructions that tells Dr. Logo how to
do  a  task.  Dr.  Logo performs the task  when  you  enter  the
procedure's name. The list of instructions is the definition  of
the   procedure.  You  use  primitives  and   previously-defined
procedures  to define a new procedure. For example, here is  how
to  enter a procedure that makes Dr. Logo draw a square  on  the
graphic screen with the turtle. Type the following:

        ?to square
        >repeat 4 [forward 60 right 90]
        square defined

When you type the statement "to square", Dr. Logo responded with
a  > prompt on the next line. The special word "to"  signals  to
Dr.  Logo that you are starting to define a new  procedure.  The
greater-than  sign (">") indicates that Dr. Logo is  remembering
your instructions as a procedure definition.

After  you define the procedure, you can make Dr.  Logo  perform
the new task by typing the procedure name at Dr. Logo's ? prompt
and pressing the Enter key. For example, type


cs  stands  for  clearscreen, and erases  the  square  from  the
screen. You can teach Dr. Logo to draw a triangle as follows:

        ?to triangle
        >right 45 forward 35
        >right 90 forward 35
        >left 225 forward 50
        triangle defined

Now,  you can use the triangle and the square procedures in  the
definition of another procedure. For example,

        ?to draw.house
        >forward 50
        draw.house defined

You can look at the names of the procedures you have defined  by
asking Dr. Logo to print out titles, pots in short:

        to square
        to triangle
        to draw.house

When  you turn off your computer, everything in  your  workspace
disappears.  If  you were to turn off your computer  now,  these
procedures would be lost. To be able to use them later, you must
save them on a disk.

But, before you try to save your procedures, remember that  your
Dr. Logo system disk is write-protected. That means you can only
read Dr. Logo from it, and cannot save procedures on it. You can
take  your Dr. Logo system disk out of the A: drive as  soon  as
Dr. Logo is loaded. Store your system disk in a safe place, away
from  heat  and magnetic devices such as telephones  and  vacuum

Before  you can save procedures, you must create a data disk,  a
disk  that  can store procedures in files, and insert  it  in  a
drive.  A disk fresh from the box is not ready to  store  files;
you  must initialize (format) a new disk before you can read  or
write any data on it.

E.3 Initializing a disk

You must always initialize a disk that is fresh from the box. If
you have an old disk that you want to reuse, you can  initialize
the disk to remove all the old data on the disk and reformat it,
as if it were new.

Before you begin

     1.  Make sure that the read/write notch is cut out  of  the
upper left edge of the disk jacket.

     2.  Check to see if you have single- or  double-sided  disk
drives.   If  you  have  single-sided  disk  drives,  you   must
initialize  your  disks to single-sided format.  A  double-sided
drive can handle either single- or double-sided disks.

You  will need to initialize two new disks, one to be your  data
disk and the other to be your back-up disk.

If you have a one-drive system

     1.  If you have not already done so, remove your  Dr.  Logo
system  disk, and store it in a safe place, away from  heat  and
magnetic devices, such as telephones and vacuum cleaners. Insert
the disk to be formatted in drive A: and close the door.

     2.  If you have a single-sided drive, you  must  initialize
the disk to single-sided. Type

                ?initd "a: 1

        Dr. Logo displays the following prompt:

                I will erase the diskette in drive A
                and will make it single-sided.
                Is this what you want (y/n)?

        If you have a double-sided drive, you can initialize the
disk to double-sided. Type

                ?initd "a: 2

        Dr. Logo displays the following prompt:

                I will erase the diskette in drive A
                and will make it double-sided.
                Is this what you want (y/n)?

     3. Type y (yes) to format the disk. Type n (no) if you have
not removed the Dr. Logo system disk or, for some other  reason,
wish  to return to Dr. Logo's ? prompt. After you type y,  watch
for  the  drive's  red light to flash, and listen  as  Dr.  Logo
formats the disk. When the formatting is complete, Dr. Logo's  ?

     4. Format a second disk, repeating steps 1 through 3, for a
back-up disk.

If you have a two-drive system

     1.  You  can leave your Dr. Logo system disk in  drive  A:.
Insert the disk to be formatted in drive B: and close the door.

     2. If you have single-sided drives, you must initialize the
disk to single-sided. Type

                ?initd "b: 1

        Dr. Logo displays the following prompt:

                I will erase the diskette in drive B
                and will make it single-sided.
                Is this what you want (y/n)?

        If you have double-sided drives, you can initialize  the
disk to double-sided. Type

                ?initd "b: 2

        Dr. Logo displays the following prompt:

                I will erase the diskette in drive B
                and will make it double-sided.
                Is this what you want (y/n)?

     3. Type y (yes) to format the disk. Type n (no) if you wish
to  return to Dr. Logo's ? prompt. After you type y,  watch  for
the  B:  drive's  red light to flash, and  listen  as  Dr.  Logo
formats the disk. When the formatting is complete, Dr. Logo's  ?

     4. Format a second disk, repeating steps 1 through 3, for a
back-up disk.

E.4 Saving Dr. Logo files

Saving  a file means copying the contents of your  workspace  to
permanent storage on the disk.

