DRLRM1.WS4      (= "Dr. Logo Reference Manual", Section 1)

(Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE. Posted to comp.os.cpm.amethyst by
Roche on 18 Apr 2005.)

Section 1: Components of Dr. Logo

A procedure is an action that Dr. Logo can do. A Logo program is
made  up of procedures. You will probably start by writing  one-
procedure programs, but you will build your first procedures out
of  procedures  that  come  with  Dr.  Logo,  called  "Dr.  Logo
primitives".  Later, you will use the procedures that  you  have
written,  as  well  as Dr. Logo  primitives,  to  build  complex
programs.   Procedures  are  the  basic  building   blocks   for
programming with Dr. Logo.

A  procedure  is made up of expressions. An expression  has  two
parts: a procedure name and inputs to the procedure. That is why
you  need Dr. Logo primitives to build your first procedure.  To
Dr.  Logo, everything you type is either a procedure name or  an
input to a procedure.

Although you can build a procedure out of many expressions,  you
can  also ask Dr. Logo to evaluate expressions one at a time  by
entering  them individually to the ? prompt, which is  sometimes
called the interpreter or toplevel. For example,

        ?print "Salutations!

In  this  example,  print "Salutations! is  an  expression.  The
procedure name "print" identifies a Logo primitive that displays
its  input, Salutations!, on the screen. As in all  examples  in
this  book, the line following "?" shows what the user types  at
the keyboard. After you type a line at toplevel, you must  press
the  Enter  key,  <--+,  to tell Dr.  Logo  that  you  want  the
expressions on the line evaluated.

A  procedure  can require a certain number and kind  of  inputs.
Input  to  a  procedure can be words, numbers,  or  lists.  This
section formally defines how to put characters together to  form
procedure  names,  words, numbers, and lists, so  that  you  can
combine  them into expressions. Then, it tells you how Dr.  Logo
evaluates a line when you put more than one expression on it.

1.1 Dr. Logo character set

To  build  a  procedure name or word, you  can  use  almost  any
character  on  your  keyboard, including  upper-  and  lowercase
letters, numerals, and symbols. For example


However,  Logo gives special meaning to certain characters.  For
example,  blank spaces delimit words or numbers; a  blank  space
before and a blank space after a word set the word off from  the
rest of the line. The following special characters are also Logo

Table 1-1. Dr. Logo special characters

Character     Type      Action/use
---------  ----------   ----------
    [                   Begins a list
    ]                   Ends a list
    (                   Begins a grouped expression
    )                   Ends a grouped expression
    ;                   Begins comments
    =       logical     Equal infix operation, outputs TRUE or FALSE
    <       logical     Less-than infix operation, outputs TRUE or FALSE
    >       logical     Greater-than infix operation, outputs TRUE or FALSE
    +      arithmetic   Addition prefix operation,
                          outputs sum of inputs.
    -      arithmetic   Subtraction infix operation,
                          outputs difference of two inputs.
    *      arithmetic   Multiplication infix operation,
                          outputs product of inputs.
    /      arithmetic   Division infix operation,
                          outputs quotient of inputs.
    ^      arithmetic   Exponent infix operation,
                          outputs first input number raised to
                          the second input power.

When  you use a delimiter in an expression, you do not  need  to
precede it with a blank to set it off from the rest of the line.
Whenever one of these characters appears, Dr. Logo assumes  that
it  starts a new word or number separate from anything  else  on
the line. This simplifies typing expressions in many cases, such


but complicates using these characters in situations other  than
those  that Dr. Logo expects. For example, if you try to  use  a
dash  as a hyphen (instead of a minus sign), you might  see  Dr.
Logo add unwanted spaces:

        ?print [high-resolution turtle graphics]
        high - resolution turtle graphics

To tell Logo that you want it to treat a delimiter as a part  of
a  word,  precede the special character with a  backslash  ("\")
called  "the quoting character" by Dr. Logo, which generates  it
when you type Ctrl-Q.

        ?print [high\-resolution turtle graphics]
        high-resolution turtle graphics

Dr.  Logo  recognizes other special characters  called  "control
characters"   as  commands.  Control  characters  can   edit   a
procedure,  interrupt  and  terminate a  procedure,  and  change
between  full text, full graphics, and splitscreens. Section  3,
"Editing  Commands", and Section 4, "Text and Graphic  Screens",
describe Dr. Logo control characters.

1.2 Logo objects

A  Logo  procedure  can require a specific number  and  kind  of
inputs  to  perform its task. The required input can be  one  or
more words, lists, or numbers. When a procedure requires any one
of  these,  we say that it can accept a "Logo  object",  meaning
that  it  needs  a word, a list, or a  number  to  complete  its
operation.  To  make  your procedures  more  flexible,  you  can
represent  objects with names called "variables".  This  section
describes words, lists, numbers, and variables.

1.2.1 Words

A  Logo  word is a group of one or more  consecutive  characters
separated  from  other characters on the line by  delimiters.  A
blank  space  separates a word from the rest of  the  characters
that  follow  it  on  the line. You can  use  periods  (".")  or
underbars  ("_")  as connectors to make Dr. Logo  treat  several
words as one word, as in the following example:

        ?print "choc.chip
        ?print "oatmeal_raisin

In  English, a sentence is composed of words called "verbs"  and
"nouns".  In  Logo, an expression is composed  of  words  called
"procedure  names" and "inputs", which can be other  names.  Dr.
Logo  needs  a way to distinguish an input name  (noun)  from  a
procedure name (verb). So, when you type a Logo expression,  you
must precede an input name with quotes ("). If you do not,  Logo
complains. For example,

        ?print "hi_there
        ?print hi_there
        I don't know how to hi_there

Although quotes have this special meaning at the beginning of  a
word,  they  are  not a delimiter, and can be use  as  a  normal
character within a word. Do not use quotes at the beginning of a
word, except for this reason. Dr. Logo has a special  primitive,
quote, that has the same effect as quotes.

        ?print quote hi_there

Other  Dr.  Logo  primitives can examine  a  word  character  by
character,  take  a word apart, and put a  word  together.  When
manipulating  a  word  in  one of  these  ways,  Logo  treats  a
character in a word as a one-letter word. For example,

        ?first "zebra
        ?first first "zebra
        ?first "z
        ?butfirst "atypical
        ?last "rough
        ?butlast "dates
        ?word "R2 "D2

As  mentioned in Section 1.1, "Dr. Logo character set", you  can
tell  Dr. Logo that you want to use a delimiter character  in  a
word by preceding the delimiter with a backslash ("\"). However,
if a delimiter character is the first character in the word, and
the  word  is preceded by quotes ("), in most cases you  do  not
have  to  put a backslash between the quotes and  the  delimiter

        ?ascii "*

However,  blank  spaces and square brackets ("["  and  "]")  are
treated  as delimiters, even when preceded by quotes ("). Use  a
backslash  ("\") after quotes (") to tell Logo to treat a  space
or square brackets as a normal character.

        ?ascii "[
        ascii doesn't like an empty word as input
        ?ascii "\[

The Dr. Logo primitive "readquote" (or "rq") creates a word that
contains all the characters in a line typed at the keyboard.  If
the  line  contains  delimiters,  readquote  inserts   backslant
characters in front of each one, to make the line one word.  You
can use readquote to create a command line for a function key to
recall;  fkey  requires  a  word as  input.  See  the  following

        ?fkey 2 rq
        setd "b: resetd
        ?setd "b: resetd <Ctrl-G> <Enter>

1.2.2 Lists

A  literal list is a series of Logo objects enclosed  in  square
brackets  ("["  and "]"). You can create a list  without  square
brackets  by  using  the "list" or  "sentence"  primitive.  Each
element  of  a list can be a word, a number,  or  another  list.
Within  the  list,  objects are delimited from  one  another  by
spaces.  Dr.  Logo treats every object in a literal  list  as  a
literal  object, so you do not need to put quotes in front of  a
word  included  within a literal list. The following  are  valid
literal lists:

        [L M N]
        [[bread butter] [soup sandwich] [cheese crackers]]
        [10 20 [22 25] 30]

The  following  examples  show  how  to  create  a  list   using
"sentence" and "list":

        ?list "L "M "N
        [L M N]
        ?sentence [I like] "hamburgers
        [I like hamburgers]

The  same  Logo  primitives that manipulate  elements  of  words
manipulate elements of lists.

        ?butfirst [not really]
        ?butlast [not really]
        ?fput 5 [10 20 [22 25] 30]
        [5 10 20 [22 25] 30]

After  the fput expression is executed, the list above has  five
elements,  the fourth of which is a list. The following  example
shows how to count elements of lists within lists:

        ?count [5 10 20 [22 25] 30]
        ?count item 4 [5 10 20 [22 25] 30]

The  following table compares the four primitives that can  take
two objects as input and output a word or list.

