Pictures and summaries from old computer meetings
- Vintage Computer Festival Europe 1.0, April 2000 in Munich
- Pictures from VCFe 1.0
- Gabys summary of VCFE 1.0 (in German)
- Helmuts summary of VCFE 1.0
- Vintage Computer Festival Europe 2.0, April 2001 in Munich
- Pictures from VCFe 2.0
- Joergs summary of VCFE 2.0 (in German)
- Vintage Computer Festival Europa 3.0, April 2002 in Munich
- Pictures from VCFe 3.0 (by Gaby Chaudry)
- Pictures from VCFe 3.0 (by Leopold Stein)
- please check out the
Official VCFe web page
- Xzentrix in Seeshaupt
- The official XzentriX Homepage
- Z-Fest in Gueglingen/Fuldatal
- Pictures and summaries from
past ZFests and preview of next ZFest.