     1.  If you have a single drive system with a data  disk  in
drive A:, type the following command to save the contents of the
workspace in a disk file.

                ?save "home

        If you have a two-drive system with a data disk in drive
B:, type

                ?save "b:home

        You  have  now  made a copy  of  your  three  procedures
square,  triangle, and draw.house in a file named "home" on  the
disk  in either drive A: or drive B:. Your procedures are  still
in Dr. Logo's workspace, as you can see with a pots command.

                to square
                to triangle
                to draw.house

     2.  To verify that Dr. Logo has saved your procedures,  ask
it to show you the names of Dr. Logo files on the disk.


        Or, if you saved the file on drive B:, type

                ?getfs "b:

     3.  Now that you have saved your procedures, you can  erase
them  from your workspace with confidence they can be  restored.


        Now,  to verify that the workspace has been erased,  ask
Dr. Logo to print out the titles of procedures in the  workspace
by typing


        Dr. Logo displays only the ? prompt, because nothing  is
in the workspace.

E.5 Loading Dr. Logo files

To load a file means to move the procedures or other information
from permanent storage on the disk into the Dr. Logo  workspace.
To load a file, you must have saved it on the disk, and be  able
to see its name with a getfs command.

     1. To load the file you just saved, type

                ?load "home

        Or, if you saved the file on drive B:, type

                ?load "b:home

        Listen ad Dr. Logo moves the procedures in the file from
the disk into the workspace, and displays the following list  on
your screen:

                square defined
                triangle defined
                draw.house defined

     2.  Verify  that the procedures are in  your  workspace  by
executing them, or by using pots to print out their titles.

                to square
                to triangle
                to draw.house

E.6 Specifying the default drive

When  you  do not specify a drive in a disk command  like  save,
load,  or  getfs,  Dr. Logo automatically looks  for  files,  or
writes  files, on the disk in the default drive. When you  start
Dr.  Logo,  A:  is the default drive. If you  have  a  one-drive
system,  you  only have drive A:, and do not need to  specify  a
drive  name in any of your commands. If you have two drives  and
leave your system disk in drive A:, enter the following commands
to change yor default drive to B:.

     1. Determine which drive is the default drive by typing


     2. Change the default drive to drive B: by typing

                ?setd "b:

     3. To verify that Dr. Logo now looks on drive B: for files,


E.7 Backing up a disk

To  back  up  a  disk means to make  a  duplicate  copy  of  its
contents.  Professional  programmers avoid  losing  programs  by
making copies of valuable disks and files. If your working  copy
is  accidentally damaged or erased, you can restore it from  the
back-up copy.

The frequency of making copies varies with each programmer,  but
as a general rule make a copy when it would take 10 to 20  times
longer to re-enter the information than to make the copy.

To  make  a back-up disk, you need an initialized  or  formatted
disk on which to write. Make sure your data disk and your  back-
up disk are the same format: double-sided or single-sided.

If you have a one-drive system

     1.  Start with the data disk that you plan to copy  in  the
drive. This is your source disk.

     2. To start the copying process, type

                ?copyd "a: "a:

        Figure E-4. System unit with one drive  (not shown)

If you have a two-drive system

     1. Insert the back-up disk into drive B: and the data  disk
into drive A:.

     2.  To  make an exact, track-to-track copy of the  disk  in
drive A: onto the disk in drive B:, type

                ?copyd "b: "a:

        Dr. Logo displays the following message before it begins
to copy:

                I will copy from the diskette in drive A
                to the diskette in drive B, erasing any
                existing data on the diskette in drive B.
                Is this what you want (y/n)?

     3.  Type  y (yes) to copy the data disk  onto  the  back-up
disk.  Type  n  (no) to return to Dr. Logo's  ?  prompt  without
making  the  copy. If you type y, watch for the  red  lights  to
flash  back and forth from drive A: to drive B:, and  listen  as
the data is transferred from one disk to the other.

        Figure E-5. System with two drives  (not shown)

E.8 Copying a file

Another  way  to back up a file is to make a copy of  just  that
file, without making a copy of the entire disk.

If you have a one-drive system

     1. Start with the data disk containing the original file in
the drive. This is called your source disk.

     2. To copy the file, type

                ?copyf "home "home

     3.  After  Dr. Logo displays a message, remove  the  source
data disk, and insert your back-up data disk into the drive.

If you have a two-drive system

     1.  To  copy a file from the data disk in drive A:  to  the
back-up disk in drive B:, type

                ?copyf "b:home "a:home

     2.  Verify  that  the file has been  copied  with  a  getfs

                ?getfs "b:

E.9 Shutting off Dr. Logo

Before you turn off the power to your computer, be sure to check
that you have performed the following steps:

     1. Save the contents of your workspace on disk, so that you
can load it later.

     2. Make back-up copies of your files on a back-up disk.

     3.  Take your disks out of the drives. NEVER turn off  your
system with the disk engaged in the drive; this can  permanently
damage your disk.

     4.  Turn the power switches on your monitor,  printer,  and
system unit to OFF.