Table 1-2. Comparison of list primitives

Primitive       Input 1         Input 2         Output
---------       -------         -------         ------
list            "yellow         "green          [yellow green]
sentence        "yellow         "green          [yellow green]
fput            "yellow         "green          "yellowgreen
lput            "yellow         "green          "greenyellow

list            "sky            [is blue]       [sky [is blue]]
sentence        "sky            [is blue]       [sky is blue]
fput            "sky            [is blue]       [sky is blue]
lput            "sky            [is blue]       [is blue sky]

list            [say hello]     [to me]         [[say hello] [to me]]
sentence        [say hello]     [to me]         [say hello to me]
fput            [say hello]     [to me]         [[say hello] to me]
lput            [say hello]     [to me]         [to me [say hello]]

list            [hello]         []              [[hello] []]
sentence        [hello]         []              [hello]
fput            [hello]         []              [[hello]]
lput            [hello]         []              [[hello]]

1.2.3 Numbers

A number is one or more numerals separated from other characters
on the line by spaces or other delimiters. A number is a kind of
word,  but  you  do not have to put quotes (")  in  front  of  a
number,  unless you want to use it as a variable name. Dr.  Logo
does  not  try to treat a word that starts with a numeral  as  a
procedure  name.  In fact, Dr. Logo will not let  you  define  a
procedure name that starts with a numeral.

A  number  can contain a + or - to indicate sign.  But,  because
these special characters are delimiters and arithmetic operators
as  well  as signs, you might accidentally combine  two  numbers
into one expression. To prevent this, Dr. Logo interprets spaces
and numbers combined with arithmetic operators as follows:

        5-2     is interpreted as 3.

        5 - 2   is also interpreted as 3. However,

        5 -2    is interpreted as two numbers: 5 and -2.

Dr.  Logo  uses  two  kinds of  numbers:  integers  and  decimal
numbers. You can input negative or positive decimal numbers with
up to 15 significant digits, and any integer between  2147483647
and -2147483648.

Most  arithmetic  operations can accept either an integer  or  a
decimal number as input. Some take integers as input, but output
a decimal number.

        ?13 / 7

Dr.  Logo  supports primitives that convert decimal  numbers  to
integers,  create  exponential and random numbers,  and  perform
trigonometric  and logarithmic functions. Internally,  Dr.  Logo
uses  both single- and double-precision integers  and  floating-
point  numbers.  Dr.  Logo  always  uses  double-precision   for
calculations,  but  converts  numbers  to  single-precision  for
display   or  storage  when  accuracy  to  15  places   is   not
compromised. Internally, numbers are stored in IEEE standard 64-
bit  format, in the dynamic range 10 to the power of -308 to  10
to the power of +308.

In  the world of mathematics, there are numbers that  cannot  be
represented  by  numerals. Dr. Logo outputs special  words  that
represent  these numbers: +INF represents the positive  infinite
number,  -INF represents the negative infinite number,  and  NAN
represents "not a number" for any mysterious entity that is  not
a number at all.


1.2.4 Variables

A  variable  is  a  "container" that  holds  a  Logo  object.  A
container  in  your kitchen labeled "Cookie Jar"  might  contain
chocolate chip, peanut butter, some other kind of cookies, or no
cookies  at all. In Dr. Logo, a variable can have any  name  you
give  it, and contain any object -- word, number, or list.  Here
is the simplest way to create a variable:

        ?make "favorites [choc.chip peanut.but !
        oatmeal.raisin cream.fill brownie pinwh!
        eel shortbread snickerdoodle]

After  the make expression is executed, the long list of  cookie
types has a name: "favorites.

Referring  to  an object by a variable name lets  you  write  an
expression that is independent of the object it manipulates. For
example,  the  person  responsible for keeping  the  cookie  jar
filled could enter:

        ?if emptyp :cookie.jar [make "cookie.ja!
        r first shuffle :favorites]

which  means, if the cookie jar is empty, put the first kind  of
cookie from the shuffled list of favorites into the cookie jar.

Because  Logo  programmers use variables  frequently,  they  use
several terms to describe the relationship between a  variable's
name and its contents. For example, if the make expression  puts
snickerdoodle  in cookie.jar, a Logo programmer  might  describe
the relationship in any or all of these ways:

        - cookie.jar is a variable, snickerdoodle is its value
        - cookie.jar is the name of snickerdoodle
        - cookie.jar contains snickerdoodle
        - cookie.jar is bound to snickerdoodle

        - snickerdoodle is the "thing" of cookie.jar
        - snickerdoodle is the contents of cookie.jar
        - snickerdoodle is the value of cookie.jar

There are two ways to reference the contents of a variable:

        ?thing "cookie.jar

A  colon (":") before a variable name makes Dr.  Logo  reference
the  contents of the variable, instead of treating the  variable
name as a word.

No matter how you think of variables, remember that you can  use
a  variable in an expression without being concerned  about  the
variable's  actual value. Variables help you  write  expressions
that  are  independent of the data they manipulate.  Section  2,
"Working  with  Procedures", tells how to use  variables  within

1.3 Lines and expressions

You  can  put as many expressions on a line as you wish,  but  a
line at toplevel cannot contain more than 132 characters.

In  general, Dr. Logo evaluates expressions on a line from  left
to right. It treats everything, including other expressions,  to
the  right  of a primitive name or identifier as input  to  that
primitive if the primitive requires an input.

        ?random 10 > 5
        random doesn't like TRUE as input
        ?5 > random 10

However,  Dr. Logo does not evaluate arithmetic  expressions  in
strict  left-to-right  order. It evaluates / and  *  expressions
first,  from left to right, then goes back and evaluates + or  -

        ?2 * 3 + 7 / 5

To make Dr. Logo evaluate expressions in a different order,  you
can  group  expressions in parentheses ["(" and ")"].  Dr.  Logo
evaluates the expression in the innermost parentheses first. The
order in which Dr. Logo evaluates your expression can make a big
difference in the output!

        ?(random 10) > 5

DRLRM2.WS4      (= "Dr. Logo Reference Manual", Section 2)

(Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE.)

Section 2: Working with procedures

This section discusses several aspects of working with Dr.  Logo
procedures.  It tells how to construct a procedure and  give  it
multiple  inputs. It also describes how Dr. Logo keeps track  of
executing procedures.

2.1 Constructing procedures

The following sections describe how to put a procedure together:
how  to  define it, how to make it readable, and how  to  use  a
variable  to  pass  information between procedures  and  make  a
procedure require an input.

2.1.1 Naming and defining procedures

To  define a procedure is to teach Dr. Logo a new verb, that  is
to  say, to tell Dr. Logo how to do a new thing. You  teach  Dr.
Logo  a new verb by describing the new activity with  primitives
and  other words Dr. Logo already know or will know  before  you
execute  the procedure. For example, Dr. Logo  knows  primitives
that  make the turtle go forward, repeat, and turn right.  Using
these primitives, you can describe how to draw a square, and use
that description to define a new procedure.

The  simplest way to define a new procedure is to begin  a  line
with  the special word "to", which makes Dr. Logo  remember  the
next word you type as a new procedure name. Your procedure  name
should  tell  what your procedure does, and can start  with  any
character,  except a numeral. Dr. Logo will complain if you  try
to  use the name of a primitive as a procedure name, unless  you
have  set the system variable REDEFP to TRUE. When you  start  a
line with "to", Dr. Logo gives you a new prompt character, >, to
tell  you it will not immediately execute the instructions  that
you enter to define the new procedure.

        ?to square
        >repeat 4 [forward 60 right 90]
        square defined

The  special  word "end" tells Dr. Logo that you  have  finished
defining  your procedure, and returns you to the ?  prompt.  You
must enter "end" by itself as the last line of a procedure.  Now
that  "square"  is defined, you can use square  as  a  procedure
name,  as  follows. Also see Colorplate 23 at the  beginning  of
Section 6, "References to Primitives".


Logo  programmers  use  terms  similar to  those  they  use  for
variables  to describe the relationship of a procedure  and  its
definition. Here is how these terms apply to the procedure  just

        - "to square" is the title line of square
        - square is the name of [repeat 4 [forward 60 right 90]]
        - [repeat 4 [forward 60 right 90]] is the definition of square
        - [repeat 4 [forward 60 right 90]] is the body of square

The  body  of a procedure is a special kind of list: a  list  of
expressions.  This list can contain as many expressions  as  you
want,  or it can be an empty list. Because Dr. Logo  treats  the
definition  of a procedure as a list, you can write a  procedure
that  first combines expressions into a list, and  then  defines
this list as the body of a new procedure. The description of the
"define"  primitive  in Section 6, "References  to  Primitives",
tells how one procedure can define another.

You  can  use  the  Dr.  Logo  screen  editor  to  modify   your
procedures' definitions. When you use the editor, you can change
the  body  of a procedure, add a new procedure,  or  change  the
title  line of an existing procedure. When you exit the  editor,
the  new  or  changed  procedures  are  defined,  replacing  any
previous  definitions for those names. The descriptions  of  the
ed,  edall, and edps primitives in Section 6 tells how  to  load
procedures  into  the  Dr.  Logo  editor.  Section  3,  "Editing
Commands", tells how to use the editor.

2.1.2 Writing readable procedures

All  programmers  want to make their procedures as  readable  as
possible. A readable procedure is a distinct advantage when  you
try  to share your work with friends, or try to use a  procedure
several months after writing it.

Two  traditional  tools that make a program readable  are  short
procedures  and  long  names for procedures  and  variables.  In
general,  short  procedures are more readable  than  long  ones.
Short  procedures  are easier to understand, test,  and  combine
with  other  procedures. Long procedure and variable  names  can
help  describe  the purpose and function of procedures,  or  the
kind of data represented by variables. However, long names  take
up  valuable  memory space, so you might have  to  shorten  your
names  if  you  write  a  large  program  that  needs  all  your

Dr. Logo gives you special help in writing readable  procedures.
For  example, Dr. Logo lets you break long expressions into  two
or  more  lines. Generally, a line in a procedure  is  a  single
expression:  a  procedure  name and its  inputs.  However,  some
procedures need complex inputs, such as lists of instructions or
predicate  expressions. This kind of line can grow so long  that
it becomes difficult to read. For example, an "if" command  with
a  long  predicate  expression and two  instructions  lists  can
easily exceed the width of your display. When this happens,  Dr.
Logo  prints  an  exclamation  point  ("!")  and  displays   the
remainder of the command on the next line.

        ?to check.for.favorites
        >if memberp :cookie.jar :favorites (pr !
        [edible cookies available] (pr [forget !
        check.for.favorites defined

You  can  clean up your procedure's appearance by  breaking  the
long  expression into several lines. If you press the Enter  key
and  begin the next line with a space or a tab, Dr. Logo  treats
the new line as a continuation of the expression on the previous

        ?to check.for.favorites
        >if memberp :cookie.jar :favorites
           [pr [edible cookies available]]
           [pr [forget it!]]
        check.for.favorites defined

Dr.  Logo  also  lets you put comments  in  your  procedures.  A
comment  is  text  that Dr. Logo ignores and  does  not  try  to
evaluate  or  execute.  You can use  comments  to  describe  the
function or purpose of a procedure or expression. You can  start
a  comment  at  the  beginning  of a  line  or  after  the  last
expression on the line, but a comment must be the last object on
the  line. Start a comment with a semicolon (";"), as  shown  in
the following example. Also see Colorplate 3.

        ?to triangle  ; Draw an equilateral tri!
        >repeat 3 [forward 20 right 120]
        triangle defined
        ?to flag
        >fd 40
        >back 40  ; Return to original position
        flag defined

Comments take up space, but if space becomes a problem, you  can
use  the  "noformat"  primitive to  remove  comments  from  your

2.1.3 Using variables in procedures

Variables have special capabilities within a procedure. You  can
use  variables  to  define inputs to a procedure,  and  to  pass
information between procedures.

In  general,  it  is  not  good  programming  practice  to  bury
constants in your procedures. In the following procedure, 40  is
a constant:

        ?to flag
        >forward 40
        >back 40
        flag defined

Constants  do not mean much to someone who reads your  procedure
later.  And  because they might appear on more  than  one  line,
constants   are  difficult  to  change   systematically.   Using
variables  instead  of constants simplifies your  procedures.  A
variable name can tell a person reading your procedure something
about  the data object. And to change the data, you need  change
only the make expression.

        ?to flag
        >make "pole 40
        >forward :pole
        >back :pole
        flag defined

To simplify your procedure even further, you can use a  variable
on a procedure's title line to define an input.

        ?to flag :pole
        >forward :pole
        >back :pole
        flag defined

A  variable  on the title line makes your procedure  require  an
input.  When  your  procedure  is called,  Dr.  Logo  defines  a
variable  that  has  the  name given  on  the  title  line.  The
variable's value is the input object. If no object is input, Dr.
Logo complains.

        Not enough inputs to flag
        ?flag 80
        ?flag 40

When you give your procedure a variable name as input, Dr.  Logo
gives the contents of the variable to your procedure.

        ?make "big 80
        ?make "small 40
        ?flag :big
        ?flag :small

The  next  few  paragraphs  tell how Dr.  Logo  keeps  track  of
variable  definitions. At toplevel, Dr. Logo assigns  values  to
variable names in your workspace. You define variables with make
and  name  expressions directly to the interpreter's  ?  prompt.
These are called "global variables".

Dr.  Logo keeps track of variables defined by each procedure  as
it is executing. These are the variables your procedure  defines
in   the  title  line  and  with  make  expressions.   Different
procedures  can  have variables that have the  same  name.  Logo
programmers sometimes say that variables defined by a  procedure
are "bound" to their values by that procedure. See the following

        ?make "cookie.jar "snickerdoodle
        ?to look.in :cookie.jar
        >print :cookie.jar
        look.in defined
        ?look.in "brownie

You can use a variable in your procedure that is not defined  by
your  procedure.  At execution time, if the procedure  has  been
called  by  another  procedure, Dr. Logo looks  to  see  if  the
calling   procedure  defined  the  variable.  If  it   finds   a
definition, it does not look any further. If it does not find  a
definition,  it searches up the levels of calling procedures  to
toplevel before it complains that the variable is undefined.

Because  Dr. Logo searches variable bindings this way,  you  can
use  variables to pass information between procedures.  Usually,
the  exchange happens this way: the called procedure accesses  a
variable  defined  by  the calling  procedure.  It  changes  the
definition of the variable, then returns control to the  calling
procedure.  The calling procedure can then use  the  information
the called procedure stored in the changed variable.

The  "local"  primitive  can hide a  variable  from  Dr.  Logo's
search. If calling and called procedures are using variables  of
the same name, as is unavoidably the case when a procedure calls
itself,  a local expression in the called procedure prevents  it
from altering the calling procedure's value of the variable.  An
input to a procedure is always local to the procedure.

        ?to peek.in :cookie.jar
        >(print "cookie.jar "contains :cookie.j!
        peek.in defined
        ?to look.again
        >; cookie.jar not defined here,
        >; just used!
        >(print [cookie.jar still contains] :co!
        look.again defined
        ?peek.in "sugar
        cookie.jar contains sugar
        cookie.jar still contains sugar
        ?to peer.in
        >local "cookie.jar
        >make "cookie.jar "choc.chip
        >(print [cookie.jar contains] :cookie.j!
        peer.in defined
        ?ern "cookie.jar
        cookie.jar has no value
        cookie.jar contains choc.chip
        cookie.jar still contains choc.chip
        cookie.jar still contains              !
        cookie.jar has no value in look.again: !
        (print [cookie.jar still contains] :co !

2.2 Giving inputs to procedures

You  can  use  one  or more variables in the  title  line  of  a
procedure  to define inputs to the procedure. Because  of  this,
procedures you define always have a fixed number of inputs.

Most  primitives also require a fixed number of  input  objects.
However, some primitives can accept a variable number of  inputs
when  the expression is enclosed in parentheses ["("  and  ")"].
Without  parentheses,  these  primitives  normally  require  two
inputs. With parentheses, they accept more or fewer inputs  than
are normally required, as shown in the following example.

        ?(word "sum "mer "sun "shine)
        ?list : favorites
        Not enough inputs to list
        ?(list :favorites)
        [[choc.chip peanut.but oatmeal.raisin !
        cream.fill brownie pinwheel shortbread!

Most  procedures expect a certain kind of input. When you  input
something  to  a  procedure, it is simply  an  object,  and  the
variable name is its container. What the procedure does with the
object  determines what kind of object is required. In  fact,  a
procedure executes normally until it reaches an expression  that
requires  a  different  kind of input  than  was  supplied.  For
example, if a procedure requires a number as input, it will  not
know  what  to do with a word, and Dr. Logo complains.  See  the
following example and Colorplate 36.

        ?to pentagon :size
        >pr [The five angles of a pentagon]
        >pr [equal 360 / 5 or 72 degrees.]
        >repeat 5 [fd :size rt 72]
        pentagon defined
        ?pentagon 40
        The five angles of a pentagon
        equal 360 / 5 or 72 degrees.
        ?pentagon "forty
        The five angles of a pentagon
        equal 360 / 5 or 72 degrees.
        fd doesn't like forty as input in pent!
        agon: repeat 5 [fd :size rt 72]

As  you write procedures that take words and numbers  apart  and
then  put them back together, you might create a  quoted  number
such  as  "123.  In general, Dr. Logo accepts  a  quoted  number
anywhere  an  unquoted number is expected. It  also  accepts  an
unquoted number where a quoted word is expected. For example,  a
primitive that expects numbers as input accepts quoted numbers.

        ?sum "53 "42

A  primitive  that  expects  a word or  list  as  input  accepts
unquoted numbers.

        ?first 9876

One  exception  is the "ascii" primitive. It requires  a  quoted
character as input. "ascii" does not distinguish among numerals,
letters, and symbols.

        ?ascii "2
        ?ascii 2
        ascii doesn't like 2 as input

2.3 Classifying procedures

All procedures operate the same way. You use them by following a
procedure  name  with  inputs in an  expression.  However,  Logo
programmers sometimes find it convenient to classify procedures,
that  is  to  say, to group procedures that  have  something  in
common  together  and give the group a name.  For  example,  the
procedures  that  come with Dr. Logo and make up  Dr.  Logo  are
called "primitives".

Most  procedures  can be classified as either a  command  or  an
operation. A command initiates an action. For example,  commands
move  the  turtle, draw pictures, and display  text.  A  command
procedure  generally  ends with "end" or  "stop".  An  operation
returns  an  object: TRUE, FALSE, a word, number, or  list.  The
last  expression  to be evaluated in an operation  procedure  is
always  an  output  expression.  Of  course,  you  can  write  a
procedure that initiates an action before it outputs an  object.
However,   most  primitives  are  simple  commands   or   simple
operations.  The  descriptions  in  Section  6,  "References  to
Primitives", refer to primitives as operations or commands.

Note  that the po primitives, which display things on  the  text
screen,  are commands, not operations. Commands such  as  pocall
and  popkg format lists with spaces and tabs for display on  the
screen,  making  the lists inappropriate for  input  to  another

Logo programmers also use classification names to describe kinds
of operations. Logical operations such as "and", "not", and "or"
return  either  TRUE  or FALSE. An expression  that  contains  a
logical  operator  and, therefore, evaluates to either  TRUE  or
FALSE is called a "predicate expression". Because of this, other
logical operation names end with p. For example,

        ?numberp "two
        ?numberp 2

Other   logical  operators  you  can  use  to   form   predicate
expressions are equalp, emptyp, memberp, listp, and wordp.  When
you  write  a  procedure that outputs TRUE or  FALSE,  give  the
procedure  a  name  that ends with p to indicate that  it  is  a
logical operation.

Arithmetic   operations   output   numbers.   Most    arithmetic
expressions  are  formed  normally,  with  the  procedure   name
followed by its inputs.

        ?product 2 3

However, some arithmetic operations are defined by symbols: +  -
*  /  ^,  instead  of names.  Some  logical  operations,  called
"relational  operators",  also use symbols: < >  =,  instead  of
procedure   names.  Procedures  that  use  symbols  instead   of
procedure names can be infix operators, which means you can  put
the  symbol between the inputs in the expression. These  symbols
also  work  as  prefix operators,  where  the  primitive  symbol
precedes its inputs.

        ?2 * 3
        ?= 2 2

2.4 Evaluating procedures

The  Dr.  Logo interpreter evaluates one line at a time  as  you
type  lines  at  your keyboard. Dr.  Logo  also  evaluates  your
procedures  one  line  at a time. When an  expression  within  a
procedure  begins  with the name of a different  procedure,  Dr.
Logo  must execute the called procedure before it can return  to
evaluate  the next line of the calling procedure. It  must  also
keep track of where it stopped executing the calling  procedure,
in case the called procedure calls yet another procedure.

To do this, Dr. Logo uses a stack. At toplevel, there is nothing
on the stack. During the execution of a procedure, there is  one
procedure  on the stack until it calls another; then, there  are
two.  If the second procedure calls a third, there are three  on
the  stack, and so on. The number of procedures on the stack  is
sometimes  called  the level number.  The  debugging  facilities
"trace"  and  "watch"  display the level  number  as  procedures
execute. Toplevel is level number 0.

Dr. Logo assigns part of memory to the stack. Dr. Logo also uses
this part of memory to store the values of local variables. If a
procedure calls itself and the level number becomes very  large,
or  if the procedure defines a great many local  variables,  the
stack space might fill up. When this occurs, Dr. Logo displays a
message and stops executing the procedure.

When  a  procedure is never called by any other  procedure,  but
does call on other procedures itself, Logo programmers  classify
it   as  a  superprocedure  and  the  procedures  it  calls   as
subprocedures.  Dr. Logo's potl primitive displays the names  of
the  superprocedures  in  your workspace.  A  pocall  expression
displays the subprocedures called by the input-named  procedure.
A poref expression displays the procedures that call the  input-
named procedure.

DRLRM3.WS4      (= "Dr. Logo Reference Manual", Section 3)

(Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE.)

Section 3: Editing commands

To edit with Dr. Logo means to enter new text, or to change text
you  have already entered. Editing can be as simple as fixing  a
typing  error  in a line you have typed to the  interpreter's  ?
prompt,  or  as complex as defining several long  procedures  at
once in Dr. Logo's screen editor.

Dr.  Logo gives you three ways to edit: line editing,  procedure
editing,  and screen editing. You use line editing  commands  in
both procedure and screen editing. Procedure editing is a simple
extension  of  line  editing,  and  screen  editing  builds   on
procedure editing. This section tells when, why, and how to  use
Dr.  Logo's line editing, procedure editing, and screen  editing

You give the commands described in this section to Dr. Logo with
control  characters,  not with expressions. To enter  a  control
character,  hold  down  the control key  (marked  Ctrl  on  your
keyboard)  and  press the required letter key. Not  all  of  Dr.
Logo's control character commands edit text; some interrupt  and
terminate  procedure  execution. The last part of  this  section
introduces Dr. Logo miscellaneous control character commands.

3.1 Line editing

You  can use line editing commands to correct any text  you  are
entering  to  Dr. Logo. When you write a program that  asks  the
user  to type something at the keyboard, the user can  also  use
line  editing commands to change his input. The following  table
summarizes Dr. Logo's line editing control characters.

Table 3-1. Line editing control characters

Format: Character

Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.

Moves the cursor [B]ack one character; that is to say, it  moves
the cursor one position to the left.

[D]eletes the character indicated by the cursor.

Moves the cursor to the [E]nd of the line.

Moves  the  cursor [F]orward one character; that is to  say,  it
moves the cursor one position to the right.

Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.

[I]nserts a tab (three spaces).

[K]ills  the  remaining  line; that is to say,  it  deletes  all
characters  right of the cursor to the end of the line.  Deleted
characters are stored in buffer.

[Y]anks  text from the buffer; that is to say,  redisplays  line
most  recently  stored  in  the buffer by  an  Enter  or  Ctrl-K

The  following  examples  show how you  can  use  these  control
characters  when  you are entering expressions to the  Dr.  Logo
interpreter.  In these examples, the underbar  ("_")  represents
the cursor.

Once  you have typed a line, you can use control  characters  to
move  the  cursor  left and right over the text.  You  can  make
corrections anywhere in the command line.

        ?repaet 36 [fd 8 lf 10]_        (repeat and lt mistyped)
        ?r_epaet 36 [fd 8 lf 10]         (Ctrl-A to beginning of line)
        ?repaet_ 36 [fd 8 lf 10]         (Ctrl-F to move cursor right)
        ?rept_ 36 [fd 8 lf 10]           (Ctrl-H deletes chars to the left)
        ?repeat_ 36 [fd 8 lf 10]         (ea corrects repeat)
        ?repeat 36 [fd 8 lf 10]_        (Ctrl-E to end of line)
        ?repeat 36 [fd 8 lf_ 10]         (Ctrl-B moves cursor left)
        ?repeat 36 [fd 8 l_ 10]          (Ctrl-D deletes cursor position)
        ?repeat 36 [fd 8 lt_ 10]         (t corrects lt)

You can press the Enter key to send your command to Dr. Logo  no
matter  which character the cursor is indicating in the  command
line.  When you press Enter to send a line to  the  interpreter,
Dr. Logo stores the line in a buffer. You can recall the  stored
line  with  Ctrl-Y.  This is handy if you want  to  execute  the
command again, execute it again with a minor modification, or if
you  made a typing error and pressed Enter before you  corrected

        ?save figures
        I don't know how to figures
        ?save figures_          (Ctrl-Y recalls line)
        ?save "f_igures          (Ctrl-B moves cursor left;
                                (" corrects line.)
        ?save "figures_         (Save file on default drive; Enter
                                 then Ctrl-Y recalls line.)
        ?save "f_igures          (Ctrl-B moves cursor left)
        ?save "b:f_igures        (b: to make copy on disk b: Enter)

You  can delete all or part of a line with a Ctrl-K command.  If
you have second thoughts, you can recall the deleted  characters
with Ctrl-Y.

        ?erns "figure.pack_     (erase names? maybe not...)
        ?e_rns "figure.pack      (Ctrl-A to beginning of line)
        ?_                      (Ctrl-K erases line)
        ?erns "figure.pack_     (Yes, erase names; Ctrl-Y recalls line)

You  can  also use Ctrl-K and Ctrl-Y to repeat a  portion  of  a
command line.

        ?(pr "I char 3 "N "Y
        I o N Y
        ?(pr "I char 3 "N "Y    (Ctrl-Y recalls line)
        ?(pr "_I char 3 "N "Y    (Ctrl-B moves cursor left)
        ?(pr _                  (Ctrl-K erases part of line)
        ?(pr "I char 3 "N "Y_   (Ctrl-Y recalls partial line)
        ?(pr "I char 3 "N "Y "  "I char 3 "N "Y "  "I char 3 "N "Y "
                                (Quoted blank spaces and Ctrl-Y
                                 keystrokes extend command.)
        I o N Y  I o N Y  I o N Y

3.2 Procedure editing

When you are interacting with the Dr. Logo interpreter, during a
pause, or while watching a procedure's executon, you can use the
special  words  "to"  and "end" to enter  and  exit  Dr.  Logo's
procedure editor. For example, when you type a line that  begins
with  "to"  to the interpreter's ? prompt, Dr. Logo  enters  the
procedure editor.

        ?to circle :size
        >repeat 36 [fd :size rt 10]
        circle defined

The  procedure editor's prompt, >, tells you that Dr. Logo  will
not  immediatelly evaluate the expressions you enter  to  define
the new procedure. Within the procedure editor, you can use  any
of  the  line editing control characters commands  to  move  the
cursor, correct errors, delete characters and lines, and  recall

To  exit the procedure editor, you must enter the  special  word
"end"  by  itself as the last line of the  procedure.  After  it
reads  an end line, Dr. Logo defines the procedure  and  returns
you  to  the  situation from which  you  entered  the  procedure

3.3 Screen editing

To  make changes to a defined procedure without  reentering  the
complete procedure definition to the procedure editor, you  must
use  Dr. Logo's screen editor. Using the screen editor, you  can
move  from line to line in a procedure and make changes in  each
line. You can also load any number of procedures into the screen
editor  and make changes to each one. In addition, you  can  use
the screen editor to change the contents of variables.

The  screen  editor is smart; that is to say, it  makes  certain
assumptions  about your objectives for an editing  session.  For
example,  if  you define a procedure in the  screen  editor  and
forget  to  enter "end", the screen editor adds an end  line  to
your  procedure.  When the execution of one of  your  procedures
produces  an  error message and you call the screen  editor,  it
assumes  that  you want to edit  that  procedure,  automatically
loads  that procedure into itself, and positions the  cursor  at
the line in which the error occurred.

As  with the procedure editor, you can enter the  screen  editor
while interacting with the interpreter, during a pause, or while
you are WATCHing the execution of a procedure. You cannot  write
a procedure that uses the screen editor.

Before  you  can use the screen editor to make changes  to  your
procedures  or  variables, you must load the ones  you  want  to
change  into  the screen editor's buffer.  The  screen  editor's
buffer is its own private workspace. Within the buffer, you  can
make  changes, add text, and delete text. However,  the  changes
you make do not become a part of Dr. Logo's workspace until  you
exit  the screen editor. The changes must become a part  of  Dr.
Logo's workspace before you can save them on disk.

There  are  four primitives that load procedures  and  variables
into the screen editor's buffer and enter the screen editor. All
four  start  with "ed". Each one enters the screen  editor;  the
only difference between these primitives is what they load  into
the screen editor's buffer. The descriptions of these primitives
in Section 6, "References to Primitives", tell what input  names
these primitives require to load selective groups of  procedures
and  variables  into the screen editor's buffer.  The  following
table describes these four primitives.

Table 3-2. Load primitives

Format: Primitive

edit (ed)
Use edit, or its abbreviation ed, to load a procedure or a  list
of procedures into the screen editor's buffer. If the  execution
of  a  procedure  has  ended  with  an  error  message  and  you
immediately  enter  edit without an input  procedure  name,  the
screen  editor automatically loads the erroneous procedure  into
the buffer, and positions the cursor at the offending line.

Use edall to load both variables and procedures into the  screen
editor's  buffer.  "edall"  without  an  input  name  loads  all
procedures and variables in Dr. Logo's workspace into the screen
editor's buffer.

Use  edns  to load a group of variables, names into  the  screen
editor's  buffer.  "edns"  without  an  input  name  loads   all
variables  in  Dr.  Logo's workspace into  the  screen  editor's

Use edps to load a group of procedures into the screen  editor's
buffer. "edps" without an input name loads all procedures in Dr.
Logo's workspace into the screen editor's buffer.

When  you  use  one of these primitives  and  enter  the  screen
editor, it clears all normal text from the screen, and  displays
only  the  contents of its buffer. The screen  editor  does  not
display  a  prompt  character,  but  the  cursor  indicates  the
location  that  an insertion or control character  command  will

While  in  the screen editor, you can use all the  line  editing
control characters described in Section 3.1, "Line Editing",  to
make  corrections within lines. The table below  summarizes  the
screen editing control characters you can use to move the cursor
from  line  to line, to page through the buffer,  and  exit  the
screen editor.

Table 3-3. Screen editing control characters

Format: Character

Exits   screen  editor;  updates  Dr.  Logo's   workspace   with
definitions of all procedures and variables from screen editor's

Exits  screen editor but does not update Dr.  Logo's  workspace.
Any   changes  made  during  the  screen  editing  session   are

Readjusts display so that line currently indicated by the cursor
is positioned at the center of the screen. If the cursor is less
than  12  lines  from the beginning of the  buffer,  the  screen
editor simply beeps when Ctrl-L is pressed.

Moves  the cursor to the [N]ext line; the cursor moves down  one
line towards the end of the buffer.

[O]pens a new line. A Ctrl-O keystroke is equivalent to pressing
Enter followed by Ctrl-B.

Moves  cursor  to the [P]revious line; the cursor moves  up  one
line towards the beginning of the buffer.

Displays  the  next screenfull of text in  the  screen  editor's
buffer, the next 24 lines towards the bottom of the buffer.

Displays the previous screenfull of text in the screen  editor's
buffer,  the  previous  24 lines towards the  beginning  of  the

Positions  the  cursor at the beginning of the  screen  editor's

Positions the cursor at the end of the screen editor's buffer.

The  following  examples show how you can combine  these  screen
editing control characters with line editing control  characters
for editing shortcuts. Several combinations of control character
commands  are  convenient and worth remembering.  Ctrl-E  Ctrl-D
deletes  the  Carriage Return between two lines and  makes  them
into  one  line.  Ctrl-A  Ctrl-K  deletes  the  line   currently
indicated by the cursor. You can combine Ctrl-O with Ctrl-Y  and
Ctrl-K to quickly move a line within the screen editor. The line
moved  below makes the countdown procedure print a 0  before  it
stops.  The edit is performed with only eight control  character

        ?countdown 4
        ?ed "countdown
                                (editor clear screen)
        to countdown :number_
        if :number = 0 [stop]
        pr :number
        countdown :number - 1
                                (Ctrl-N Ctrl-A positions cursor
                                 at line to be moved)
        to countdown :number
        i_f :number = 0 [stop]
        pr :number
        countdown :number - 1
                                (Ctrl-K deletes line)
        to countdown :number
        pr :number
        countdown :number - 1
                                (Ctrl-N positions cursor at new location)
        to countdown :number

        pr :number
        c_ountdown :number - 1
                                (INS Ctrl-Y inserts line)
        to countdown :number

        pr :number
        i_f :number = 0 [stop]
        countdown :number - 1
                                (Ctrl-C defines procedure.)
        countdown defined
        ?countdown 4

The  paging  control character commands become useful  when  you
have  more than 24 lines of text in the screen editor's  buffer.
You can enter edall to load everything from Dr. Logo's workspace
into  the screen editor's buffer, then experiment  with  Ctrl-L,
Ctrl-V, ESC-V, ESC-<, and ESC->.

To exit the screen editor normally, press Ctrl-C. In this  case,
Dr. Logo updates the definitions of procedures and variables  in
its  workspace  with the definitions from  the  screen  editor's
buffer. If you have modified the title line of a procedure,  Dr.
Logo  defines a new procedure and does not change  the  original
definition  of the procedure currently in the workspace. If  you
omitted an end line at the end of a procedure, Dr. Logo adds one
as it updates its workspace.

To discard the changes you have made during an editing  session,
exit  the  screen  editor with Ctrl-G. This  leaves  Dr.  Logo's
workspace  in the same condition you found it when  you  entered
the screen editor.

When  you  exit the screen editor, Dr. Logo returns you  to  the
same  situation  from  which you entered. For  example,  if  you
entered  the  screen editor during a pause in a  procedure,  Dr.
Logo returns to the appropriate pause prompt and waits for  your
next command.

In  a  certain  situation,  you can use  a  few  screen  editing
commands  outside the screen editor. This situation occurs  when
you are entering a long expression outside the screen editor and
Dr. Logo prints a "!" before starting on the next line. In  this
case, you can use Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N to move up and down  between
lines.  You  can  also use Ctrl-O to open a new  line,  but  all
characters  right of the Ctrl-O keystroke are ignored; Dr.  Logo
treats  the  Ctrl-O as the end of the expression.  However,  the
characters are not lost. You can recall them with Ctrl-Y.

3.4 Other control character commands

Dr.  Logo  recognizes  several control  character  commands  for
actions  other  than  line editing. In fact,  the  only  control
characters that have no meaning for Dr. Logo are Ctrl-U, Ctrl-J,
Ctrl-R,  and Ctrl-X. The remaining control characters  terminate
and interrupt procedure execution and scrolling screen displays,
and  switch between a full graphics screen, a full text  screen,
and  a  split  screen. Section 4, "Text  and  Graphic  Screens",
describes  screen  control  character commands  in  detail.  The
following  table summarizes the miscellaneous control  character

Table 3-4. Additional control character commands

Format: Character

Immediately terminates the currently executing procedure.

Displays  a full graphics screen; devotes the monitor to  turtle

Carriage Return; same as pressing the Enter key.

Generates  the  [Q]uoting character ("\") that  makes  Dr.  Logo
treat a delimiter character as a literal character.

Displays a [S]plitscreen; divides the monitor between a  partial
graphic screen and a text window.

Displays a full [T]ext screen; devotes the monitor to text.

Interrupt  the  scrolling of a text display; [W]aits  until  the
next keystroke to continue the display.

Interrupts  the  currently executing procedure,  displays  pause
prompt  to allow interactive debugging. Enter "co"  to  continue
execution of interrupted procedure.

DRLRM4.WS4      (= "Dr. Logo Reference Manual", Section 4)

(Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE.)

Section 4: Text and graphic screens

One  of  Dr.  Logo's  most exciting  capabilities  on  your  IBM
Personal Computer is to create graphic designs and display  text
in  many beautiful colors. Dr. Logo shows you a graphics  cursor
called "the turtle", which dutifully draws designs according  to
your  instructions. However, this section does not tell you  how
to control the turtle; it tells you how to control the  physical
properties  of your display. It tells what combinations of  text
and  graphics  are  possible, how to  switch  between  text  and
graphic  screens, and how to control the colors of drawings  and

4.1 Monitors, screens, and windows

In  memory, Dr. Logo maintains two screens: a text screen and  a
graphic screen. A text screen contains only text, with up to  80
characters in one line. The text screen never contains more than
25  lines. A graphic screen can contain drawings and  text,  but
can  have  only 40 characters in one line.  The  graphic  screen
potentially  extends  beyond  the range  of  your  monitor. The
portion of the graphic screen your monitor can display is called
"the visual field".

Dr. Logo maintains these complete screens in memory, so that  it
can  display combinations of parts of them on your  monitor  and
restore  the  full display of either screen.  You  control  what
combination  of text and graphics appears on your  monitor  with
Dr.  Logo primitives and control character commands. Your  color
monitor can display both text and graphic screens. A  monochrome
monitor can display only the text screen.

To let you see the text of your procedures, or your  interaction
with  the interpreter, without devoting your entire  monitor  to
screen, Dr. Logo can direct part of the text screen into a  text
window. When a window of text appears on the graphic screen, the
combination of text and graphics is called "a splitscreen". When
you  enter "debug", Dr. Logo divides the monitor into  two  text
windows, then directs text displayed by a procedure to the lower
PROGRAM  window, and text displayed by debugging  facilities  to
the upper DEBUG window.

4.2 Displaying text and graphic screens

Dr. Logo supports both primitives and control character commands
that  make your monitor display the text screen and the  graphic
screen  in various combinations, as described in  the  following

Table 4-1. Displaying screens

Format: Control character

Displays a full graphic screen; devotes the monitor to graphics.

Displays  a splitscreen; divides the monitor between  a  partial
graphic screen and a text window.

Displays a full text screen; devotes the monitor to text.

(no control character)
Displays two text windows on the monitor.

(no control character)
Closes  text  windows, returns monitor to a  cleared  full  text

The  control character commands are the quickest way  to  switch
displays while you are interacting with the interpreter. Use the
fullscreen, splitscreen, and textscreen primitives when you want
to switch displays within a procedure. You must always use debug
and  nodebug to control the two debugging text windows.  "debug"
disables   Ctrl-S   and  splitscreen;  you  cannot   display   a
splitscreen  while  you are using the  debugging  text  windows.
"nodebug" restores Ctrl-S and splitscreen.

When  you  are using one color monitor, Dr.  Logo  automatically
displays  a splitscreen when you enter a command that moves  the
turtle.  However,  Dr.  Logo  can support both  a  color  and  a
monochrome  monitor.  When  you  have  two  monitors,  Dr.  Logo
automatically  displays  the  text  screen  on  the   monochrome
monitor, and the graphic screen on the color monitor.

Having two monitors changes the way some of the display  control
primitives  work. When you have two monitors, Dr. Logo does  not
automatically  display a splitscreen when you enter  a  graphics
command  because  full  graphic  and  text  screens  are  always
displayed. However, you can use Ctrl-S and splitscreen to open a
text  window  on the graphic screen. To remove  the  splitscreen
text  window and display the full text screen on the  monochrome
monitor,  you can use fullscreen, Ctrl-L, or Ctrl-T. If you  use
textscreen  at  any  time  on a two  monitor  system,  Dr.  Logo
displays the text screen on the color monitor.

4.3 Text screen

The text screen has positions for 2000 text characters: 25 lines
of text with 80 characterrs in each line. The coordinate  system
shown below references these characters. A text coordinate  list
contains two numbers: the first is the row or character  number,
and the second is the line number.

          [0 0]                           [79 0]
                |                       |
                |                       |
                |                       |
                |                       |
                |                       |
         [0 24]                           [79 24]

You use this coordinate system with "setcursor" to position  the
cursor within the text screen.

Dr. Logo lets you control the foreground and background color of
each  character cell. "textbg" sets the background of  the  text
screen  to the color represented by the input number. There  are
eight  possible  colors, so normally you input a number  in  the
range  0 to 7. However, textbg also controls whether or not  the
foreground  characters  blink. To display  blinking  characters,
input  a  number  between 8 and 15 to textbg, as  shown  in  the
following table.

Table 4-2. Background colors

Normal  Blinking        Background color
------  --------        ----------------
  0         8           Black
  1         9           Blue
  2        10           Green
  3        11           Cyan
  4        12           Red
  5        13           Magenta
  6        14           Brown
  7        15           Grey

"textfg"  sets  the foreground of the text screen to  the  color
represented  by  the  input number. The  IBM  Personal  Computer
supports  16 foreground colors, but if your color  monitor  does
not support two levels of intensity, you can see only the  first
eight colors listed in the following table.

Table 4-3. Foreground colors

Input   Foreground      Input   Foreground
number    colors        number    colors
------  ----------      ------  ----------
  0       Black            8      Black
  1       Blue             9      Bright blue
  2       Green           10      Bright green
  3       Cyan            11      Bright cyan
  4       Red             12      Bright red
  5       Magenta         13      Bright magenta
  6       Brown           14      Yellow
  7       Grey            15      White

4.4 Graphic screen

Dr.  Logo  gives you complete control of the  60,000  individual
dots that make up the visual field of your graphic screen; there
are 300 dots horizontally and 200 dots vertically.  Technically,
these  dots are called "pixels". A turtle step is equivalent  to
one  dot.  For example, when you enter "forward 1",  the  turtle
moves  forward one pixel. The dots make any diagonal  lines  the
turtle  draws seem jagged. Although Dr. Logo  calculates  angles
and  headings  with great precision, the turtle  rounds  to  the
nearest degree before drawing.

4.4.1 Graphic coordinates and the visual field

You can reference each dot on the graphic screen individually by
its  coordinates.  Using coordinates, you can quickly  move  the
turtle  to  any location on the screen (setpos), or  change  any
single dot to the turtle's current pencolor (dot).

A  graphic  screen coordinate list contains two  numbers:  an  x
coordinate indicates the horizontal position, and a y coordinate
indicates the vertical position. For example, the coordinates of
the turtle's home position are [0 0], the center of the  screen.
To reference a dot in the visual graphic field, the x coordinate
can be in the range -160 to +159, and the y coordinate can be in
the range -99 to +100.

     [-160 100]                           [159 100]
                |                       |
                |                       |
                |         [0 0]         |
                |                       |
                |                       |
     [-160 -99]                           [159 -99]

When you first start Dr. Logo, the visual field is just a window
on  a  greater graphics plane. You can use numbers  outside  the
visual  coordinate  ranges to reference  positions  outside  the
visual  field;  the turtle can draw a part of a design  off  the
monitor and return. You can limit the turtle to the visual field
with  two  primitives: fence and wrap. "fence" sets  a  boundary
around the edge of the visual field. When the turtle  encounters
the  boundary,  Dr. Logo complains "Turtle out  of  bounds"  and
stops any executing procedure. "wrap" makes the turtle  reappear
on  the  opposite  side  of the  monitor  when  it  exceeds  the
boundary. Use "window" to remove the boundary.

4.4.2 Graphic text coordinates

On  the  graphic  screen,  there  are  positions  of  1000  text
characters:  25 lines of text with 40 characters per  line.  The
coordinate system shown below references these character  cells.
In  a  text  coordinate list, the first number  is  the  row  or
character number, and the second number is the line number.

          [0 0]                           [39 0]
                |                       |
                |                       |
                |                       |
                |                       |
                |                       |
         [0 24]                           [39 24]

You can use this coordinate system to position the cursor within
the splitscreen text window (setcursor), or to take input from a
lightpen (lpen).

When you use "turtletext" to display text on the graphic screen,
the  first  character of the input object appears in  the  first
character  cell  to the right of the turtle's center  line.  The
character  might  not appear directly under the  turtle  if  the
turtle is not on a character cell boundary.

4.4.3 Graphic colors

Although  your color monitor can display many different  colors,
the graphic screen can contain only four colors at any one time.
In Dr. Logo, the number you input to setbg specifies with set of
four colors you want your monitor to display.

First,  you have to select a background color. The IBM  Personal
Computer  supports  eight  background colors in  two  levels  of
intensity,  although  your  color  monitor  might  not   display
different   intensities.  The  numbers  setbg   accepts   select
background colors as described in the following table.

Table 4-4. Background color intensity

Low intensity           High intensity
-----------------       ------------------
0 16 32 48  Black        8 24 40 56  Black
1 17 33 49  Blue         9 25 41 57  Blue
2 18 34 50  Green       10 26 42 58  Green
3 19 35 51  Cyan        11 27 42 59  Cyan
4 20 36 52  Red         12 28 43 60  Red
5 21 37 53  Magenta     13 29 45 61  Magenta
6 22 38 54  Yellow      14 30 46 62  Yellow
7 23 40 55  White       15 31 47 63  White

Each  of  the four numbers for a background  color  specifies  a
different  pen for the turtle to use. The turtle has four  pens.
Each  pen  has four unique colors of ink, one of  which  is  the
background color that the turtle uses for erasing. Use setpc  to
select the pen's ink color.

When the background color is in the range 0 to 15,

        - setpc 1 selects dark green ink
        - setpc 2 selects dark red ink
        - setpc 3 selects dark yellow ink

When the background color is in the range 16 to 31,

        - setpc 1 selects bright green ink
        - setpc 2 selects bright red ink
        - setpc 3 selects bright yellow ink

When the background color is in the range 32 to 47,

        - setpc 1 selects dark cyan ink
        - setpc 2 selects dark magenta ink
        - setpc 3 selects dark grey ink

When the background color is in the range 48 to 63,

        - setpc 1 selects bright cyan ink
        - setpc 2 selects bright magenta ink
        - setpc 3 selects bright white ink

For  all  background color numbers, setpc 0  selects  background
color  (erasing)  ink.  When  Dr.  Logo  first  starts  up,  the
background color is 1, and the pencolor number is 2.

4.4.4 Graphic text color

"textbg"  controls  the  background color of  the  text  on  the
graphic screen, both the splitscreen text window and  characters
typed by turtletext. The background color of graphic text can be
any  one  of the four colors of the turtle's  current  pen.  For
example, the following table shows how a textbg command  affects
the  graphic text when the background of the graphic  screen  is
set to 1 (blue) and the four pencolors are blue, green, red, and

Table 4-5. Background color of graphic text

textbg number   Graphic text background
-------------   -----------------------
0, 4, 8, 12     Blue
1, 5, 9, 13     Green
2, 6, 10, 14    Red
3, 7, 11, 15    Yellow

Unlike  the  text screen, when you input a number  greater  than
seven  to  textbg,  graphic  screen  text  characters  are   not
affected. Characters on the graphic screen cannot blink.

"textfg"  controls  the foreground color of  graphic  text.  The
characters  in  the splitscreen text window and  the  turtletext
characters can be one of the four colors of the turtle's current
pen. For example, the following table shows how a textfg command
colors the graphic screen characters when the background of  the
graphic  screen  is set to 1 (blue) and the four  pencolors  are
blue, green, red, and yellow.

Table 4-6. Foreground color of graphic text

textfg number   Graphic text color
-------------   ------------------
0, 4, 8, 12     Blue
1, 5, 9, 13     Green
2, 6, 10, 14    Red
3, 7, 11, 15    Yellow

DRLRM5.WS4      (= "Dr. Logo Reference Manual", Section 5)

(Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE.)

Section 5: Property lists, workspace, and disks

Storage is one of Dr. Logo's most important resources. There are
two  kinds of storage: temporary storage and permanent  storage.
When  you  enter  procedure and  variable  definitions  at  your
keyboard,  they  are  temporarily  stored  in  a  part  of  your
computer's  memory  called  "the  workspace".  To  record   your
procedures permanently, you must save them on disk.

To  help organize your workspace and disk files, Dr.  Logo  lets
you bundle procedures and variables into packages. Dr. Logo does
this  by adding system properties to an object's property  list.
This  section tells how to use property lists and packages,  how
to  organize  your workspace for best performance,  and  how  to
create, copy, rename, and erase disk files.

5.1 Property lists

Any  object in the workspace can have a property list. In  fact,
Dr.  Logo uses property lists to create  variables,  procedures,
and packages.

A property list is made up of property pairs. The first  element
of  a property pair is the property name; the second element  is
its  value.  You can assign your own properties  to  an  object.
Property lists make it simple to store and retrieve information,
as shown in the following example.

        ?pprop "Kathy "ext 42
        ?pprop "Meryle "ext 58
        ?pprop "Ellen "ext 66
        Kathy's ext is 42
        Meryle's ext is 58
        Ellen's ext is 66

You  can create whatever property pairs are appropriate to  your
application.  Dr. Logo adds or removes property pairs  when  you
use  primitives  identified in the following table. Do  not  use
system  property names for purposes other than those  listed  in
the table.

Table 5-1. Property pairs

Property name   Primitive       Property value
-------------   -----------     --------------
    .APV        make, name,     The value of a global variable
                ern, erall,

    .BUR        bury, unbury    When TRUE, the package is buried

    .CAT        catch, throw    Catch descriptor

    .DEF        to, define,     The definition of a procedure
                er, erall,

    .ENL        to, ed          End of a procedure line that is broken by a
                                Carriage Return and spaces or tabs.

    .FMT        to, ed          Beginning of a procedure line that is broken
                                by a Carriage Return and spaces or tabs.

    .FUN                        Identifies an active function, a function in
                                the process of being evaluated.

    .PAK        package         The name of the package to which this object

    .PAR                        The parameters of an active function

    .PAU                        Pause

    .PKG        package         When TRUE, object is a package name

    .PRM                        Memory location of the primitive

    .REM                        Remark or comment that follows a semicolon

    .SPC                        Number of spaces that follow a Carriage
                                Return in a broken procedure line.

When  you use plist to display property lists, you  will  always
see an .APV pair in a variable name's property list, and a  .DEF
pair in a procedure's property lists. For example,

        ?make "flavor "chocolate
        ?plist "flavor
        [.APV chocolate]
        ?to eat.cookie
        >pr [yum yum!]
        eat.cookie defined
        ?plist "eat.cookie
        [.DEF [[] [pr [yum yum!]]]]

However, you might never see some of the pairs listed above in a
property list. This is because Dr. Logo puts properties such  as

during the procedure's execution.

5.2 Managing your workspace

Your  workspace is the part of your computer's memory  that  Dr.
Logo allocates for the temporary storage of your procedures  and
variables.  This  section  tells  how  Dr.  Logo  measures  your
workspace,  and  how  you  can use  packages  to  organize  your

5.2.1 Measuring your workspace

Dr. Logo measures your workspace in nodes. A node is  equivalent
to  five  bytes, and can hold five characters. In  general,  the
more  workspace  you  have,  the  better  your  procedures  will

You can check how many free nodes there are in your workspace at
any time with the "nodes" primitive. Try nodes immediately after
you  start Dr. Logo, to see the maximum size of your  workspace.
If you have enough memory in your IBM Personal Computer, you can
have  over  10,000  nodes at start-up. If you  use  "noprim"  to
remove  the  poprim  information from  the  workspace,  you  add
approximately 600 nodes to the maximum size of your workspace.

You  tie up nodes in your workspace by entering  procedures  and
other objects at the keyboard, or reading them in from disk with
"load".  Dr. Logo also adds to the contents of the workspace  by
making copies of local variables and recursive procedures during
a procedure's execution.

5.2.2 Garbage collection

Dr. Logo does not automatically throw out these copies of  local
variables  and recursively-called procedures after  a  procedure
finishes execution. However, when there are fewer than 200  free
nodes in your workspace, a part of Dr. Logo called "the  garbage
collector" sorts through the workspace and erases any copies  of
variables  or  procedures that are no longer needed.  You  might
occasionally  see  an  executing procedure hesitate  for  a  few
moments while the garbage collector does its work.

You can call the garbage collector with the "recycle" primitive.
If you use recycle to clean up the workspace before initiating a
time-critical  procedure,  you  minimize  the  chance  that  the
garbage collector will interrupt the execution of the procedure.
Try  using "nodes" before and after "recycle" to learn how  many
nodes  are  taken up by the temporary copies  of  variables  and

The garbage collector uses the stack as it sorts objects in your
workspace. Although Dr. Logo allocates stack space  dynamically,
if garbage collection occurs during the execution of a recursive
procedure  or other situation where the stack is  heavily  used,
the  garbage  collector can run out of stack  space.  When  this
occurs,  Dr.  Logo displays a message and  stops  executing  the

When workspace becomes critical because there are fewer than 400
free nodes, Dr. Logo displays an exclamation point prompt ("!").
In  this  situation,  enter  "recycle"  immediately.  If,  after
"recycle",  you still have fewer than 600 nodes, it is  time  to
reorganize  your  procedures,  save some of them  on  disk,  and
remove them from the workspace, to give the remaining procedures
room  to  execute.  You can use "load"  within  a  procedure  to
restore saved procedures to the workspace when they are needed.

5.2.3 Packages

Packages help you organize your workspace. When you put  related
procedures  and variables in a package, you can  display,  edit,
save,  and  erase  those procedures and  variables  as  a  group
separate from other procedures and variables in the workspace.

Use  "package"  to create a package or add items to  a  package.
"package"  requires  two inputs. The first is the  name  of  the
package. You can give "package" either a name or a list of names
of  items to be placed in the package as the second  input.  The
list can contain a mixture of variable and procedure names.  For

        ?package "cookies "flavor
        ?package "cookies [eat.cookies flavor]

"popkg"  displays the name and contents of each package  defined
in the workspace, as shown in the following example.


When  you  input  a  package  name  to  one  of  the   following
primitives, it takes action only on the procedures and variables
contained in the package.

        edall   erall   glist   pops    save
        edns    erns    poall   pots
        edps    erps    pons    pps

If  you do not specify a package name to these primitives,  they
act on all procedures and variables in the workspace, except for
those  in buried packages. A buried package is hidden  from  the
primitives listed above. To bury a package, use "bury", as shown
in the following example.

        ?bury "cookies
        cookies is buried

Dr. Logo creates and buries packages by adding system properties
to  property lists. It adds the .PAK property with the  name  of
the  package to the packaged procedure's or variable's  property
list.  It  adds  the .PAK property with the value  TRUE  to  the
package name's property list. When you bury a package, Dr.  Logo
adds the .BUR property with the value TRUE to the package name's
property  list.  The  primitives listed above that  can  take  a
package  name  as input check the property list of  the  package
name for the .BUR property before taking action.

5.3 Drives, disks, and files

When  you  turn  off  your  computer,  all  the  procedures  and
variables  in your workspace are lost. So, before you turn  your
computer  off, you must save them on a more permanent medium,  a
disk.  Dr. Logo stores information on disk in files,  and  gives
each  file the name you specify. The part of your computer  that
reads  and  writes  file on a disk is  called  a  "drive".  This
section gives some background information on drives, disks,  and

Many  of  the  primitives that copy and erase  disks  and  files
display a message that asks you to confirm that you do,  indeed,
want  to  copy or erase before the primitive proceeds.  This  is
because it is sometimes too easy to erase or copy over important
files by mistake. However, such messages make it inconvenient to
use  these  primitives  from  within  a  procedure.  The  system
variable NOACK controls whether or not these primitives  display
a message. Make NOACK TRUE to suppress the messages.

5.3.1 Drives

Your IBM Personal Computer has one or two drives. A drive can be
either single- or double-sided, which means the drive can  write
on  one  or both sides of the disk. If your drive can  write  on
both sides of the disk, you can store twice as much  information
on a disk.

When  you  first start Dr. Logo, it makes drive A:  the  default
drive. This means that, until you tell Dr. Logo to do otherwise,
it looks for information on the disk in drive A:. If you have  a
single-drive system, drive A: will always be your default drive.
If you have more than one drive, you can tell Dr. Logo to change
the default drive with a "setd" command. "defaultd" outputs  the
name of the default drive in uppercase.

        ?setd "b:

Before  you can save anything on disk, you must put a  formatted
disk  in a drive. You cannot save information on your  Dr.  Logo
system disk, so if you have a one-drive system, you must  remove
the Dr. Logo system disk from the drive and insert a data  disk.
To  tell  Dr.  Logo that you have inserted  a  new  disk,  enter
"resetd".  If  you try to save information on  a  newly-inserted
disk without entering "resetd", Dr. Logo will complain.

5.3.2 Disks

Dr.  Logo cannot save information on a disk that is  fresh  from
the box. The disk must be initialized or formatted to single- or
double-sided. During the initialization process, Dr. Logo  tests
and  prepares one or both surfaces of the disk for  future  load
and  save  operations. Appendix E, "Getting  Started",  and  the
description of "initd" in Section 6, "References to Primitives",
both tell how to initialize a disk.

Dr.  Logo measures the space on your disk in bytes,  not  nodes.
"spaced"  outputs  the number of free bytes on the disk  in  the
specified  drive. A single-sided disk can hold 150,000 bytes.  A
double-sided disk can hold 300,000 bytes.

5.3.3 Files

A  file  is a set of related information stored on disk.  A  Dr.
Logo file contains objects such as procedures and variables with
their  property  lists.  You can create a  Dr.  Logo  file  with
"save".  Dr. Logo saves either everything in the  workspace,  or
just the objects you specify with packages.

Dr. Logo gives the file the name you specify by writing the name
in  the  disk's directory. The name you specify  cannot  contain
more  than eight characters. If you specify a name  longer  than
eight  characters, Dr. Logo uses the first eight  characters  as
the name.

You  can change a file's name with "changef", copy a  file  with
"copyf", and erase a file with "erf". "getfs" outputs a list  of
the Dr. Logo file names on the disk in the default or  specified
drive.  Like  drive  names,  Dr.  Logo  outputs  file  names  in

"erf" and "getfs" can accept an ambiguous file name as input. An
ambiguous  file name can reference more than one file,   because
it contains a wildcard character and gives Dr. Logo a pattern to
match. The wildcard character is the question mark ("?"),  which
must be the last character in the file name.

        ?getfs "p?